Surprise surprise

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*1 year later! Jessica and Tommy just got back from their 5 month trip to the bahamas and are going to be surprising Santana since she wont be expecting them for another few weeks!*

Tommy: *just pulled up a few blocks from Santana's house so his car is hidden behind a bunch of stuff and out the way of santana being able to see then out her livingroom window* you ready for this! *he looks over and smiles at jessica who is now 12 weeks pregnant and hasnt told anyone yet because she wanted it too be special for her mum to find out in person.*

Jessica: im nervous but im ready! *smiles at Tommy then looks down as she holds her pregnant belly* you ready for this little guy? *talks in a baby voice to her stomach like her son will hear her*

Tommy: smiles at Jessica then goes round to open the car door to help her get out*

*the walk from the car to the house was less than 5 minutes so jessica quicky put a hoodie on so that the baby bump is hidden for now*

santana: *was just in the house reading a book and drinking tea, still in her comfy clothes. so when she heard the doorbell she didnt think much of it other than it probably being the postman or something* ...OH MY GOODNESS! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE *is smiling from ear to ear as she brings Tommy and jessica in for big hugs then she stepped out the way so that they could come in*

Jessica: because we missed you and wanted to surprise you by showing up 2 weeks before we originally planned. *smiles as she sees her mum for the first time in so long*

Santana: this is the best day ever! *smiles at Tommy and Jessica* come on in! *walks into the livingroom with the couple close behind* would either of you like a hot dring or maybe a wee glass of red to celebrate my babies coming home? *smiles down at the couple as they nervously laugh and look at each other* what?... what are you guys so nervous about? *looks at the couple as Jessica looks at her mum with a guilty kinda look as if she has done something bad*

Jessica: Mum... i have something to tell you and i would like you to sit down for this *laughs as she sees the nervous look on Santana's face as she hesitantly sits down between Tommy and jessica*

Santana: Jessica what did you do? *looks at her seriously then quickly turns her head to tommy* Tommy what did she do? *looks seriously at Tommy to try and scare him into calling jessica out for what she is hiding*

Jessica: *laughs at the scared looks on tommy's face as if he isnt used to Santana's snixx side* calm down mummy, i swear its nothing bad! *hold santana's hand as she looks at jessica, waiting for an explanation* promise you wont freak in an overprotective mother way as if im a little kid?

Santana: i cant promise that Munchkin *laughs* just tell me*

Jessica: ok! *takes a deep breath then stands up and laughs at the confusion on her mum's face* you ready? *looking at her mum and is about to take her hoodie off*

Santana: YES! *is getting inpatient now*

Jessica: ok, ok! *takes her hoodie off to reveal the tight fitted dress she has on. she looks at her mum waiting for her to speak*

Santana: *takes in Jessica's apearence and is confussed at first but then Jessica placed her hands under her stomach in a protective kinda way and thats when santana realises the bump and she gasps* JESSICA STEWART! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? *looks at tommy and sees him smiling then looks back at Jessica and smiles from ear to ear as she gets up and hugs jessica more than ever before* IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING? AM I REALLY GONNA BE A GRANDMOTHER? *looks at Jessica and sees that they are both crying happy tears*

Jessica: wow! thats a lot of questions mum! *laughs* let me see... *does a thinking face as Santana and Tommy just look at her and smile* no, im not kiding!... yes this is really happening! ...and yes you and mama are gonna be grandparents to a beautiful baby boy *Smiles as Santana smiles just as much*

Santana: *looks up at the roof as if she is imagining Brittany looking down from heaven right now and smiling at what has just happened* you hear that babe, we are gonna be granmothers?! *smiles so much that her cheeks start to hurt. she looks back at jessica and they both cant stop smiling as they hug each other, trying to come to terms that this is all real* get over here tommy! *laughs as she pulls Tommy into the group hug. they stay there hugging for minute or 2* now we definitely have something to celebrate but we are gonna have to use blackcurrent instead *laughs as does the young couple*

Jessica: yeah! but Tommy still hasnt told his parents yet so would you be ok if we invited them over and we can all go out for dinner or soemthing? *looks at her mum*

Santana: id love too! let me go make myself look presentable *laughs* and Tommy, you phone your mums and see if they are up for it *smiles at the kids then dissapears up to her room*

Tommy: *on the phone with his mum, harper* hey mum! me and jessica are home from the bahamas early and have just surprised Santana so she was saying that i should invite you over so we can all go out for dinner tonight since we havent done anything in a while

Harper: heyyy! how come Santana got a surprise visit and we didnt? *acts fake hurt*

Tommy: *laughs at his mum* thats because ive got a wife who was very home sick... *actually sick from pregnancy* so we stopped off here before going anywhere else.

Harper: ok, you are off the hook and wont get a smack across the head anymore *laughs*

Tommy: thank you! you are too kind *laughs*

harper: alright! ill go tell your mum that we are going out and ill see you guys in an hour or so.

Tommy: awesome!

Harper: love you, bye for now!

Tommy: love you too! bye!

tommy: *hung up then turned back round to see Jessica sat on the couch, holding her stomach and looking very pale* would you like some water or anything?

Jessica: yes please! *looks up at Tommy*

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