a second chance

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*its now friday morning and santana was on her way to drop jasmine back off with the girls so san can go home and get ready for her little date.*

Grace: *came down the stairs as soom as she heard jasmine and santana* good morning you two! *smiles as the girls smile back*

Jasmine: hey gracie! *goes and hugs grace and gets held in her arms*

Grace: so, hows the nerves about seeing this brittany clone later on? *smiles as she tries to wind san up just for fun*

Santana: for it just being a little meet up and not a date, im shitting myself! *laughs nervously because she hasnt felt this scared for something in a long time*

Jasmine: *quickly covered her ears as soon as she heard santana say a bad word* GRANDMA...

Santana: *quickly looked at jasmine and just realised what she said* im sorry sweetheart! i didnt mean to say that! *smiles weakly as grace tries to hold back a laugh because jasmine was genuinely upset about that kind of thing*

Jasmine: its ok! i forgive you! *smiles as santana smiles back*

santana: *anyway, i better get going so i can get ready! ill give you a phone later on and check in on this little monkey *tickes jasmines side and laughs at the little girls version of an angry face. of course it just comes across as cute to the grown ups but they dont tell her that*

Grace: have fun! *smiles as san smiles back*

Jasmine: bye grandma! love you! *smiles as she waves at san*

Santana: love you too! *gives jasmine a quick kiss on the cheek before going out the door*

*santana arrives back at her place and remembers that she still needs to give directions to madilyn for the cafe she is supposed to meet san at*

*Madilyn's phone! Message from "pretty lady"

Pretty lady: hey! madilyn, sorry for such a late response, i was just so caught up with looking after my granddaughter this week! *monkey covering its eyes*

Pretty lady: just meet me at island brew coffeehouse. ill get a table booked for 2pm *smiley face*

*Santana's phone! Message from "pretty lady"
Pretty lady: no worries! see you then *smiley face*

*once san saw madilyn response, she put her phone into charge just to make sure its 100% incase she gets any urgent calls from the girls. now she is looking through her wardrobe for a nice outfit but nothing too fancy. after a few minutes she finds herself a red blouse that has a bit of flare to it and a bit of cleavage, just how santana likes it. she knows people would kill to look as good as she does at 70 like she did back at 17, so san has no problem making her confidence known. she paired the top with some skiny jeans and of course she wore her locket that her mum gave her when she was a teen because its the one that has the pic of san and britt in it from when they first became friends*

Santana: *was stood at her full length mirror, making sure she looked alright* here goes nothing Britt! ...remember you asked for this so dont get all jealous when the girl tries to have at it later! *laughs at herself for saying that because she still isnt sure how she feels about having a relationship with someone that isnt brittany* im just joking baby, she wont be coming near me like that for a long time and we both know it. *smiles as she hold the locket and is in a daze for a little while longer till she hears her phone start to ring*

*on the phone*

Santana: hey M! to what do i owe this lovely phonecall?!

Mercedes: hey san! i was just thinking about jasmine and wanted to check up on her? ...how's she doing?

Santana: *tries to hold back the urge to joke about being replaced by her granddaughter as her besties favourite person* shes doing alot better! i had her spending time with me all week just so she can get a change in scenary and have a break from nursery for a while. i actually just dropped her back of this morning so she'll probably be bickering with Elliot by now *laughs a little because its very rare that the kids fight with each other*

Mersedes: ahh the joys of siblings! lucky for us we got to be home alone and not have little siblings to annoy us. *laughs as does san*

Santana: yeah! well me and britt spend most of our life living together but that defo wasnt anything for me to complain about. *laughs and smiles at the memory of it all*

Mercedes: bitch that aint the same thing! you slept with the girl! *laughs*

Santana: *playfully rolls her eyes at mercedes still making jokes about santana's cligyness towards brittany* whatever!

Mercedes: so, what you gonna do now that you are child free again?

Santana: im actually just getting ready to go out for a coffee with someone i met at the shops earlier this week

Mercedes: come again?! is this person male or female? *already knows the answer but just wants to do the whole overprotective best friend thing anyway*

Santana: its a woman and her name is madilyn! and no its not a date! we are just meeting up so we can get to know each other a bit better then ill see where it goes from there.

Mercedes: damn... Snixx still got it! *laughs as does san*

Santana: im offended that you think i lost it in the first place! *acts all hurt but the 2 of them just laugh because they know better*

Mercedes: you're right! ...so lets see a pic hun! whats she look like? *was getting all excited for her bestie finally being able to move on and find someone after loosing brittany*

Santana: *laughs at her besties excitment* alright, hang on! *quickly finds madilyn on facebook and send mercedes her profile pic* there! *waits for mercedes to say something*

Mercedes: um san, why did you send a pic of britt?

Santana: i didnt! thats madilyn! *laughs because she obviously isnt the only one that though she looked like brittany*

Mercedes: oh ok! thats spooky because if it wasnt for her green eyes then i would have thought it was brittany *laughs*

Santana: yeah! well i guess i really do have a type *giggles* anyway, i better go because im supposted to be meeting her in half an hour!

Mercedes: alright! good luck girl! i want to hear all about it later on alright?!

Santana: of course! ill talk to you later!

Mercedes: alright, bye!

Santana: bye! *she hung up then went and got her bag, making sure she had her purse, phone and car keys before heading out the door*

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