our own secret weapon

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*in the ladies room*

grace: *was stood outside the stall that jasmine went in* hey jazzy, you doing alright?

Jasmine: yeah! I'm almost done!

*a few miutes later*

Jasmine: *finished her buisness and had been trying to get back into her tights, but she just couldnt rememeber how to so she gets frustrated at herself* gracie... i need you!

Grace: im coming hun! *goes into the stall and help jasmine get her tights back on*

*once they are all done, grace takes jazzy by the hand and walks out to meet back up with san, anna and the boys*

Santana: *smiles as jasmine runs over to her and reaches up to her as a sign that she wants carried* hey little monkey! *smiles as jasmine smiles back*

Jasmine: i did it grandma! i went all by my self and didnt have an accident! *was still getting used to going to the big girl toilet, so she was very proud of herself for the baby steps she was taking*

Santana: *makes an overexgageratted shocked expression so jasmine can feel good about herself even with something like this, that everyone overcomes at some point* no way! are you messing with me? *puts her hands on her hips to show her disbelief *

Jasmine: nope! *smiles proudly*

Santana: wait... what about your tights? *looks at jasmine*

Jasmine: ok, i had to have help with that! ...but i did everything else.

Santana: well done sweetheart! ...we can definitly work on dressing yourself another day. *smiles*

Jasmine: ok! *smiles*

Elliot: *was slightly jealous that he didnt get to cross that hurdle because of his condition* can we go now?! we arent getting any younger. *laughs so everyone can see that he is just messing round*

Santana: come on grouchy?! lets go get our picture taken with your ugly step sisters. *implying that he is related to cinderella's step sisters. This made everyone laugh*

Elliot: *rolls his eyes* whatever! *starts to wheel himself towards one of the characters while everyone follows behind him, his attitude aside so they can all enjoy themselves without any drama in their lives for once*

Jasmine: *walks beside max and her grandma, when she sees tinkerbell in the distance* TINKERBELL! *runs off towards her without thinking twice*

*Santana didnt panic because they were only a few feet away. so she just walks up to where jasmine was and watches as tinkerbell speaks with jasmine*

Max: *was stood next to grace and anna, just looking around to see if he can spot Captain Hook* hey Elliot! Wanna go and mess with Captain Hook? *looks at Elliot with a cheeky grin.

Elliot: yeah sure! *smiles at max then they made there way toward Captain Hook, as he spots the boys and gives them the evils as if he can sense they are up to no good*

Captain Hook: excuse me boys but have you seen that little fat guy that i work with... *looks at the boys as they look behind Captain Hook and sees smee doing silly faces behind his back*

Elliot: *laughs then looks at max to see that he is smiling at the pirates actions aswell* no, I'm afraid we haven't! *was lying through his teeth but somehow made Captain Hook believe him*

Captain Hook: are you positive? I could have sworn I seen him up to something suspicious earlier! *looks at the boys as they continue to look at smee as he sneaks up behind caption hook. Before they could say another word, smee stole Captain hooks sword and ran away with it swinging all over the place*

Captain Hook: DAMN YOU SMEE! YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THIS! *chases after smee and leaves the teens laughing as they film the whole thing between the characters*

Max: That is what I call entertainment! *laughs as does Elliot*

Elliot: I know right! *laughs then both the boys head back over to where there family was. jasmine of course was still happily talking with tinker bell and gets her picture taken with the fairy*

Tinkerbell: hey, how about we get Captain Hook and smee in on the pictures as well as your family, would you like that? *jasmine nods and smiles as tinker bell stands up and puts her hand out for jasmine to hold on to. then she looks over at the 3 older woman and the boys* come on gang! *smiles then walks off with jasmine to go and get Captain Hook and smee*

Jasmine: *looks round and sees that they were still running about and laughing evilly* THERE THEY ARE! *Points over to Captain Hook and smee*

Tinkerbell: oh yes! those silly rascals are trying to fight... what are we gonna do with them! *playfully shakes her head*

Jasmine: I don't know but I'm scared of Captain hooks sword! *is genuinely scared because the sword looks real to her but it's actually just hard plastic*

Tinkerbell: dont worry! we will go over and talk to them and make sure they dont do anything. *smiles down at jasmine as she smiles back*

*the girls make there way over to the boys, telling them not to do anything and just to come back to where they should be so we can take some pictures with this lovely family. of course the boys didnt co-oparate because they were so wrapped up in a world of their own*

Jasmine: *was pulling a little on tinker bells dress so she can get the fairy's attention* what are we gonna do now?

Tinker bell: *puts a thinking face on then looks down at jasmine* I'm not sure little one!

Jasmine: *also puts her thinking face on. A few seconds on and she gets an idea* oh I know! *gets tinker bell to crouch down so jasmine can whisper in her ear*

Tinker bell: *laughs because she is so confused about what jasmine is talking about* whats a snixx? *looks over at santana as she laughs away to herself* ...excuse me ma'am! do you know what she is talking about? *stands up and looks at santana*

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