early start

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Elliot: is that so!? *smiles at jasmine as she frantically nods her head then he look at his grandma and playfully shakes his head and smiles at her* what happened to not attacking each other! *laughs as he remembers the conversation he had with san before she when to get jasmine*

Santana: that was a rule for jasmine! i didnt say anything about me not doing the attack *laughs as she pretends to defent herself like what she did was a serious issue*

Elliot: for shame! *still plays along with the joke just for a laugh*

Santana: *laughs at Elliot then turn back to jasmine* im sorry for being silly sweetheart! please forgive me! *smiles at jasmine*

Jasmine: its ok! i forgive you Grandma! *smiles at San*

Santana: time to get out! *gets up and goes over to the shelfs that have all the towels on it and gets jasmines duck towel*

*once santana got jasmine out the bath she carried her back to her room to pick out an outfit. Elliot was completely ready for school so he just decided to stay with them while santana get jasmine ready. after getting dressed then three of them made their way down the stair and headed straight for the dinning table while santana made them a bowl of cereal each and a glass of orange juice for Elliot while Jasmine had some chocolate milshake*

Santana: *finished her cereal and looked to see that jasmine and Elliot were just finishing theirs as well* you ready! *looks at Elliot and Jasmine to see them both nod their heads* alright! go to the toilet quickly then we will head out. *smiles at her grandkids then starts to tidy the breakfast dishes and places then at the sink to do when she gets back. while Elliot and jasmine were at the toilet, Santana went and got her shoes back on and put the kids bags by the door so they would see them*

Jasmine: *was a little hyper from the milkshake she just drank so when she saw her Grandma sat on the step looking at her phone, jasmine thought it would be funny to sneak up on her* BOO! *grabs santana's shoulder's and makes her jump out her skin*

Santana: YOU LITTLE MONKEY! *turns round and starts to tickle jasmine*

Jasmine: *is laughing hysterically* NOOOO! NOT THE TICKLE MONSTER! *tries to get santana's hands away from her stomach*

Santana: *stops tickling jasmine as soon as she starts to struggle with her breathing* alright you little monkey! you better behave for your teachers at nursery today! no scaring people, got it? *points a finger at jasmine so she knows her Grandma is being serious*

Jasmine: ok Grandma! i promise not to scare anyone. *smiles and looks up at san with such innocence*

Elliot: *was in the downstairs bathroom* GRANDMA...

Santana: *heard him call her because she was right next to the bathroom* YEAH! YOU OK IN THERE?


Santana: OK! JUST COMING! *turns to jasmine* dont you go anywhere! *smiles at jasmine*

Jasmine: ok! i wont! *smiles at san and stays sat on the stairs when santana disappears into the bathroom*

*a minute or 2 later*

Santana: *comes out the bathroom with Elliot following* come on my little monkey! lets get you to school. *smiles at the kids as they get their backpacks then go out the door with her following close behind*

Jasmine: *was like a little jumping bean because of all the sugar from her morning milkshake* can i go in the front with you Grandma! pleeeeeeease! *smiles up at san*

Santana: *laughs at herself for not realising how much of a bad idea it was to give her Granddaughter a milkshake first thing* you need to check with your brother, he usually sits in the front seat. *watches as jasmine turns to Elliot.*

Jasmine: can i? *gives puppy dog eyes to Elliot*

Elliot: as long as i can go in te front on the way home later? *smiles at jasmine as she smiles back at him and nods her head*

Jasmine: since she got the answer she was hoping for, it just made her even more jumpy and excited* come on Grandma, lets go!

Santana: wait a minute! *watches as jasmine stops at the edge of the pavement* you know you cant just run off without me, because you might get hurt! *walks over to jasmine and takes her by the hand to walk her round to the passenger door and help her in. then san goes back round to help Elliot get in his seat and put his wheelchair in the boot. once she is in her seat and belted she turns to her grandchildren* we got everything? *sees Elliot nod his head*

Jasmine: *suddenly has a thought* WAIT... *santana looks at her* i forgot uni! *left her unicorn teddy on her bed when she was having breakfast*

Santana: are you sure you want to take her today? what if you loose her or get her all dirty! then you wont be able to cuddle her in bed tonight. *looks down at Jasmine*

Jasmine: ok.. can you look after her today! *has sad eyes because she is so attached to her teddies and never goes anywhere without at least one of them*

Santana: of course i will Sweetheart! *smiles and goes along with it to make jasmine happy. she turns to see that its 10 to 9 so she starts the car and pulls out onto the road and heads to the school*

*at Elliots part of the school! Santana gets out and goes to get Elliots wheelchair and helps him into it*

Santana: you all set? *looks down at Elliot as he puts his backpack on the handles*

Elliot: yep! *smiles at san*

Santana: well, have a great day and good luck with your talk with the Misses *smiles at Elliot*

Elliot: oh yeah! i forgot about that! *smiles nervously*

Santana: dont worry bud! I'm sure everything is gonna be just fine.

Elliot: fingers crossed! *laughs at his sarcasm*

Santana: i love you and ill be waiting to hear all about it when you come home! *smiles and hugs Elliot* i better go get this little one settled into her classroom and everything. *smiles nervously* lets hope her teacher doesnt kick me for making her all hyper. *laughs as does Elliot*

Elliot: yeah! good luck with that! *turns and goes to the entrance of his school, waving at santana one last time at as she drives by. then he headed inside to his locker, seeing melissa a few feet away at her locker*

Melissa: *finished getting her books from her locker then looked over in Elliots direction and smiles as she wheels over to him* hey babe! how are you?

Elliot: hey cutie! im alright, just a little tired! *smiles at Melissa*

Melissa: yeah! me too! my sore joints kept me up most of the night! *rolls her eyes because she hates having to put up with aches and pains all the time and has nothing that can prevent it from happening*

Elliot: im sorry you had such a bad night, babe! *looks at Melissa sympathetically*

Melissa: its ok because i rememebered that id be getting to spend time with you today and that helped distract me from the pain! *smiles as does Elliot*

Elliot: well im glad that i can make a little bit of a difference for you! *smiles and looks into melissa's eyes as she gets lost in his*

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