damaged innocence

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*Santana had been driving behind the police into the middle of the woods where it was nothing but trees and some wildlife. she was getting more and more agitated as time went on*

Police no.1: *gets out the car and looks back to see san walking towards him* follow me ma'am! please dont run off and try to find her yourself because this man is very dangerous so you need to stick by us because we have done this a million times and we have the right equipment to deal with whatever the outcome is. *smiles symathetically to a very panicked santana*

Santana: ok! i understand officer! *smiles weakly as she tries to keep it together while she follows the 4 policemen deeper and deeper into the woods*

*after what felt like forever of walking and hearing nothing but the wind in the trees and the birds flying by, santana was reaching her breaking point*

Santana: where the hell are you taking me? is the guy here of not? *speaks with such attitude and frustration but she doesnt care because she just wants to find jasmine already*

Police no.1: im sorry ma'am, we are doing the best we can! we are going to find your Granddaughter and we wont rest until you are reunited with her. i promise! *smiles sympathetically, completly undertanding of santana's frustration with their current situation*

Santana: *walked behind the police officer a bit longer then she started to faintly hear screaming and complete distress so she takes off in the direction of the noise while the 4 policemen run after her* JAZZY... HOLD ON SWEETHEART, GRANDMA"S COMING! *runs faster than she has ever ran before. she comes up to a little hut like building. she continues to hear crying and can clearly hear now that it is definitely the cry of her granddaughter so without a second thought she kicks the door down and continues to follow the noise as she hears the men behind her trying to get her to stop and not to go any further incase she gets hurt* I cant just leave her there! she needs me! *was getting held back by 2 of the guys while the other 2 told her that they would go in first to figure out what room dave is in.*

*as soon as santana heard the 2 officers telling dave to get away from jasmine and put his hands up, she was so quick to run up the stairs and into the room where jasmine was curled up on a big double bed in a hysterical state, shouting for her grandma and brother*

Santana: *runs over and holds jasmine close trying not to hold too tight because jasmine keeps on sobbing about how much pain she is in* shhh... shhh... its ok sweetheart ... Grandma's here... you're safe now. *finally let the tears flow as feelings of guilt started to hit her as the image of jasmine's bare figure when san first got here, kept on coming to her mind and making her angerier that dave got away with doing this*

*There was only 2 policemen left in the room as the other 2 policemen esscorted Dave out the house*

Police no.4: *saw a pile of little girly clothes, obviously being the ones that belonged to Jasmine. he cautiously walked up to san with the clothes in his hand* here you go ma'am! *put the clothes on the bed next to san as she thanks him then goes back to trying to stop jasmine from screaming and shaking so much*

Santana: *was brushing her fingers through jasmines hair while her other arm held onto jasmine and kept her close* come on sweetheart , please take some deep breaths for grandma! you're safe now, i promise! *rocks jasmine gently as she attempts to calm down but is having such a hard time because she keep shouting about the pain and being scared of dave. she was far from loosening her grip on san thats for sure.*

Police no.3: *started thinking of ways to help santana* excuse me ma'am! would it be easier if you and jasmine came back in our car and ill drive your vehicle back for you! *looks down at Santana as she finally get jasmine to stop shouting and was just needing to comfort her so she can eventually stop shaking*

Santana: *with such exhaustion in her eyes, she looks up at the police officer that was speaking to her* yes please! that would be great, thank you! *smiles politely as the policemen smile back* ...come on jazzy, will you let go a second so i can get you dressed. then we can get you back home and you can have cuddles on the couch with me and Elliot? *brushes her fingers through jasmines hair*

Jasmine: *hesitantly loosens her grip on santana's hoodie and looks up at her* b-but i-i-it h-hurts Grandma! *cries again but not as much as before*

Santana: i know, i know! Grandma will help make it all better but we need to get your clothes on for now so we can get you home first. can you be a brave girl and do that for Grandma? *looks down at the fear and pain in Jasmine's little eyes*

Jasmine: *was shaking with fear and was so uncomfortable from the pain dave has caused her physically and mentally* o-o-okay!

Santana: well done sweetheart! im so proud of you! *kisses jasmine on the forhead then gently lays her on the bed trying not to show how freaked out she is by the damage dave has done because it would just set jasmine off again. so Santana just tries to get jasmine's clothes back on as quick and as gently as possible. her heart was breaking more and more because Jasmine was trying to fight against getting her clothes back on but santana knows that she needs to just get it over and done with so they can get back into the comfort of anna and grace's place* ...there you go sweetie, its all done now! *picks jasmine back up and holds her close as she gets up and out the house, making sure dave had been taken away already*

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