the night is still young

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anna: *takes her last bite of food* that was absolutely amazing, thank you! *kisses Grace then they both look into each others eyes and smile*

Grace: my pleasure! are you ready for your next pampered part of the day? *smiles at Anna*

Anna: of course i am! what is it? *smiles as she waits for Grace to speak*

Grace: come on and ill show you? *gets off the bed and goes round to give anna a hand out of bed and to walk her to the bathroom with her eyes covered so it can be extra special* ...alright, you ready? *smiles as she still has her hands over anna's eyes to make sure she doesnt peak too soon*

anna: heck yeah! *giggles as she is all fidgety with excitement*

Grace: alright! *takes her hands away from anna's eyes so she can see*

Anna: baby... *tears up and how much Grace know just how to make anna happy and feel so loved and cared for* i love it! *turns round to Grace with the biggest smile on her face* thank you so much! *drapes her arms over Grace's shoulder as Grace holds onto anna's waist*

Grace: youre welcome! *smiles at anna's happiness for the little things in life* have a chill in the bath for as long as you want then ill be back up to give you your next treat of the day, alright? *smiles*

Anna: there's more? *couldnt believe how much Grace has put everything together last minute, just for her*

Grace: of course! i have a whole day planned out just for my beautiful queen. because its exactly what you deserve hun! *smiles as anna smiles back with so much love and adoration in her eyes*

Anna: i love you so much, you know that?! *smiles*

Grace: i love you more! *smiles* ...ill just be in the garden keeping an eye on the kids so just give me a shout once you are done in here! *kisses anna then disapears out the room while anna gets in her bath and just closes her eyes as she relaxes in the candle lit enviroment for about 30 minutes*

Anna: *gets out the bath and puts her hair in a towel and wraps up in her dressing gown and slippers before making her way downstairs to tell Grace she is done. once she reached the back door, Anna looked out and saw that jasmine was chasing after Grace. everyone was laughing because Grace tripped up and ended up having Jasmine land ontop of her and started to tickle her* whats going on out here? *playfully acts concerned*

Jasmine: *looks up at anna* hey Anna! I was just chasing Grace! *was about to fall before grace caught her as she sat up and looked in Anna's direction*

Anna: i see! *laughs as Jasmine tries to keep Grace from getting up off the ground, but fails because of their size difference* hey babe! thats me ready for my next surprise *smiles as Grace smiles back*

Grace: alright! sorry jazzy-bear but you're gonna have to let me go now! *looks at sees Jasmine sighing that their game of chase was over now*

Jasmine: will you come back out to play after? *looks up at Grace with puppy eyes*

Grace: we'll see... *smiles at Jasmine then makes her way over to anna as the boys start to play with Jasmine again* how would my queen like to be escorted back up to the bedroom *smiles at anna*

Anna: well... knowing you, bridal style would be the safest option! *smiles as Grace sweeps her off her feet just like she did at their wedding*

Grace: *goes up the stairs and places anna down at the edge of the bed* do you have underwear and a bra on or would you like me to personally pick the best pair out for you to wear for this next thing? *looks down at Anna*

Anna: i left that for you to choose, my dear! *smiles cheekily*

Grace: of course you did! *laughs at anna being a tease* you go! *hands anna a matching set of her favourite lacey underwear and bra* you put this on and lay on the bed and ill go get the special cream for your massage. *smirks as she smacks anna on the ass as she turned to reach for her underwear. a few minutes later Grace came back into their room to see anna laying on the bed, resting on her elbows and looking right at Grace with a smirk* DAAAAMMMNN! *starts to playfully bite her lip and look anna up and down, admiring her figure* there is no way that you are in your 40's hun. you dont look a day over 22! *smiles as anna giggles and blushes as she playfully rolls her eyes at Grace's reaction always being so over the top*

Anna: remember we have the kids downstairs babe! dont go starting something you cant finish. *smirks as Grace winks at her then walks towards the bed to lean down and give anna a kiss*

Grace: alright sexy... lets do this! *smiles at anna as she turns round and lays on her stomach and has her hands down at her sides so Grace can start the massage* ... would you like some music or do you just want quietness? *looks down at anna as she has her head to the side*

Anna: music please! *smiles as Grace takes her phone from her pocket and presses a few buttons to connect it to their little speaker*

Grace: *plays their favourite calm music* hows that?

Anna: perfect! *sighs contently as she rests her eyes. Grace put her phone in her pocket then she got the cream onto her hand, rubbing it in her palms a little so that it isnt ice cold for anna*

*5 minutes later*

Grace: *heard anna start to moan and groan as if all the tention in her body that has been built up over the past few week, was finally wasting away* tease me much! *she mumbles under her breath but still catch anna's attention*

Anna: *laughs at what harper said* sorry hun! you're just so good with your hands. *smirks because she just decided to wind Grace up to see how long it takes for her to attack*

Grace: *playfully rolls her eyes at the smirk on anna's face because Grace knows what shes trying to do. Grace gets off of anna's back and slaps her ass lightly* dont do this to me when the kids havent left the house yet. *looks at anna seriously, till she starts laughing and makes Grace smile because she cant ever stay mad at anna*

Anna: alright, ill stop! i promise! *smiles at Grace then feels her hover over her and starts to massage her back just like before* mhhmmm...

Grace: *hears anna moan again* thats it! im done! *gets off anna's back and is about to get of the bed to go into their bathroom and wash her hands*

Anna: *sits up just on time to grab hold of Grace"s hand and pull her back to sit on the bed* im sorry babe, i just couldnt resist! *laughs as Grace tries to look pissed off at what anna did*

Grace: be careful because santana will be coming to get the kids for luch in a few hours, so we will have the house to ourselves till tomorrow afternoon when they get dropped back off. *smirks at anna*

Anna: oh really? *smirks back*

Grace: yep! whatever you do to me now, i will be returning the favour later on. *laughs as anna visibly gulps even though she is in no way scared and is quite the opposite*

Anna: so what do you have planned for us now? *looks at Grace*

Grace: well... you can get into a fresh pair of pj's and we can cuddle in bed while watching a movie of your choice. or we can go down and spend time with the kids in the garden or baking some cookies. you choose! *smiles as she waits for anna to make a decision*

Anna: i kinda wanna cuddle in bed with you and watch a movie! *smiles at Grace*

Grace: alright! you get dressed and pick out a movie and ill go tell the kids to pack a bag for a night with their grandma. *smiles then goes out the room to do what she needed to do*

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