bedtime song and snuggle

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*time skip to 7pm! Jessica and Tommy just finished playing with Elliot as they helped him have a soak in the bath.*

Tommy: *just finished placing the bubbles on Elliot's head and blowing them at him to make him laugh* alright buddy... i think its about time you come out! what do you think? *looks down at Elliot*

Elliot: no! i wanna play with the bubbles *looks up at Tommy with puppy dog eyes*

Tommy: i know you do but how about you just have another bath tomorrow and you can play with the bubbles for even longer *smiles down at Elliot as he tries to make a compromise*

Elliot: *sighs in defeat* okay!

Jessica: *was in Elliots room picking out a pair of pjs to put on him then she came back into the bathroom with his special dino towel just as Tommy was lifting him out the bath* hey baby! why the sad face? *wraps elliot up and puts his hood up to keep him warm*

Elliot: no more bubbles! *he says in a sad voice eve though he has already spoke with Tommy about going for another bath tomorrow*

Jessica: dont worry! there's always next time, yeah? *smiles as she tries to cheer Elliot up*

Elliot: yeah... *lays his head on Jessica's shoulder as she carries him through to his bed to get him tried and dressed*

Jessica: hey baby, guess what... *looks at Elliot with excitement because she knows hes gonna like what she is about to tell him*

Elliot: *was in the middle or yawning and rubbing his eyes* what mama? *looks up at Jessica*

Jesscia: you know how i was takking to Grandma on the phone earlier? *looks at Elliot*

Elliot: yeah? *perks up at the mention of his grandmother because he loves when she comes to visit and gives him lots of hugs*

jessica: well, she told me that she was going to facetime you tonight so she can sing to you... would you like that? *smiles down at Elliot*

Elliot: yes please mama! *smiles from ear to ear*

Jessica: ok! we can give her a call once we give your teeth a brush and say na-night to your dada, ok? *smlies as she sits Elliot up and puts his pj top on*

Elliot: ok! *smiles as he gets more and more excited to speak to Santana*

Jessica: *carries Elliot through to her and Tommy's room and sees Tommy sat up in bed with a book in hand* look honey, i have a little visitor who is here to see you and give you and big hug goodnight *smiles as she hands Elliot over to Tommy*

Tommy: *hugs Elliot as soon as the little boy wraps his arms over Tommys shoulders and holds onto the back of his neck* good night buddy! i love you so much! *gives Elliot a kiss on the cheek a few times which makes the boy laugh because of Tommy beard tickling Elliot*

Elliot: *calms down from laughing* good night dada! i love you too! *smiles as Tommy smiles down at him*

Jessica: alright! lets go give Grandma a call and get you to bed! *Elliot turns and reaches out to Jessica. once Elliot is tucked in bed, snuggled up with his new teddy. Jessica calls Santana and they are both just waiting for her to answer*

*on the facetime call with San*

Elliot: *sees his Grandma come on the screen and gets all excited because he really misses her* G"AMA! ... i miss you!

Santana: aww i miss you so much!

Jessica: hey mum! how was your day?

Santana: hey Munchkin! its been alright! i was on the phone with Meredith and my mum earlier, just checking in on them and they were telling me all about their very competative bingo game they played with everyone this morning *laughs because she is so much like her mum when it comes to playing games*

Jessica: of course! i really expect nothing less from them. *laughs because she knows that her Gran has always been very competetive whenever she plays games*

Elliot: hey G'ama... guess what Dada got me today *smiles at San*

Santana: what did he get you? *shows her enthusiasm even though she already knows what he is about to show her*

Elliot: this... *holds up his superhero teddy for Santana to see*

Santana: that is so cute! what you gonna call him? *smiles at Elliot*

Elliot: um... i dont know yet! *looks at San*

Santana: how about you have a think about it tommorow and you can tell me what it is the next time i come to visit *smiles*

Elliot: *smiles* ok *cuddles his superhero*

Jessica: *looks at elliot as he yawns again* i think its song time, what do you think baby? *sees elliot try to fight sleep but is failing so he just nods his head to answer her question* alright mum, take it away *smiles as San smiles back*

*as soon as Santana started to sing, Jessica sees a smile appear on her baby boys face so that makes her smile. she looks back at the camera to see if her mum saw it too. she did because when jessica looked at San, she was already smiling as she continued to sing to him*

*2 minute later! santana comes to the end of the song*

Jessica: *whispers since Elliot is asleep* thanks for doing that mum! he was so excited to see and speak to you. *smiles as san smiles back*

Santana: no problem at all! im only ever a call away if you guys need anything at all, you know that. *smiles*

Jessica: yeah! *smiles*

Santana: alright, i better go and let you get some sleep too! i love you and ill speak soon *blows Jessica a kiss*

Jessica: *pretends to catch the kiss then she placed her hand on her heart and that makes Santana smiles because they used to do that when jessica was little* love you too! sweet dreams!

Santana: you too! bye now! *smiles*

Jessica: bye! *smiles then hangs up and places one last kiss on Elliots head before she goes through to her bedroom and gets ready for bed herself*

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