so much to be thankful for

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*once all the presents were over and done with, all the adults cleared up the scraps of wrapping paper and cardboard then they all cuddled up on the couches and watched a christmas movie together. first up was the grinch, chosen by the kids. then they watched home alone because that was more of a grown up one but still good enough for the kids to enjoy as well*

*3 hours later! the movies were done and all the kids including santana, were all sleeping. So all the adults that were still up and about decided to go into the dinning room and leave san and the kids to sleep for a little while*

*Mercedes' phone! she took a pic of san and the kids all cuddles you to her like little koala bears. Then she posted it on her facebook and captioned it*

caption: mother is the title just about Queen! this superwoman right here definitely knows how to fit that mold so well. *smiley face and a heart*

*once mercedes posted her pic, she puts a blanket over the sleeping angels then goes back into the dinning room with the rest of the gang*

*45 minutes later! Santana woke up but she couldnt move anywhere because she had a 4 year olds arms and legs holding onto her for dear life*

Mercedes: *luckily came into the living room to check up on san and the kids in that moment* hey oldie! did you enjoy your nap? *laughs a little as san tries to throw a pillow at mercedes without waking up jasmine*

Santana: just shut up and come help me here! *points to jasmine*

Mercedes: alright, im coming! *goes over to the couch and carefully lifts jasmine off santana's chest so she can stand up*

Santana: thanks! ill come back for them once i go to the toilet. *disappears up the stairs as mercedes goes back through to be with everyone else*

mercedes: *lays jasmine back on the couch to continue sleeping then she hear san come down the stairs, as mercedes walks into the dinning room and sees everyone talking* watch out everyone... the beast has awoken *laughs as does everyone*

Santana: *was walking towards the kitchen when she hear mercedes* be careful because this beast isnt too old to kick your ass back onto the street if you keep talking like that! *laughs as does everyone*

Mercedes: Bitch please... you wouldnt do that to me because you love me too much! *acts all confident and sure of herself because she has never had to deal with the snixx side of santana in all of the years they have been mates*

Santana: thats debatable! *tries to keep a straight face but she ends up smiling as does mercedes* im kidding... lets get this food out on the table then ill get the kids through here. *walks into the kitchen as does mercedes and ashley, so they can start getting all the food sorted. while sugar, anna and grace set the table with Sam and Toby*

Santana: *places the last dish onto the center of the table* dinner. is. served. *smiles round at everyone as they take a seat* ill get the kids! *goes into the living room to see Elliot getting a tickle attack by jasmine* whats going on in here? *smiles as the kids look round at her*

Elliot: Grandma, save me! *reaches out towards Santana*

Santana: *laughs* alright you guys.. *lifts jasmine off of Elliot so he can sit up* dinner is out on the table so you kids go on through and ill help elliot through. *gets all smiles from the kids then max and jasmine go and sit at the table while Santana gets Elliot back in his chair*

Elliot: i love getting woken up by tickles *playfully rolls his eyes as he and santana laugh*

Santana: get used to it kid because there will be a whole lot more of that when you have kids of your own. *laughs then a memory comes to mind* ...that was your mama's favourite way to wake up me and britt all the time, so im not surprised that jazzy has followed in her footsteps *smiles as she rememebers jessica as a kid and all the fun things they got to do just the 3 of them.*

Elliot: *laughs a little but also gets hit with the familiar chest pains that he gets everytime he thinks of his parents* i miss them so much! ...someone seriously needs to invent a time machine like the one in that movie "mr peabody and sherman"! we could all be one big happy family again and me and jazzy would even get to meet Grandma britty. *smiles at san with tears in his eyes as she looks at him the same way*

Santana: that would be perfect! luckily i have a smart kid like you in my family. maybe you can be the someone who makes something for us all *smiles* ...all you gotta do is stay in school for a couple more years. *laughs because she sees elliot rolling his eyes and reminding her how much he is already so fed up with school and hes only just started highschool recently*

Elliot: yeah... we'll see how that goes! *laughs as does san because they are used to elliot acting like he isnt actually that smart but he really is. he just needs to have more faith in himself*

Santana: come here you! *reaches over and gives elliot a hug* ... im so proud of all that you have done. even with the struggles that came with loosing your parents. you pushed through and are so selfless, making sure you keep your sister safe and happy. *smiles*

Elliot: *smiles* thanks Grandma! im very lucky to have such an amazing role model like you to show me how its done. i love you so much! *tears up a little from being overwhelmed by all his thoughts and feelings about everything thats happened with his family*

Santana: that is so sweet! *smiles at Elliots comment* i love you millions and billions sweetie! you and your sister are gonna go so far in life and are gonna inspire anyone and everyone that is lucky enough to know you both. and even when its my time to go, i will be watching over you, right beside your parents. we will all be cheering you on from above till the end of time. *pulls away from the hug and smiles at Elliot as she wipes away his tears*

*just then, jasmine burst through the door and shouted at them to hurry up so everyone can eat. this made santana and elliot laugh because they can already tell that santana's attitude is rubbing off on the little girl and they love that about her*

*5 minutes later! everyone was seated and had finished putting all the food they wanted onto their plates and got themselves the drink they wanted.*

Mercedes: as excited as i am to eat all this delicious food, i just wanna say a quick thank you to our wonderful host that made this family reunion possible, inviting us all into her lovely home. *smiles as san smiles back at mercedes and sees eveyone else smiling and nodding their heads in agreement to what mercedes just said*

Santana: thank you M! it is always a joy to have you're crazy ass in my home *laughs as does everyone* ...but in all seriousness i just wanna say thank you to you guys for being the greatest group of people i could ever wish for to help me and my family out in times of need. *looks at jasmine and elliot then anna and Grace as they all look back at her* ...with that being said. *picks up her glass of wine* here's too lots more adventures and long lasting memories for us all! *raises her glass and smiles as she sees everyone doing the same*

*after they cheers, everyone digs into the big feast infront of them and has a laugh with one another*

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