you can come to me

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*after a couple more hours of rides and shopping in the disney store. everyone headed back to the hotel just as it was coming up to dinner time*

Santana: *walks into the hotel room first and takes her jacket and shoes off then heads straight into bed* good night everyone! *pulled the duvet upto her chin and closes her eyes like she is going to sleep*

Jasmine: *giggles as she runs over and jumps up onto the bed* grandma, dont be silly! we still need to have dinner before you go to sleep. *tries to pull the duvet off of san but as expected, she wasnt having any of it and just pulled the duvet back, covering her head this time*

Santana: no food! i need sleep! *it goes quiet for a moment then suddently santana starts to fake snore. which had everyone laughing*

Jasmine: *didnt want santana to go to sleep yet so she starts to jump up and down on the bed so she could get santana's attention* wake up... wake up... wake up...

Santana: *laughs at herself for thinking that she would be able to have an early night after jasmine eating so many sweet things at disneyland earlier in the day* alright sweetheart , i wont go to sleep but can you please stop jumping because you are gonna make yourself sick. *was now sitting up, trying to reach out for jasmine, to stop her from jumping*

Jasmine: what do you wanna do now Grandma? *smiles at san*

Santana: well i still need to have a chat with Elliot *looks at elliot and sees him smile weakly like he just remembered what they said this morning* then we can all get into our pj's and have a games night or something. would you like that? *smiles at jasmine*

Jasmine: yeah! *smiles*

Santana: alright! well you go with the girls and they will give you a quick bath and put your pj's on. and by the time you are all done, elliot and i should be back. *smiles at jasmine*

Jasmine: ok! *smiles at jasmine then goes over to the couches, where anna and grace were sat taking with max* hey guys! grandma said i was needing a bath. *smiles at the 2 women*

Anna: alright! Lets pic out what pjs you would like to wear then take your duck towel and your bath toys into the bathroom with you *gets up and takes jasmine over to her little case where all her stuff is*

Santana: *had been getting her shoes on and helping elliot with his. now she is stood up loocking over at anna then grace* we wont be too long! call us if you need anything. *smiles*

Grace: no worries! *smiles at san* good luck kiddo! *laughs as does elliot because she made it sound like he was gonna be getting into trouble*

Elliot: thanks! ill try not to summon snixx like jazzy did earlier. *they all laugh at that then say there goodbyes before santana and elliot leave the room to go for a wonder down the halls*

Santana: *walks beside elliots wheelchair* so, whats up? *looks at elliot*

Elliot: *wheels himself down the hall* i know its bad that i was keeping this from you but its just because i didnt wanna ruin your trip. i know how this is the first big family getaway that you have been on since grandma died and i just didnt wanna give you any drama to worry about while we were here. *frowns because he feels bad for not talking to santana alot sooner*

Santana: well, that is very sweet that you wanted to keep me safe from all the drama. but whatever it is, i need to know about it so i can keep you safe. we both know that you are more physically at risk of anything that happens. *smiles weakly because she still feels bad that elliot has to put up with so much pain and discomfort because of his health condition*

Elliot: yeah, your right! im sorry! also i wanna apologise for my crappy attitude earlier on. i didnt mean to take my frustration out on you guys. *looks up at san*

Santana: thats ok bud! we understand that you have alot going on. and we will be by your side whenever you need us. you just need to actualy say something because as cool as it would be to do so, we cant read minds. *smiles as elliot smiles back*

Elliot: yeah!

Santana: so... what part of your body is bothering you today? *crouches down to be at elliots height*

Elliot: *takes a deep breath before saying anything because he knows that hes gonna have to go to the doctors to get checked out* i dont know how or why but last night i started to get pain in my rib. and it wasnt to distracting then so i slept just fine. but when i woke up this morning it got alot worse and its been at a level 6 -7 all day. even after i took some pain killers. *frowns because he is experiencing one of the worst pains hes ever had*

Santana: *frowns because she had no idea that he had been in so much pain all day. but now that she thinks of it, she realises that that would be why he has so quiet all day* ok, well how about we go back to the room and get you in a big bubble bath and see if it numbs the pain at all. and while your doing that ill make a quick phone call to get a doctors appointment for when we get back home and we'll just see what they say about it and take it from there.

Elliot: ok! *looks at santana*

Santana: also i want you to tell me if it gets any worse so i can do something to try and help in the meantime. yeah? *looks at elliot*

elliot: yeah, will do! *smiles at santana*

Santana: great! *stands up* lets go see if the little monkey is finished and ready to play games. *starts to walk back to their hotel room as elliot wheels himself right next to her*

*meanwhile in the room, jasmine was refusing to get out the bath because she was having so much fun playing with her bath toys*

Grace: come on kiddo! we need to get you into your pj's so we can all have a games night together. *holds up jasmine's duck towel*

Santana: *walks into the room and over to the bathroom to see whats going on* are you still in that bath?! you are gonna turn into an little raisin if you dont get out soon. *laughs at the scared look on jasmines face then watches as she quickly gets up on her feet within seconds*

Grace: wow! how did you do that?! *laughs because she has always admired Santana's parental skills*

Santana: ive been scaring kids since i learned to talk, its easy! *laughs because she wasnt joking about having people fear her because of snixx*

Anna: yeah, i remember the days when jessica would come running for cover at my parents place whenever you were having one of your moments. *laughs as does the other 2 women*

Santana: poor Brittany having to be left alone with snixx so many times! i dunno how she did it! *laughs a little as anna and grace smile at her* ...anyway, you need to get out of there so elliot can have a turn. *looks down at jasmine smiling back at her. She put her arms out to get lifted out the bath*

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