a living nightmare

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*on the way home from the shops, elliot was picked up from school. so the 4 of them were currently in the car on their way back to the house. elliot and jasmine were talking about their day to one another while Jessica and Tommy were just doing their usual, hand holding and occational glances to one another while listening to the kids talking and laughing together like they always do*

Elliot: *turned to look out his window for a second and he saw a car speeding towards them because it just ran a red light* DAD, LOOK OUT! *points in the direction of the car but before Tommy could register what Elliot was talking about, everything went pitch black*

*their car had been hit into the passenger side of the car and it had spun round so that it was now facing the wrong way and was in the middle of the road. lots of cars stopped and were phoning the ambulance while some were checking inside the car to inspect if the passengers were ok*

*all 4 of them were rushed to the hospital to be checked over and see how much damage was done. because from the looks of it, it wasnt likely that anyone would be able to come out of there alive. at least thats the impression that all the people that were there to witness it, got from it*

*1 week later!*

*elliot wakes up and is so confused as to were he is but then the memeries of the car incident came back to mind and he sat up in such a rush, looking round frantically to try and figure out if it was all just a bad dream*

Santana: *was sat in the chair next to elliots hospital bed with a sleeping Jasmine in her arms, when she saw hear Elliot wake up* its ok sweetie, gradma's here *reached out to hold elliots hand*

Elliot: *looks at san and down and Jasmine then back to Santana* grandma?.... w-where's mum? ... a-and dad? *is trying so hard to swallow the lump in his throat but he cant help but let a few tears fall*

Santana: *frowns as she tries to keep it together and be strong for elliot* im so sorry sweetie... your mum and dad passed away in the car incident. you and Jasmine were so lucky to be pulled out the car with just a few scraches... but sadly your parents werent so lucky and that idiot that was speeding killed them instantly *tears up and Elliot collapses back onto the bed and just sobs. trying to except everything that his grandma has just told him*

*10 minutes later! Elliot has now turned himself round so that he was facing way from anyone being able to see his face. he was just laying in the hospital bed getting lost in thought and silently crying as he continues to deny everything being anything but a bad dream. meanwhile Santana was still sat in the chair holding jasmine and getting lost in her own thoughts, feeling terrible about what her grandbabies have been through but also dealing with the loss of her only daughter*

*Jasmine had woken up earlier that morning when Santana showed up and just cried so much that she ended up making herself so exhaused that she fell back asleep while san was trying to comfort her. so then santana just told the doctor that she was going to be bringing Jasmine with her so they could be there when elliot woke up*

Jasmine: *started to squirm about and was wining a little because she was obviously having a bad dream about what she has just been through* mama... dada... *opens her eyes and starts to sob because she has no idea where she is or what was happening*

Santana: shhh... its ok sweetie... grandma's got you... you're ok *stands up to walk around with Jasmine in her arms and tries to calm her down*

jasmine: G'andma? ...where El go?... *hold onto San in a tight embrace as she hides her face in santana's neck*

Santana: *sees that elliot turns round to look in her direction after hearing Jasmine say his name* he's right here sweetie ... do you wanna give him cuddles? *brushes her fingers through Jasmine's hair to try and soothe her. Jasmine didnt say anything and just nodded her head so Santana walked over to Elliot as he sits up in his bed and reaches out to take Jasmine into his arms. he placed her on his lap so he can cuddle her and she can put her arms over his shoulders and cuddle into him*

*they stayed like that for the next hour or so and thats when the doctor came in*

doctor: *walks upto santana and looks over with a sympathetic look as she sees elliot holding Jasmine and hears her crying while elliot tries to comfort her and stop himself from crying too* hello, my name is Dr. kelly! *smiles at San*

santana: hi, my name is santana lopez! i'm the grandmother of these children. *looks at the kids then back at the doctor and smiles*

doctor kelly: ah right! well i was just coming in to check and see how elliot was doing and if he is healed enough then i can give you some papers to sign so you will be free to take these kids home and sort out whatever arrangements that you need to make for them. *smiles at san*

Santana: thats great news, thank you kelly! *smiles then watches as doctor kelly goes over to talk with Elliot and see how he is feeling*

*a couple of minutes later*

doctor Kelly: well, your wounds have healed up nicely! and luckily you havent suffered from any more nerve damage in your legs that could have left you paralysed. im sure you are very happy about that *smiles as she sees elliot smile for the first time since she came in the room* all we need to do now is get those papers signed them you are free to go, how does that sound? *tries to be enthusiastic and focus on the good things because she knows that this situation isnt easy, for the kids especially.*

elliot: *looks down at Jasmine, who was still cuddled up to him and hiding her face in his chest* you hear that jazzy- bear... we're going home! *rubs her back as he tries to be strong for her*

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