the fun has just begun

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*its now the morning of Elliot's 13th birthday! he is a very simple kid so all he asked his parents to do was to go out bowling and for dinner with the 4 of them and carlos. of course Jessica and Tommy were happy that they wouldnt have a million 13 year old boys making a mess of their house so they has no objections to his request. its a thursday so Elliot would still have to go into school then all the birthday stuff will happen once he is back*

Jasmine: *woke up early so Jessica had to keep her distracted enough that she wouldnt disturb elliot too soon and leave him grumpy from his lack of sleep. she eventually hear elliot's alarm go off about 8am so she wasted no time in running through to his room* EL... WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!

Elliot: *woke up to see Jasmine jumping on his bed* morning Jazzy! what are you doing in here? *pulls Jasmine in so she could lay on Elliots stomach and they could cuddle for a minute*

Jasmine: Its your birthday! *smiles at Elliot as he smiles back*

Elliot: it is... but i also have to go to school before we do any birthday stuff, rememeber? *giggles that his sister gets more excited about his birthday than he does*

Jasmine: oh... *her mood drops because she has no concept of the day or time. she was just thinking that she would get to play with elliot all day long*

Elliot: dont be sad Jazzy-bear! as soon as i finish school me, you, mama and dada are gonna go bowling and we are going to go out for a big nice meal too.

Jasmine: ok! *smiles a little because she cant wait to do stuff with Elliot and their parents. but she is still sad that elliot has to go*

Elliot: alright! would you like to go and get dada so he can bring my uniform too me? *looks at Jasmine*

Jasmine: yeah! *scrambles off Elliots bed and goes through to her parents room and ask her dad for Elliots uniform*

Elliot: *continued to lay in his bed and went on his phone and responded to the people who have already sent him birthday wishes. 5 minutes later! Jasmine comes back in the room with Tommy following close behind, holding Elliot's uniform*

Tommy: good morning birthday boy! how are you feeling today? *smiles as he sits down on the edge of Elliots bed with Jasnime on his lap*

Elliot: meh! im feeling a little sick but im sure that will go away once im playing in the fresh air with Carlos and stuff *smiles*

Tommy: yeah! *smiles* would you like some breakfast in bed or do you just wanna come down to the dinning room once you are dressed and ready? *looks at Elliot*

Elliot: umm, ill just come down and have breakfast with you guys once im ready. *smiles as he sees Jasmine and Tommy smiling back at him*

Tommy: alright bud! me and Jazzy with go down and get everything set out on the table for you *gets up and goes out the room so Elliot can get dressed*

*at the breakfast table! Elliot was sat next to Jasmine, and Tommy and Jessica were sat across from them. they were all lost in conversation about absolute randomness, just having a laugh together like always. then before they knew it, it was time for Elliot to leave and get dropped of at school*

Elliot: *was sat in his wheelchair as Tommy helped him get his shoes on and made sure he had everything he needed in his backpack for the day ahead* bye Jazzy! can i get a hug before i leave? *looks down at the sad look on Jasmine's face that always appears when Elliot has to go somewhere without her*

Jasmine: *was lifted up and placed on Elliot's lap so she could give him a hug* im gonna miss you! *has her head resting on Elliots shoulder as she holds onto him*

Elliot: im gonna miss you too! but dont worry because ill be back in a few hours and you and i can play together, ok? *holds Jasmine in his arms as he speaks to her and tries to comfort her so she doesnt get too upset at Elliot being gone for 6 hours*

Jasmine: ok! *still doesnt wanna let go of Elliot*

Tommy: alright babygirl! i need to take Elliot to school now! *looks down at Elliot as he tries to gently get Jasmine to let go of him*

Jessica: *reaches out to take Jasmine off of Elliot* come here babygirl! how about you and i go and do some drawing then you can show them to elliot when he comes home! *holds onto Jasmine as she starts to get a little fidgety trying to reach Elliot. Tommy and elliot have now left and Jessica is stood by the window with Jasmine so she could wave them off* dont worry! he will be back before you know it. *smiles weakly as she sees the sad look on Jasmines face as if she is scared that she will never see Elliot again*

*6 hours later! Elliot and Tommy just got back home from school*

Elliot: *wheeled into the front door and heard Jasmine and his mum in the livingroom. so he gets his shoes and jachet off them he rolls onto the livingroom. he didnt say anything at first and just waited for Jasmine to look up from her game to see that elliot is back. before too long Jasmine saw Elliot and ran into his arms and hung onto him, not letting go for nothing* hey Jazzy- bear! i missed you so much! *since elliot is in highschool now, its alot more stressful for him to keep up with everyone going between each class. so he was relieved to finally be home again and to get hugs from his baby sister that he has remained very close with over the years*

Jasmine: i missed you too! ...can we play games now? *looks up at elliot as she holds onto his shoulders to make sure she doesnt fall*

Elliot: of course we can! *smiles as he sees Jasmine get excited about them finally getting to play together* i just need to change out of my uniform first!

Jasmine: ok! *smiles at Elliot then climbs down from his lap so he can go up to his room*

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