at the doctors

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Santana: *sits down as jasmine still clings onto her, trying to hide* thank you so much for seeing us on such short notice! its very much appreciated *smiles*

Dr Henry: no problem at all! now, what can i help you with? *looks at san*

Santana: well, this little monkey has become very fussy and violent when it comes to not getting her way with things! at the start of it all, we would just laugh it off because as a child, all the way to my teen years i had a very sarcastic and threating attitude that would scare alot of people off. which was good in some situations where i was just trying to stand up for the people i really care about. but id never actually physically hurt anyone. i would just tell them stuff like that so they wouldnt dare to do anything like that to me. but in jasmines case, she has gotten to the point were she is so worked up that she lashes out and hits, punches or scratches whoever she was mad at, whenever they say no to her. i was just wondering if there is anything we can do to help stop this from getting out of control before its too late. *looks at Dr Henry, waiting for him to give her some advice*

Dr henry: hmm... well first off, i would like to say that i have had many parents come in here and tell me that their children are being agressive towards family or friends. so dont feel like you have done something wrong. because im sure you are very loving and nice natured adults that just want the best for their little ones *smiles as santana smiles back*

Santana: thanks! i do hope we can find out what is really going on because she is only 4 and hasnt been exposed to puplic school and getting into fights with friends or anything. so thats why im so stumped on what could have caused this in the first place. i can assure you that jazzy is a very kind and loving little girl so hopefully this is a one off situation that can be solved fairly easy. *smiles nervously because shes trying her hardest to hope for the best*

Dr Henry: i totally get why you are feeling that way! and i promise that i will get to the bottom of it all for you so you can all move on from this and not have any more issues with it. *smiles at santana*

Santana: thank you! *smiles at henry*

Dr Henry: *looks down at jasmine as she plays with santana's and britt's wedding rings that santana always wears* hey jasmine.... *jasmine finally looks up at him* would you be ok to answer a question i have for you? * tries to seem gentle and not make the little one feel like she is getting into trouble*

Jasmine: *smiles nervously at Santana and Mercedes then turns back to the doctor once the girls smile at her* ok!

Dr Henry: great! ... so, my first question for you is... do you have any brothers or sisters? *looks at jasmine and sees her nod her head while she starts to suck her thumb* thats cool... could you tell me how many you have? *patiently waits for jasmines response*

Jasmine: i have a big brother! *takes her thumb out her mouth to respond then puts it straight back into her mouth when she's done speaking*

Dr Henry: thats awesome ... and do spend alot of time with your brother?

Jasmine: yeah! we play on his special swing in the garden and go to the beach when its sunny. *smiles as she thinks of the last time elliot was on his swing and let jasmine sit on his lap so she could swing up into the clouds and feel like she was flying *

Dr Henry: that sounds like lots of fun! *smiles at jasmine. he could see that she was getting tired of all his questions so he just moved on to ask santana some more grown up questions that should hopefully give him an idea of whats going on.* so, if you dont mind, id like to ask you a few questions so i can get a better understanding of jasmines day to day situation. if thats cool with you? *looks at san*

Santana: of course! ask away! *waits for the doctor to start asking questions*

Dr Henry: to start with, id like to ask you if there is anything that has happened recently that you think might have triggered jasmine to be agressive? *looks at san, waiting for her to respond*

Santana: *thinks for a moment and can only thing of one major situation that could have changed in such a drastic way like this* well, there is something but i dont think its the best thing to be going into detail about with the little ears around. you know, just incase it does set her off in any way. *smiles nervously at the doctor then they both look at jasmine to see her playing with santana's rings again*

Dr Henry: ok, i totally understand... *thinks for a moment* how about your friend here takes jasmine back to play with the toys in the waiting room and then you and i can have a chat. *looks at san to hear what she thinks of the idea*

Santana: *smiles at the doctor then looks at mercedes* are you ok with that M? we shouldnt be too long. *looks at the doctor then back at mercedes*

Mercedes: yeah sure! take all the time you need! ill just take the munchkin to get a drink and snack or something. *smiles at san then stands up and puts her arms out to pick jasmine up* ...alright munchkin, say bye to Grandma! *looks at the little girl in her arms*

Jasmine: goodbye grandma! see you later *smiles as san smiles back and waves at her granddaughter before mercedes carries her out the room*

Dr Henry: so, what was that situation you were thinking of? *looks at san*

Santana: well, about a year ago i unfortunately lost my daughter and her husband in a car accident that took their lives. jasmine and her brother were in the back of the car when it all happened so they ended up in hospital with a few scratches but luckily it was nothing too serious that couldnt heal with time. *holds back her tears as she relives that horrible day*

Dr Henry: im so sorry to hear that ma'am! *smiles sympathetically*

Santana: thank you! *smiles politely*, do you think that she is just having trouble with expressing her grief since she is too young to understand everything properly. so the only way she can show how much its affected her is by hurting others? *looks up at the doctor*

Dr Henry: quite possibly! maybe you could try asking her about that when she is in the comfort of your home. she might feel better to try and talk about her feelings and be vulnrable surrounded by those she is close to. if you still cant get any answers then you can bring her back and we can come up with another solution. would you be alright with that? *looks at san*

Snatana: of course! ill do whatever it takes to get her back to the little carefree and happy granddaughter ive always known her to be. *smiles as the doctor smiles back*

Dr Henry: i will try my best to help make that happen for you! *smiles at san then turns to write something on a piece of paper* here is my number, you can get in touch if you need anything at all. *gives san the piece of paper*

Santana: *takes the paper* thank you so much for your help today! *gets up and shakes the doctors hand before leaving and going back to get mercedes and Jasmine so they can go home and start their slumper party*

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