the fun never stops

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Elliot: *unfolds the paper and starts to read in his head. once he read enough to understand what it is, he looks up at Santana with a big smile on his face* REALLY? IS THIS A JOKE? *sees santana smile and shake her head*

Jasmine: *was getting impatient because she cant read yet* what is it El? *looks up at El as he look at san then over to the other woman to get comformation from them too*

Elliot: *smiles at Jasmine's then reads what the piece of paper says. once he does, jasmine goes crazy and jumps up and down not being able to hold in her excitement.* i cant believe this! *smiles as he looks down at the piece of paper in disbelief then smiles at San again*

Santana: *smiles at Elliot then looks down at Jasmine and holds her to try and stop her from jumping so she doesnt fall on her bum* what do you think Jazzy-bear... you are finally gonna meet princess tiana! (jasmines all time favourite disney princess. according to her, they both look like twins so everyone just goes along with it to make her happy)

Jasmine: YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY! *comtinues to jump up and down as everyone smiles and giggles at her cuteness*

Elliot: *places the piece of paper on the coffee table then wheels himself over to the couch to give his Grandma a hug* thank you so much for doing this for us Grandma! *tears up a little as he thinks about how this was his family's biggest goal in life, to be able to take a trip to disneyland toghether when they had the time. sadly its a bitter - sweet moment now that his paperents wont be there to experience the happiness of it all*

Santana: *knew all about Jessica's plan to take her kids to disneyland as soon as jessica and tommy earned enough money for it all* you are very welcome sweetheart ! *kisses elliot on his head then pulled Jasmine up onto her lap so she could join in on the hug*

Grace: *watched as Santana spoke with the kids and gave them big hugs. then she turned to anna and smiles because they were both happy that they were able to help san make this all happen for her grand babies* alright... who's ready for some christmas pancakes? *smiles because all the kids got excited again, smiling from ear to ear and nod their heads* San? would you like anything?

Santana: no thanks! i already ate before i came here *smiles*

Grace: alright! *turns to anna* what about you babe? wanna have a pancake or you can have something else?

Anna: ill just have some cereal thanks! *smiles as Grace smiles back*

Grace: k! you ladies just chill in here and ill get the kids stuff sorted. *gets up and walks into the kitchen as the kids follow close behind*

*while Grace was busy making pancakes with the kids, Santana and Anna cleared up all the wrapping paper and cardboard boxes that were scattered all over the living room floor. then they went through to the kitchen and saw that jasmine was sat on the kitchen counter with flour all over her hands and face as she has a chest apron*

Santana: *laughs at the scene infront of her, that would usually cause her so much stress to see mess like this. but she couldnt bring herself to care because she was just happy to see her granddaughter smiling and having so much fun* alright misses! you are gonna be getting a bath as soon as you are finished your breakfast. we cant have you messing up your pretty party clothes for tonight, can we? *looks at Jasmine as she smiles at san*

Grace: *finished flipping the last pancake her and elliot were making, then she turns round to the others* pancakes are ready! *smiles as Jasmine gets lifted off the kitchen counter and runs over to the dinning table with a big smile on her face* remember not to fill your plates to much because you dont want to be too full for christmas dinner later! *places the big stack of pancakes in the middle of the table and watch as the kids dig in, placing all sorts of fruit and whipped cream on top of their pancakes*

*after breakfast Jasmine was in a big bubble bath, messing around with the bubbles as Santana tried to get her all cleaned up from breakfast*

Santana: *left to pick out a dress and shoes for Jasmine then came back in with her hooded towel* alright you crazy monkey, its time to come out now. *laughs as jasmine puts bubbles on Santana's face. totally ignoring what Her grandma just said because jasmine was too busy laughing*

Elliot: *appeared at the bathroom door* doesn't look like  she is gonna be listening any time soon! we night as well just leave her to it... *talks to san but is being loud enough that jasmine hears. He knows that his sister wont want to be left all alone*

Jasmine: WAIT! *looks up at her grandma as she turns to look at the sad look on her granddaughter's face*

Santana : awe... i was only messing with you sweetheart! i would never leave you alone. *walks over to the bath and lifts jasmine out, wrapping the towel round her and carrying jasmine through to her room while San kisses her pout away*

Santana: *gets to jasmines room and sees the 4 year old run off to play with her toys as her towel sits on her head and exposes her naked figure since she didn't hold onto it* get back here you cheeky little monkey! *playfully shakes her head at her carefree granddaughter doing whatever she wants*

Jasmine: in a minute Grandma! *plays with her dolls, not making eye contact with santana at all*

Santana: *thinks of something that will convice the little one to get dried and dressed right this second* if you come now then i might be able to stop off at the shop to get you a treat on the way back to my house. *smiles because Jasmine Whips her head round so quickly*

Jasmine: ice cream? *she speaks with so much excitement at the possiblility*

Santana: yes! but only if you come and get dressed just now and dont fight with Grandma about it. *speaks with a little sterness in her voice but not enough to scare Jasmine*

Jasmine: *wastes no time in getting onto her feet and trying to get her little body up onto her bed all by herself *

Santana: *giggles at how cute jasmine is when she tries to do everything herself even though she is still so little* lets get you dried and into some warm clothes *smiles as she wraps Jasmine up and starts to help dry her body*

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