my angel

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(MESSAGE FROM THE AUTHER: hey ya'll ive never had to do this before but just because of everything that has happened with loosing naya, i thought that id give you a little heads up that the next 2 pages might be a little too much for ya'll to deal with if you are still very much grieving and hating that naya is no longer with us. i will totally understand if you have to skip over the next few pages just so you dont get triggered in any way. you should be fine up untill the dream part, so once thats over you can continue to read my story!)

Mercedes: *sits in silence for a few minutes and just lets san catch her breath. then she gets an idea that will help santana feel a little better* watch out B! shes coming for you next... *laughs as does san*

Santana: *once she stops laughing she looks up at brittany's name and lightly drags her fingers over it* my beautiful britt-britt... you'd think after knowing you since our toddler years, that id know what to say to you. *laughs at herself so she doesnt cry* now that you really are an angel, and not just the goddess i once got to spend every minute of every day with. you still take my breath away without trying! *smiles as she takes another pause to think* ... me and elliot were talking earlier and we both agreed that if he grows up and manages to create a time machine. you would be one of the first people we would be sure to come and find. and then jessica, tommy and sasha of course. we would all get to be one big happy family just like we used to be. I can't wait! *smiles weakly as she starts to cry again* its so precious to witness how our grandbabies talk about you, even though they only know you through pictures and videos that ive shown them over the years. they love you so much and cant wait to meet you at the end of the rainbow one day. we will definitely go flying on our very own unicorns and leap from cloud to cloud having races and all that fun stuff. *smiles as she thinks about all the things jasmine keeps telling her she wants to do when they get to live in the clouds one day*

Mercedes: *still had a hold of santana hand, lightly dragging her thumb over the back of it and looks up to smile at her* im so proud of you san! im sure Britt is smiling down at you now. *they pause for a second to look at each other* i just feel like i need to give you a hug right now because if i dont then im sure brittany's spirit will come to haunt me and kick my ass. *laughs as does san then they both hug that lasted a few seconds*

Santana: thank you so much for bringing me here today. i really appreciate it *smiles*

Mercedes: no problem at all! you know ive got your back. whatever you need, im only a phone call away. *smiles*

Santana: thanks! *smiles* we should probably head back because the sun is pretty much gone and my crippling body doesnt do to well trying to walk around in the dark. *laughs at herself, thinking about the last time she fell on her ass because she didnt see where the curb ended and where the road started*

Mercedes: dont worry! If you go down then I go with you! *they both laugh at that but Santana also knows that Mercedes' was saying that so san knows she will always have a shoulder to cry on when she needs it.*

*back at Anna and Grace! anna was chilling in her bath and was surrounded by a few candles that lit up the room nicely. While grace had been chilling in the room and would check up on anna every couple of minutes to see if she needed anything.*

Anna: babe... *speaks loud enough so Grace can hear from the other side of the door*

Grace: *gets up and goes over to the bathroom door* yeah. You ok?

Anna: can you come in here please?

Grace: sure! *opens the bathroom door and goes to sit on the lid of the toilet so she could see what anna wanted to say*

Anna: *looks up at Grace* are you sure you dont wanna join me in here? *pouts then smiles cheekily*

Grace: i would love to but i already know that things will just escalate from that moment forward. *laughs because she rememebers all the times anna hasnt been able to keep her hands to herself when seeing so much as Grace's abs*

Anna: come on! i promise ill behave. *smiles innocently while her eyes tell another story*

Grace: alright! ill come in. *cant help but give anna what she wants. especially now that shes hurt and needs all the cheering up that grace can possibly offer to her* but keep in mind that its already 11pm and we have parental responsibilities to be up for in the morning. *starts to get undressed*

Anna: yeah, whatever! *puts her hands out to take hold of graces hands so she can step into the bath without slipping*

*santana and mercedes are now back home and have gotten into their pj's and have done their teeth and skincare routines. now they are in santana's bed, reflecting on their favourite parts of the day.*

Mercedes: *yawns at the exact same time as santana* good night snixx!

Santana: good night M! *smiles then they both turn round and turn off their bedside lights and fall asleep very quickly after that*

*santana's dream!*

it was a few days after brittany died. santana had been getting looked after by jessica, tommy, harper and annie. they would come around every time san would phone one of them for something, no matter how big or small. they were always talking with her and asking her to tell them how she feels so they could make sure that she wasnt having any thoughts of hurting herself because of her separation anxiety from Britt. as you know she is very stubborn when it comes to asking for help or trusting people enough for her to open up. so most days they would just get "im fine" or a more bitchy and expected answer like "my best friend is gone so what do you think?!". luckily none of them would get mad at her for being rude because they understood that she was going through alot. so they would just leave her to do her own thing and come back another day for the same kind of check up.*

*little did they know that when santana was alone at night, she did infact try to hurt herself in some way. but she was able to hide the scars and bruises under her big baggy jumpers so they could never find out. even to this day she still managed to stay covered up because she wears alot of long sleeved cardigans and tops.*

*but in her dream something different happens this time round. she was sat in her bathroom sobbing because she was really missing brittany. she had been throwing a few things around shouting out to no one in partcular, just letting the universe know how pissed off she is that brittany had to die. and that San wishes it could have been her instead because she was more of a bitch compared to her sweet angel of a girlfriend that never did any harm to anyone.*

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