Morning people and me

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*the next morning Jessica and Tommy are the first awake so they do what they always do and went out on a morning walk. Only now they get to enjoy the new surroundings of waking up in France. They couldn't help but take a few pictures as memories for when they are old and grey and will be able to tell their kids all about when they travelled the world*

*2 hours later! It was about 10:30am when Jessica and Tommy got back to the cottage with some breakfast rolls for everyone to eat when they get up*

Jessica: I'm just gonna go for a quick shower to freshen up! *takes her jacket and shoes off as she looks up to see Tommy emptying all the stuff from the shopping bag*

Tommy: ok! I'll just start cooking these square sausages and maybe the smell will wake up our lazy ass parents *laughs*

Jessica: *laughs* alright, you do that! *goes up to tommy and gives him a quick peck on the cheek before disappearing up the stairs to go and have a shower*

*10 minutes later! Jessica comes back down the stairs as Tommy is plating up his and her sausage sandwich*

Tommy: *turns round with 2 plates in his hands and places them on the dinning table before looking up to see Jessica walking down the stairs* hey there cutie! *smiles as Jessica blushes for the billionth time since they met*

Jessica: hello my handsome stud! *smiles as Tommy smiles then they sit down across from each other and eat their food*

*once they finished their breakfast, the 2 of them went and washed their dishes and had a bit of a water fight, because tommy decided that he wanted to wind Jessica up by putting some bubbles on her nose. So of course it all just escalated from there*

Annie: *woke up with Harper and they headed down the stairs as soon as they heard that the kids were up* are you pair ever gonna grow up! *playfully rolls her eyes as she sees tommy and Jessica drying themselves*

Tommy: hmm... probably not! *laughs as does Jessica and Tommy's mum's*

Harper: you guys are gonna make such good role models for your future kids, I can already tell! *laughs as does everyone else*

Jessica: why thank you! *smiles because even though Harper said it in a joking tone, Jessica knew that she does actually believe Tommy and Jessica are fully capable of looking after younger versions of themselves one day*

Tommy: so, are you guys hungry or do you's just wanna wait till Britt and san come down to join you both? *looks between both of his mums to wait and see what they wanna do*

Annie: we can wait! *smiles at Harper then tommy*

Tommy: alright! We can just go and watch tv or something and just have a chill morning to fully enjoy not having any sort of work *smiles as he reaches out to take Jessica's hand then the 4 of them go over to sit in the living room and continue chatting together*

*it's now 11:30am*

Santana: *made an appearance, looking very tired despite having a lie in* good morning all you crazy morning people *laughs at herself for always finding it hard to be up and lively before 12pm*

Jessica: good morning mum! Where's mama? * looks at San as she walks into the living room and sits on one of the beanbags across from the couch Jessica and Tommy are cuddles up on*

Santana: she is still sound asleep because she's getting older and can't do late nights like we used too *tries to hide a smirk because of what she was really meaning by that*

Jessica: oh my goodness! Why do I even bother asking *laughs because she notices the look in her mums eyes as she said her last statement. So she knows exactly what her mum was up too*

Santana: I really don't know Munchkin! It's like you don't know me all that much and what I'm like when you ask me questions about my wife. *smiles innocently as everyone shakes their heads and laughs*

Harper: anyway!... would you like to join me and Annie for breakfast and Britt can just have hers whenever she wakes, Or should we be expecting her within the next few minutes anyway? *looks over at san*

Santana: I think we could just wait because she should be up before 12pm, surely! *smiles at harper*

Harper: alright! We will just hang fire for now then. *smiles at san then they all watch the programs that are playing on the tv*

*2 hour later!

Santana: *looks at the time on her phone and starts to worry because Brittany still isn't up* is it just me or is anyone else a little freaked out as to why my wife hasn't woken up yet? *looks around the room at everyone*

Jessica: I'm sure she's just supper tired after our eventful day yesterday! *smiles at san, hoping to calm her anxieties*

Santana: i dunno! She's never been a late sleeper like this before, even after drinking! *frowns and is trying not to get in her head and think the worst but there is just something in the pit of her stomach that is making her have a bad feeling about this whole thing*

Annie: well I need to nip to the bathroom so would you like me to check in on her while I'm up there *looks at san and sees that her throughat are going a mile a minute, trying to ruin her*

Santana: could you? *smiles up at Annie, thankful that they are always willing to help out*

Annie: of course! I'll be back in a minute. *smiles at san then turns to peck Harper on the cheek before she gets up and goes back upstairs*

Santana: *hears Annie come back down the stairs a few minutes later so she whips her head round to see her as she gets to the bottom of the stairs* how is she?

Annie: *smiles at Santana, not surprised at how on edge she has become in a matter of minutes* she's fine! Still sprawled out on the bed, sound asleep. *sits next to Harper and continues to watch the tv with everyone*

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