our little superhero

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*it was now 4pm and evewryone was starting to leave.*

Jessica: *goes round giving eveyrone goodbye hugs as does tommy.* alright mum, hand him over! *reaches her arms out to take Elliot back from her mum, who really did hold onto him every chance she got to do so that afternoon*

Santana: but.... *pouts and gives jessica her best fake puppy dog eyes as if she was really gonna take Elliot back home with her*

Jessica: no but's! hes my son and its my responsability to make sure he doesnt get taken away, even by his grandmother *looks at San with a playful stern look while everyone watching the interaction, just laughs at them for being this way*

Santana: fine! *playfully roll's her eyes as she give Elliot back to jessica* ...bye Munchkin! *smiles as she hugs Jessica and acts like she wasnt just about to steal her child* bye Tommy! *hugs him then Jessica and Tommy walk over to the front door so they can wave bye to their family*

Tommy: your mom is something else *laughs at the memory of San wanting to take Elliot home with her*

Jessica: yep! its hard to believe, that woman spent the majority of her life absolutly hating little kids. *laughs as she goes to place Elliot in his baby basket that he always takes naps in so Jessica can be close to him if she is watching her program or doing housework downstairs*

*5 years later! Elliot is 5 years old now and he is in a wheelchair because his spina bifida made him have problems with his nerves. therefor he never managed to lean to wall. he also doesnt have control over his bowel or blader because of the nerve damage so he is still in pullup's but his mum and dad don't draw attention to it because they dont want Elliot feeling so self consious at such a young age even though most people get out of nappys and learn to use the toilet by 2 or 3 years old*

Elliot: *was currently in the livingroom watching his programs. but he started to feel very sick and had a sore head so he couldnt really focus and enjoy watching the tv anymore* MAMA... *he shouts in a destressed kind of way so Jessica was quick to get to his side*

Jessica: whats wrong baby? *kneels down infront of the couch where Elliot was sat and looks up at him with concern*

Elliot: i dont feel well! *pouts because he doesnt like how he always gets head aches so easily and that always leads to him feeling sick. luckily he rarely actually throws up, but the feeling is still frustrating for him*

Jessica: aw baby, thats not good! *frowns because she hates that her son is always feeling unwell* would you like dada to get you some of your special medicine? then me and you can cuddle on the couch for a wee nap. *looks up at Elliot to see if he will agree to her idea. Elliot doesnt say anything and just nods his head sadly* ok baby! come on and we'll go find dada. *reaches out to pick Elliot up and place him on her hip as she makes her way through the house and out the back to the garden, where Tommy was doing some work in the garden to make it "Elliot friendly"*

Tommy: *hears the back door open so he looks up to see Jessica and Elliot* hey... how are my baby's doing? *smiles up at Jessica and Elliot*

Elliot: *was laying on Jessica's shoulder and had his arms round the back of her neck just holding on so he didnt fall from her arms* dada, i dont feel well! *pouts as he looks up at Tommy with sad eyes*

Tommy: oh no! thats not good buddy! *rubs Elliots back to comfort him* would you like me to get you some special medicine? *looks at Elliot as he nods his head* ok... just give me a second to clear this stuff up out here then ill be in to give you big cuddles, ok?

Elliot: ok dada! *smiles weakly as Tommy gives him a kiss on the head before going back to tidying his stuff out the garden*

Jessica: come on baby, lets go cuddle on the couch and wait for dada to come in. *kisses Elliot on the head as she walks back into the house with him cuddling into her side*

*less than 5 minutes later!*

Tommy: *comes inside to see Jessica sat on the couch holding Elliot as he cuddles and rests his head on her chest* hey! hows my brave little superhero doing? *talks calmly as he goes round to sit next to jessica so he can reach Elliot*

Elliot: it hurts dada! *is getting upset now because hes so tired of having headaches and feeling sick*

Tommy: *rubs Elliots back* dont worry buddy! im gonna give you your special medicine and that will help take the pain away. *kisses Elliot on the head then disapears into the kitchen to get calpole and a banana milkshake since thats elliots favourite* ...looks what ive got! *walks towards the couch and tries to be enthusiastic so it helps lift Elliots spirits a little bit*

Elliot: *lifts his head up to look over at the sippy cup with banana milkshake in it* BANANA! *reaches out as Tommy hands him the sippy cup*

Tommy: alright! you need 2 of these then you can drink your milk, deal? *looks at Elliot, hoping he doesnt fight it because of the weird taste in the medicine that he told Tommy about the first time Elliot had to take it*

Elliot: *sighs a little because he keeps forgetting about how bad it tastes till after he swallows it* ok dada!

Tommy: *smiles at Elliot not being difficult about it* alright! ...open up *holds the spoon of calpole up to Elliot's mouth and feeds 2 spoons of it to him before putting the bottle and used spoon on the side table so Tommy can join in with cuddling Elliot*

*for the next half hour, the 3 of them cuddle in silence and try to get Elliot down for a wee nap so he can wake up feeling bettter*

*its about 2pm when Elliot starts to wake up from his nap*

Elliot: *wakes up and is laying on the couch alone, with nothing but his blancket and teddy dragon* Mama... *still isnt fully awake so he doesnt bothers to look around the room to see if he can see Jessica*

Jessica: *was halfway down the stairs when she hears Elliot call her* im right here baby... *smiles as Elliot lifts his head to see her standing behind the couch* are you feeling better?

Elliot: yeah! *smiles at Jessica as he pushes himself up so that he can sit*

Jessica: thats good! *smiles as she sits next to Elliot and makes sure he doesnt fall of the side of the couch, since his balance isnt always on his side*

Elliot: where's dada? *looks around but can't see or hear Tommy*

Jessica: hes just out at the shop getting you a little surprise *smiles as Elliots eyes light up at the mention of a surprise because it usuallu means hes gonna get a new teddy* are you excited? *smiles because she can already see the excitement radiating from Elliot*

Elliot: I so excited mama! *smiles as he bouces a little*

Jessica: *reaches her hands out to make sure Elliot doesnt fall over* careful now, we dont want you falling and hurting yourself, do we? *tries to say it calmly so Elliot doesnt get upset and think he has done something really bad*

Elliot: i sorry mama! i just excited to see my su'p'ise from dada! *smiles wide as Jessica Smiles down at Elliot. shes so relieved that he is feeling better*

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