hardwork and heartbreak

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Jessica: *was downstairs watching tv and cuddling with Tommy when she hears foot steps coming down the stairs so she turns around and sees Harper and Annie walking towards them* there you guys are! We were starting to think that you 2 had decided to bail on us as well! *laughs as does Tommy then they calm down once they see that Harper and Annie aren' t laughing. They aren't even smiling so that makes Jessica freak out a little* w-what's wrong? *looks between Annie and Harper just waiting for one of them to start talking*

Harper: *has all eyes on her as she takes a deep breath* Jessica, hun... I have something to tell you! and I know that it's gonna be hard to hear so I just want you to know that we are all here for you and will help you with whatever you need, ok? *smiles weakly at Jessica because she can see the fear and confusion in the girls eyes. Jessica doesn't say anything and just nods her head as she holds onto Tommy's hand for comfort* you know how we were all joking and having a laugh about your mummy being so clingy to Brittany because she was sleeping a little longer than usual? *Jessica nods because she thought back to being the one who started joking about her mums* well, when Annie went up to check on her and make sure they weren't doing anything they weren't supposed to... *Jessica laughs at this because she knows what her mums are like* ...Annie saw that Santana was in distress and was speaking to herself. It took a while for her to figure out what she was saying because Santana wasn't really able to pronounce her words properly. we finally realised what was happening and we are so so sorry to have to tell you this but your mama Brit did infact pass away in her sleep at some point last night or this morning. we dont know exactly what happened but we will be able to find that out by the people that deal with this sort of stuff. *her heart breaks as she sees the colour just drain from Jessica's face and she falls into tommy chest and just cries her eyes out, doing exactly what Santana did, where she speaks as if she is trying to convince herself it's not really happening and that Harper is lying to her.*

*tommy just sits there frozen in place because he had no idea that any of this was going on while he was down here with Jessica just enjoying each other's company and watching the funny show on the tv. He doesn't say anything and just holds Jessica and while looking at his mums with confusion and heartbreak written all over his face. Of course he has a million and 1 questions going on in his head but he knows that he's just gonna have to wait till the girls have been able to calm down and get over the initial shock of it all*

Annie: *leans over to Harper and whispers in her ear* do you think it's best that we keep santana and Jessica in separate rooms for now, until they calm down a little bit? *gives Harper sad eyes because she hates that they have to be in this situation so soon*

Harper: *leans into Annie and whispers to her* I think that it would be best, yeah! Tommy can take Jessica into their room for some time alone so he can comfort Jessica. And you can make the call to whoever, while I try and get Santana into our room so she doesn't have to see Brittany be taken away. *looks at Annie with the same sad look on their faces*

Annie: ok I'll go call them now and explain the situation of how we actually need them to help us get Brittany back home so she can be buried where Santana wants her.

Harper: yeah... *just sits there for a breather before things start to get more chaotic again*

Annie: ok... *also sits in place holding Harper's hand and taking a minute to breath*

Harper: *looks up and sees Tommy trying to talk sothing words into Jessica's ears to try and help her* Tommy... *gets his attention* do you wanna take jessica up to your room and you guys can have some alone time

Tommy: yeah, sure! *smiles weakly as his mum's smiles back just as weakly because they were all so lost as how to help make things easier when grief is a natural thing that humans have  to go throught and it will be different for everyone so there isnt just one specific way to cope with it. tommy turns to jessica and askes her is she wants to go to lay down obviously hoping she doesnt fight it and agrees. it took her a second but she eventually nods so Tommy picks her up and jessica instantly wraps herself around his body and hides her face in the crook of his neck as he makes his way up the stairs*

Annie: *sees that tommy ans jessica are out of earshot* alright! ill go make some phone calls while you go and check on san and try to get her into a different room. *kisses harper then they both get off the couch, going in different directions to do what they need to do*

*as expected, santana put up a fight when harper was trying to get her to leave brittany's side. so as soon as annie got off the phone with the people from the funeral home and the person that comes to do what they need, to determine when and what happened so that the girls will be able to have some closure. annie came straight up to the girls room to help get santana to cooperate for when the guys show up at the cottege to take Britt*

*it took them about 20+ minutes to get Santana in their room but they managed to pull it off just before the doorbell rang. once she checked to see that annie would be ok on her own with san for a bit, harper went down to answer the door and tell them what room to go to and then she went straight back to Annie and Santana to wait for the guys to be finished then she will be able to talk with them afterwards and find out everything she needs to know in order to talk to santana and jessica about it when they are ready*

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