happy heavenly birthday britt

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Santana: *places a little pillow on the grass infront of Brittany's stone then she gets down and sits on her knees* hey beautiful! its me again... *laughs nervously as she tries to swallow the lump in her throat and takes a deep breath as she thinks of what to say* i cant believe that you are 63 years old today Britt. im sure you are the sexiest looking angel up there right now! ...not to be bias or anything. *laughs at herself because she totally is bias* i miss you so much baby! *lets a few tears fall* i cant believe that i havent been able to hold you or kiss you for 15 years. it feels like a goddamn eternity and i dont know what to do with myself. i literally started cuddle with that unicorn teddy of yours that you got back on our first date. i know its silly and so not like me to do something like that, so laugh all you want. *laughs at herself then sits in silence for a minute just to get herself together. just as she is about to speak again, she looks up as she hears Jasmine giggling and running towards her*

Jasmine: *wraps her arms over Santana's shoulders* hey Grandma! anna got the cupcakes for Grandma Britty! *smiles*

Santana: *opens her arms for Jasmine to sit on her lap and cuddle with her* thats awesome Sweetie! how about we all have one each and you can give one for britty to have too. *knows that Brittany cant have one but tries to just go along with it to make Jasmine happy*

Jasmine: *smiles then gets back up and goes to get the box of cupcakes from anna* here you go Grandma! *gives the box to Santana*

Santana: *smiles at Jasmine and takes the box of cakes, opening the box up* how about you pick one for Britty? *looks at Jasmine*

Jasmine: ok! *sits down next to Santana and looks into the box at all the different cupcakes* hmmm.... Grandma Britty can have this one because it has rainbow sprinkles on it just like the unicorn i drew for you. *smiles up at san*

Santana: she would love that one sweetie *smiles as she watches Jasmine carefully place the cupcake ontop of Brittany's stone* ...now which one are you gonna have ? *smiles as Jasmine stands infront of her, looking down at the cupcakes with her thinking face on*

Jasmine: ill have this one! *smiles as she points to a purple cupcake then gets handed it* thank you! *takes her chosen cupcake then goes and sits next to Santana*

Santana: *looks at Max! what about you bud? *watches as max takes out a yellow cupcake*

Max: thanks! *smiles then sits down next to Jasmine as they both eat their cupcakes*

Santana: *sees that Anna, Grace and elliot have returned from getting a few things from the car* what one would you like to have Elliot? *turns slightly so she can hold the box out for elliot to choose one*

Elliot: well of course ive got to go with this orange one because its my all time favourite colour. isnt it Jazzy- bear? *smiles down at the little girl who has her nose deep in her purple cupcake*

Jasmine: *has her mouth full of cupcake when she looks up at Elliot with a smile* yup! *goes straight back to getting more cupcake on her face rather than in her mouth. which of course has everyone laughing because they just love how Jasmine is so carefree and does her own thing*

Santana: *has had her eye on the red cupcake since opening the box but of course she can't pick one just yet because it would be rude not to offer the girls one first* how about you ladies? *holds the box out to them as they sit down on the grass next to Elliots wheelchair and just behind where jasmine and Max are sat*

Anna: *takes the one that is plain white with chocolate sprinkles on it* thank you! *smiles at San then starts to eat*

Grace: * takes the one that is baby blue and has dark blue springles on it* thanks! *smiles at san then starts to eat as well*

Santana: *smiles to herself as she sees the only one that is left was the exact one she was hoping for* get in ma belly! *licks her lips as everyone else giggles at Santana's excitement for something as small as a cupcake. of course they are all just happy because she is no longer crying so they leave her to it*

*after everyone had eaten their cupcakes they sang happy birthday to brittany and placed down a few birthday cards that would have definitely been funny to Brittany if she was still around. once Santana had read out her card to Britt she had placed it in the middle of the 2 cards that elliot and Jasmine had done for her. then after that Jasmine suggested that they all tell Brittany an exciting thing that happened for them in the past week. everyone was more than happy to play along so thats exactly what the 6 of them did for the next half an hour*

Santana: that was an awesome idea Jazzy! im sure Grandma Britty loved hearing all about our crazy adventures we've been on this week. *smiles as Jasmine smiles back* ... i think its time we head back home and get you kids out the cold, what do you think? *looks round at everyone and sees them agreeing with her*

jasmine: *gets up on her feet and goes over to place another air kiss on the stone* bye Grandma Britty! *santana watches in awe of the little girl being so loving toward Brittany and making sure she doesnt feel left out just because she cant physically be with them*

Santana: *waits till everyone says their goodbyes to Brittany then makes their way back to the car* you guys go ahead and ill just be a minute. *smiles as Grace smiles back* ... hey beautiful! i hope youve had an awsome day in the clouds today. i hope that the angels up there are giving you lots of hugs like i would on a day as special as this *smiles* ... i love you so much and ill be back to visit as soon as i can. im sure Jazzy would love to come back and check up on you too because she has been so loving and understanding towards me with how sad i am because you arent here with me anymore. but just like you, she tells me that you are up there having fun with your pet unicorn and of course now you have our babygirl as company. say hi to her for me and tell her how much i miss her, could you? *smiles* ...anyway i better go. bye Britt-britt! *gets up onto her feet and leans over to place and air kiss on Brittany's name*

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