a mix of emotions

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santana: *walks back into the house and opens the living room door slightly* is it safe to come in?

Anna: *laughs at Santana for messing around* yes San! you will not be harmed in anyway if you come in. *Grace and Santana laugh*

Santana: *still walks in with caution* PHEW, you're not touching each other! *gives the women a look of seriousness but then they all laugh*

Grace: well... aren't you mrs popular today?! *laughs* getting all these phone calls in the same hour! you must be exhausted. *laughs as does san*

Santana: i know right! *laughs* ...15 years in and i still cant get used to people actually wanting to talk to me, without fear that ill go all snixx on them for the smallest of things *thinks about how Toby was freaking out that he talked about ashley with so much love and adoration. but of course he felt bad because Santana cant have that special someone with her anymore*

Anna: its nice that they thought to call and check up though! *smiles as San smiles back*

Santana: yeah! they are all really excited to visit me and the little monkeys at some point in the near future! *smiles as the girls smile back* im thinking i should just organise a family barbecue for us all! *smiles*

Anna: that would be awesome! be sure to call us if you need a hand with anything. *smiles at san*

Santana: thank you! *smiles at Anna and Grace* also thank you so much for coming along with me to do that stuff for brittany. i really appreciate all you have dont for me and the kids... since loosing jessica too. *smiles weakly*

Grace: *smiles at anna and San sympathetically* no problem at all!

Santana: anyway... I'm gonna head home and let you girls get on with your evening. *smiles as she stands up to hug Grace and Anna goodbye*

Grace: *walks into the hall with santana and anna* KIDS... COME SAY BYE TO GRANDMA! *stands at the bottom of the stairs with santana and Anna,watching as Jasmine makes her way down the stairs in Elliots chair lift with him*

Santana: *smiles as she puts her arms out for Jasmine to be lifted* goodbye Sweetie! i love you so much and ill see you again real soon, ok? *hugs the 3 year old as Jasmine holds onto Santana like she is scared to let go*

Jasmine: im gonna miss you! *pouts*

Santana: ill miss you too... but dont worry because ive got something special that im gonna be organising for us all. you just need to wait a few more days so i can get everything together, ok? *looks at Jasmine*

Jasmine: ok Grandma! im so excited! *smiles as san smiles back*

Santana: me too! *puts Jasmine back down so Santana can give Elliot a hug* ...bye buddy! take good care of your sister for me, would ya? *smiles*

Elliot: *smiles at Jasmine then back at Santana* always!

Santana: *smiles* I love you both! *messes with his hair a little*

Elliot: bye Grandma! *smiles as Jasmine gets back onto his lap as he wheels them both to the front door to wave at Santana*

*once Santana got back to her place she decided that she was ready to remanise and look through her memory box filled with stuff of her and Brittany related things. from the moment they first started being friends to very last holiday they went on together. as she was going through everything, she kept on putting all their pics together, to the side so she could look through them all at once*

*10 minutes and many tears later! she was at the bottom of the box and was now looking through the pictures. some would make her laugh and some would make her cry more than what she was already doing. but no matter what her reaction was she could finally except that that part of her life had to come to an end and she is just focusing on being grateful that she was actually lucky enough to meet someone like brittany, who was her complete opposit in so many ways but of course that never mattered to them and they were so proud to be far from your average couple*

Santana: *is looking at the pic of her and brittany from back in the day when they both had their animal onezies on and Santana was being licked on the cheek by brittany. luckily it was subtle enough and everyone else just sees Brittany kissing San* i still cant believe you got away with doing stuff like this Britt! thats what i love and miss most about you... you were never scared to mess around like little kids and be different *smiles as she stares at the pic a little longer before placing a kiss on Brittanys cheek then putting the pictures back in the box to keep them safe*

*the rest of the evening for santana was just spent lounging around in her pj's reading her favourite book and sipping on wine. then when dinner time came around, she got some takeaway because she really didn't have the energy to make anything.*

*Santana's phone! *she posted the pic of her and brittany in their animal onezies from when they were teens on facebook for all her friends and family to see* Captioned: happiest of birthdays to my beautiful angel in heaven! you are loved and missed beyoned words, my love! cant wait to hug and kiss you again when i make it over to the other side of the rainbow someday. *kissing face X3*

*Santana made her post then turned her phone off so she could finish eating her food. But as she expected, it wasnt long before her phone started to blow up with comments and people reacting to her post with all the love in the world*

Santana: *was smiling as she read through all the comments of people saying happy birthday to Britt and telling San that they are sending her lots of love and hugs from afar. then Santana frowned because there was one comments that caught her eye and confused/hurt the hell out of her*

*santana's phone!*

Comment from "BrittanySpeirce: F- off i never loved you, freak!"

Santana: what the hell! *scrunched her face up at her phone as she tries to wrap her head around what she is seeing* what is going on?! ...what sick duchebag would hack Britt's account...especially saying shit like this?! *santana was so out of it, trying to think of who would do this. she didnt notice that people started to reply to whoever was messing with Brittany's account. they were all just trying their best to defend santana and figure out who was playing this sick ass game*

*santana was so overwhelmed with everything that she just placed her phone on the coffee table and went to have a nice relaxing bath to try and calm her mind and forget about what just happend*

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