such a brave girl

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Santana: *was sat on the couch trying to calm jasmine down all over again since she freaked out after Elliot tried to cuddle with her. luckily it was a little easier for jasmine to calm down this time because she has tired herself out with everything* hey El... *gets his attention* how about you go and get changed out your uniform and ill get jazzy into her pj's as well then we can all watch a movie together.

Elliot: yeah sure! *smiles at san then gets in his wheelchair and goes up to his room*

Santana: *looks over and sees anna and Grace cuddling up on the other couch with a very concerned max by there side* sorry i havent even said a word to you ladies since you got back! its been one heck of a day, thats for sure! *tries to laugh it off because thats just what she does in serious situations that usually have her on edge*

Anna: you have nothing to apologise for tana! we are just glad you girls are both home! *smiles as san smiles back*

Grace: yeah! *smiles as san smiles back* about you girls go up and get in your comfy pjs and me and anna will get everyone some hot chocolate and popcorn for the movie *smiles then watches as San gets up and has jasmine's little hands holding onto her for dear life*

*at the top of the stairs*

Santana: *looks at jasmine* alright sweetheart ! do you think you could let me put some special cream on your sore bits? *looks at jasmine* i promise ill be as quick and as gentle as i can, ok? *see jasmine look up at her with so much fear in her eyes as she shakes her head from side to side*

Jasmine: please dont do it Grandma! it hurts ? *cries just at the thought of the pain*

Santana: *sighs as she feels so bad that jasmine is in so much pain and wont let san help by putting on cream that will heal her* sh, sh, sh! its ok! i promise im just trying to help you get better! it will only hurt for a little bit at the start then it will eventually go away. *didnt wanna have to do this but she starts to think that the only way to get it done is to bribe jasmine with her favourite treats or toys* about i buy you a new toy, would you let me try to put the cream on you for that? *waits for jasmine to lift her head again*

Jasmine: *she suddenly starts to think of getting a new teddy to cuddle at night and gets a little excited* o-okay! *looks at san and smiles a little*

Santana: *was releived that she got through to her. but she still needs to actually put the cream on. she is already preparing herself for jasmine to kick and scream* awesome! me and you can go to the shop and you can pick something out tomorrow. *smiles as she walks into the bathroom to get the special cream that she told jasmine about* alright, lets go pick out the pj's you wanna wear tonight, then i can put some cream on your sore bits *smiles down at jasmine as she lays her head on santana's shoulder and looks up at her with tired eyes and a weak smile* ... what colour would you like to wear today? *stands infront of jasmines pj drawer*

Jasmine: *looks down at her pj tops and spots her favourite one* princess tiana! *points to a light green top that has tiana on it*

Santana: *smiles at jasmine then gets the top she asked for* good choice! *goes into a different drawer that had pj bottoms in it* can you see the bottoms that match this top? *she can see it, she's just trying to include Jasmine to try and keep her distracted as much as possible from the pain*

Jasmine: *looks in the drawer and takes a minute to figure out what colour she was looking for. after looking at the top one last time she finally spots the green trousers that match* there they are! *smiles proudly that she found them*

Santana: well done my little detective! *smiles at jasmine then reaches out to get the right bottoms. she walks back to jasmines bed and puts her pj there for after* ...alright sweetheart! now its time for you to tell Grandma where it hurts and im gonna make it all better for you, ok? *lays jasmine down on the bed and sees her starting to get upset as she remember what is about to happen*

Jasmine: i dont wanna! *starts to suck on her thumb*

Santana: we want to make it all better so thats why ive got this special cream for all your boo boo's! *shows jasmine the tub of cream*

Jasmine: ok! *is getting to tired to fight back* can i cuddle with Grandma Britty's uni while you do it? *looks up at san with sad eyes*

Santana: *feels bad that her house is a 10 minute drive away, otherwise she would have went to get the stuffed unicorn without hesitation* im sorry sweetheart but that one is at my house! *looks at the end of jasmines bed and looks at all her teddies* how about you cuddle your one just now then you can give Grandma Britty's uni some extra cuddles when you come over to my house another day*

Jasmine: ok! *was sad that she didnt have brittany's one but she just takes hers anyway because she really needs the comfort right now*

Santana: good girl! *smiles down as jasmine cuddles with her unicorn and sucks her thumb, trying to fight sleep*

*much to santana's dislike! jasmine was sobbing and screaming the house down from the moment santana tried to clean her wounds and put cream on them. san felt so bad but she just had to push through it and get it over and done with so she can give jasmine the cuddles she keeps asking for*

Santana: *finally managed to get jasmine's pj's on her* there you go, you're all done! *picks jasmine up and holds her close, rocking her gently and rubbing her back softly* you did so well! you are such a brave girl and im so proud of you for letting me do that even though it was very stingy for you.

Jasmine: *sobs into santana's chest* i didnt like that! please no more grandma! *whimpers*

Santana: thats it all over, i promise! *kisses jasmine on the head and carries her as santana puts the special cream back in its place then puts jasmines dirty clothes in the washing basket that is at the corner of jasmines room* do you want anymore teddies to cuddle on the couch? *looks at jasmine*

Jasmine: *wipes the tears from her eyes then looks at her pile of teddies* can i have my princess? *looks at santana*

Santana: of course you can! *smiles at jasmine then goes and gets the tiana teddy and gives it to jasmine before they make there way down to the living room again*

*As soon as Santana carries Jasmine into the living room, Anna and Grace just look up at san with such sympathetic looks after hearing the struggle to get jasmine into her pj's*

Santana: *smiles weakly at anna and grace then turns her attention to the little coffee table that has a bunch of hot chocolates on it and 2 bowls of popcorn* looks what the girls got for you jazzy! *points at the table as jasmine turns her head* would you like some popcorn? i bet your little stomach goblings are hungry? *tries to be enthusiastic for jasmine's sake*

Jasmine: no thank you! *continues to cuddle san*

Santana: ok! we can just have some once elliot comes to watch the movie with us all. yeah? *smiles as she sees jasmine nod her head*

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