peacefully innocent! until...

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*3:30pm! Santana and mercedes just arrived at the girl's house to pick up jamine*

Santana: *let herself in and was instantly attacked by a little 4 year old* hey little monkey! did you miss me? *laughs at herself because she already knows the answer*

Jasmine: i missed you so so so so so much! *jumps up into santana's arms and wraps her little body round san to give her a big hug*

Santana: awe, i missed you so much too! *smiles as she continues to hug jasmine*

Mercedes: *smiles as she watches her bestie interacting with her niece* ...excuse me! *taps jasmine on the arm to get her attention* where's my hug? *acts all hurt but smiles as soon as jasmine reaches out for her*

Jasmine: dont worry auntie 'cedes! you're still my favourite! *smiles as mercedes smiles back to the 4 year old in her arms*

Mercedes: im glad to here that little munchkin! *tickes jasmine and makes her wriggle about trying to get done from mercedes arms*

Jasmine: GRANDMA, HELP ME! ...SHES ATTACKING ME! *reaches out for Santana to try and get away from mercedes*

Santana: *crosses her arms over her chest* no can do sweetheart! shes your favourite now. *acts all hurt for not being her niece's favourite person*

Jasmine: im sorry, i didnt mean it! you are my favourite in the whole world grandma, i promise! *rushes her words so san can rescue her as soon as possible*

Santana: alright, im coming! *goes over and takes jasmine from Mercedes* dont worry! ive got you now and i wont let you go. *goes along with the little game they were playing with each other*

Jasmine: *held onto santana for dear life and hid her face in the crook of san's neck* please dont let the tickle monster get me!

Santana: *laughs as she looks at mercedes and sees her playfully roll her eyes* dont worry, i wont! *hugs jasmine to make her feel safe*

Grace: *comes down the stairs after hearing all the laughter* wow, you are in my house less than 5 minutes and are already causing trouble! *laughs as does san and mercedes*

Santana: *puts jasmine on her hip so she can hug grace quickly* hey!

Grace: *pulls away form the hug and smiles at the girls* hey! would either of you like a hot drink or anything?

Santana: no thanks! i think we will just get going and get this all over and done with. *smiles nervously at grace because she knows that jasmine hates the doctors and is gonna kick off like she did the other night*

Grace: ok! see you's tomorrow then! *smiles at san*

Santana: yep! *smiles at grace* gonna give grace a hug goodbye before we go? *looks down at jasmine*

Jasmine: *has no idea whats going on* where we going grandma?

Santana: you are gonna come and spend some time with me and mercedes. *doesnt wanna go into detail just yet otherwise it will be harder to leave*

JAsmine: *smiles wide because she thinks they just mean they will go home and play together* yay! *turns to grace* bye Gracie!

Grace: goodbye sweetie! be good for your grandma, ok?

Jasmine: i will *smiles at grace then gets out of santana's arms to pick up her bag that was already packed and waiting by the door for her* here you go! *gives her bag to san*

Santana: thank you! you gonna go give you brother a hug goodbye? *points over to elliot who just wheeled out from the living room*

Jasmine: gives elliot a hug* goodbye El! *smiles then goes back over and takes mercedes by the hand*

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