taking risks to try again

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*back to monday! its the start of Jasmine having full days at nursery now that shes gotten used to it all*

*Anna's phone! Message from "Tana"

Tana: good morning! did the kids get to school alright?

*santana's phone! message from "anna"

Anna: elliot was cheery as ever because of his girl. but jasmine was a little upset this morning complaning of stomach pain, so i just told her teacher to give me a phone if she still isnt settled by lunchtime. *fingers crossed emoji*

*Anna's phone! Message from "Tana"

Tana: my poor little monkey! *sad face emoji* i was just gonna ask if you would like me to pick the kids up for you then maybe i could take them out for an after school treat to the park and ice cream shop or something. i feel like i haven't seen them in forever!

*santana's phone! message from "anna"

Anna: yeah, thats absolutely fine! just be sure to have them run off all their energy by the time you drop them off for dinner.*laughing face*

*Anna's phone! Message from "Tana"

Tana: yes ma'am! *angel face*

*santana's phone! message from "anna"

Anna: alright! i better go and get my girl up so she can eat something that was made for her for once, instead of having her do it for everyone else *smiley face emoji*

*Anna's phone! Message from "Tana"

Tana: lucky bitch! i actually have to go down to the kitchen and prepare my own food and sit at the dinning table like a little kid. *eye roll emoji*

*santana's phone! message from "anna"

Anna: please dont hate me for saying this! because i say it with all the love i have... how about you go out into the world and find yourself a girl that will be able to treat you as good as Britt did?

*anna was genuinely worried about san not having anyone so she hopes that changes and santana wont have to die alone*

*Anna's phone! Message from "Tana"

*santana took a moment to breath just because she would usually fight back in a bitchy way when it came to people talking about brittany. but san knows that anna just doesnt want her to be alone for the rest of her life, especially when santana starts to cripple and really show her age. she'll definitely need a girl to be there for her on her bad days when she needs a shoulder to cry on*

Tana: i know! i just dont think i can ever move on from Britt! she was my first everything and we promised each other that we would love each other till the day we die. i cant just up and replace her like she meant nothing *monkey covering its eyes*

*santana's phone! message from "anna"

Anna: i get it! but im not saying you have to forget about her. just find a woman that will respect your situation enough to let you talk about brittany when you are having bad days and just want what Britt would have offered you at moments like that. i promise you that there is a woman out there for you Tana. you just need to go for it! *smiley face emoji*

*Anna's phone! Message from "Tana"

Tana: yeah! ill have a think about it! *shades*

*santana's phone! message from "anna"

Anna: great! well ill see you later when you come to drop the kids off. bye for now! *waving hand emoji*

*Anna's phone! Message from "Tana"

Tana: see ya!

*for the rest of the morning Santana spent so much time thinking things through. going through all the pro's and con's of dating again. No matter what, she kept coming back to laugh at herself because she felt like she was too old to be in this type of situation in the first place. it was hard enough to let brittany in at the start so santana cant even imagine how exhausting it will be now that she is in her late 60's*

Santana: *was sat on her sun lounger, enjoying the sun and peacefulness of her neighborhood* please help me brittany! what should i do? ...im too old for this shit! *laughs at herself as she looks up at the clouds and does some cloud watching for a little to try and relax. after 10 minutes the heat was starting to get to her and make her tired so she decided to go in and have a quick nap so she was fully energied for looking after her grandbabies for a couple of hours*

*Santana's dream*

*she was in the garden, enjoying the heat and cloud watching, when she saw something flying that looked nothing like a bird or a plane. once it got closer and closer Santana was able to see that it was her wife on the back of a unicorn. santana had no words, she just rubbed her eyes to see if she was actually stood infront of brittany again*

Santana: Britt-britt... is that really you? *slowly walked over to brittany as she got down from sitting on her unicorn*

Brittany: *giggles at santana looking so freaked out and confused* still as cute as ever sweetcheeks! *smiles at Santana*

Santana: what are you doing here? *wasnt complaining but was just needing an answer because the whole situation is messing with her emotions*

Brittany: *walked closer to san and put one hand on her waist and cupped the side of santana's face with her free hand* you needed me, so here i am! *smiles as she looks into santana's eyes*

Santana: *smiles and gets lost in Britt's eyes. melting into her touch since she has been deprived of it for way to long* yeah, i did! but i didnt realise you'd actually come down here on your unicorn and be stood in my garden with me right now. *laughs at herself because she has no idea how this is happening*

Brittany: well, i promised you id be there for you! whether its a cry for help or even just a little whisper. im there! *smiles as san smiles back* ...so, what have you done this time. how much damage control is needed? *laughs as san laughs too*

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