exciting world of make-believe

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*about 10 minutes of trying to keep Elliot from getting to hyper from excitement, Tommy walks through the door and speaks with so much excitement. so it sets Elliot off again and has him jumping about in Jessica's arms as the 2 of them go to greet Tommy*

Tommy: *kisses Jessica then Elliot before going through to put the shopping bags down in the kitchen. he takes Elliots thing out the bag and hides it behind his back as Tommy spots Jessica coming towards him with Elliot* guess what ive got? *smiles at Elliot*

Elliot: what is it Dada? *smiles at his dad*

Tommy: say hello... *starts to Bring the gift out from behind his back and into view for Elliot to see* to your brand new superhero buddy! *smiles as he sees Elliot lanch himself towards the teddy and holds it close to his chest in a big hug while he smiles from ear to ear*

Jessica: thats so cool baby! *Smiles at Elliot* what do we say to Dada for getting you your new teddy? *waits for elliot to speak*

Elliot: *looks up at Tommy and reaches out to give him a hug* THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! *gets handed to Tommy and holds him in a tight embrace to show his appreciation for his new teddy*

Tommy: you're welcome buddy! *Smiles as he hugs Elliot* ...how about we go upstairs and put him on your bed with the rest of your teddies, so he can be there for when you go to bed tonight *looks at Elliot*

Elliot: ok! *smiles then gets carried up to his room as Jessica starts on making lunch for when Tommy is back down the stairs with Elliot*

Tommy: on you go buddy! *places Elliot on his bed so he can crawl over and put the teddy on his pillow. Elliot has very little strength in his legs so he can only do a small amount of crawling about. and it has to be a soft surface like his bed or the couch so as soon as his teddy in its place, Tommy pcks Elliot back up and carries him back down the stairs so he can rest his legs again and not cause anymore damage or pain for himself to deal with*

Elliot: *was halfway down the stairs when he looks at his Dad* Dada, i hung'y

Tommy: ok buddy! lets go and see what your Mama has made for your lunch *smiles as he carries Elliot over to the dinning table and straps him into his special booster for whenever they sit at the table for food*

Jesssica: *heard Tommy and Elliot go in the dinning room so she takes Elliots plate through for him* who's ready for some dino nuggets? *smiles at Elliots face light up at the mention of his favourite food*

Elliot: ME! *smiles at JEssica and starts jumping around in his seat just like he did when he was on the couch a little while ago*

Jessica: ok, i hear ya! *laughs at how easily Elliot gets excited about the littlest of things* here you go baby! *places his plate infront of him and watches as he wastes no time in digging in*

Tommy: heyyy... what about me? dont i get any dino nuggets? *playfully acts upset for Elliots enjoyment*

Elliot: *giggles at his dad trying to steal a bit of his food* dont be silly Dada! ...you are to old for dino nuggies! *laughs as he continues to hit Tommy's hand away from his plate*

Tommy: *playfully gasps* EXCUSE ME?... *puts his hands on his hips to make his fake anger more believeable* IM. NOT. OLD. *smiles because Elliot is just giggling at him as if he really cant be fooled and he knows that his Dad isnt actually upset about not getting the same food as Elliot*

Elliot: you're so silly Dada! *giggles then continues to eat his food as Tommy sits next to him and waits for Jessica to come through with what the 2 of them will be having for lunch*

Jessica: *walks into the Dinning room a few seconds later and is holding a plate of spicy pasta in each hand as she makes her way over to Tommy and the space next to him* Elliot, its your Dada trying to steal all your food? *smiles down at Elliot as she joins in on the fun*

Elliot: yes Mama! ...i didnt let him get any. *continues to stuff his face with dino nuggets and skinny fries*

Jessica: good job! *smiles as Elliot smiles back* he has his own grown up food now. so he wont be stealing from you anymore, will he? *playfully looks at Tommy like she is warning him to behave even though they both know its all just for a laugh and they dont mean it*

Elliot: nope! *smiles at his mum and dad then they all eat their food and continue to talk about random stuff. which is mainly Elliot just talking about dragons and all the make-believe stuff he has dreams about all the time. Jessica and Tommy just go along with talking about it like Elliot might be able to do that sort of thing in real life. like ride on dragons or live under the sea with all the dophins and whatever other sea creatures Elliot likes*

Jessica: *just finished eating her food and was sat listening to Elliot tell stories, when she saw that her mum was calling* ill be right back! *kisses Tommy then smiles at Elliot before walkign back to the living room so he can talk to her mum*

*on the phone*

Jessica: hey mum! how you doing? *is very happy to hear from her mum because Jessica rarely has time for visiting her now that her focus is on looking after Elliot and all his medical needs*

Santana: im doing alright! just bored without my roommate i used to have! *referring to Brittany*

Jessica: i know... i miss her too! *frowns a little because even though its been 6 years since Britt passed away, jessica is still having the same trouble getting over her death since she planned on having her around alot longer than what they got*

Santana: yeah... at least shes up in the clouds with all the unicorns and angels now. im sure she is having fun getting to fly around with them all day long *laughs at herself for still talking about unicorns and make believe things as if they are real. because she was so used to Brittany talking about it and not believing anyone that tried to tell her it was all just in her head. and santana being so inlove with Brittany, she wouldnt dare crush her soul like that so she just went along with it because it made her girl happy*

Jessica: yeah, you're right! ... and im sure she is up there gushing over you right now just like she did whenever someone asked her about you when you's were just starting out *smiles at the memories of how Brittany used to describe Santana*

Santana: thats what im scared of *laughs because just the thought of it makes her feel embarrassed and like Brittany shouldnt be talking so highly of San the way she used to*

Jessica: *laughs* you are such a drama Queen, mum! *playfully shakes her head even though San cant see her*

Santana: *dramatically gasps in a playfully way* AM NOT! *was smiling because she loves messing around to prove Jessica's point*

Jessica: my point exactly! *laughs and playfully shakes her head again*

Santana: yeah, whatever! ...hows my grand-baby doing?

Jessica: he's alright! ...he had another headach a few hours ago but Tommy gave him medicine then the 3 of us cuddled on the couch till Elliot fell asleep. then he was out for an hour or so and woke up with lots of energy just on time for Tommy coming back from the shop with a new teddy. and now the 2 of them are just finished with lunch and i can hear them laughing and messing about with each other as always *smiles as she hears the boys having fun*

Santana: well im glad that he is feeling better! ...tell him that ill be giving him a million hugs and kisses whenever i visit next.

Jessica: will do! ill see if he is up for a little facetime call so you can sing him a lullaby once he is all settled and ready for his bed.

Santana: alright Munchkin! speak to you later. i love you!

Jessica: love you too! bye!

Santana: bye!

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