a special day to be remembered

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*1 hour later! Santana has the kids stuff all packed up and has now pulled up outside Anna an Grace's house*

Max: *takes his seatbelt off and gets out the car* Hey mum... *smiles at Anna then turns back around to help jasmine get out the car*

Anna: hey bud! *smiles as she gives max a quick hug* I heard you were causing chaos at Tana's house! *laughs as does max*

Max: maybe! *doesn't even try to hide the fact that he was being a wind up as per usual*

Anna: *laughs with max then looks over and sees Santana helping Elliot into his wheelchair* hey San! do you need some help?

Santana: *stands up after helping Elliot get his feet onto the feet rests* no thanks! its all sorted! *smiles at Anna then she walks towards the house, with elliot wheeling himself behind*

Grace: *walks out the kitchen just as she hears everyone come in the house* hey! hows my favourite people doing? *smiles as she looks at the kids*

Max: hi mama! guess what i did today? *smiles as he gives grace a hug*

Santana: *looks at grace* max and Jazzy-bear were going absolutely crazy on the round about, werent you max? *smiles as she remembers max dramatically falling off the round about and on his bum just to make jasmine laugh her head off*

Max: yep! Me and jazzy were so dizzy after that weren't we * smiles down at jasmine as she nods her head*

Anna: that sound like a very busy day! im sure you guys are super hungry now? *looks round at all the kids as they nod their head eagerly* ...come on then! lets go chill in the living room till Grace finishes making lunch *smiles as she goes into the living room while everyone follows*

Max: I'm just gonna chill in my room for some quiet time if that's alright! *was stood by the couch that anna and Santana were sat on*

Anna: of course sweetie! Just shout if you need anything *looks at Max*

Max: thanks! I'll see you guys in a little bit* gives Anna a quick kiss on the cheek then he disappears up the stairs while the rest of them just hang out in the living room*

Santana: *turns to Elliot* would you like to go up and chill in your room or something? you've had a pretty busy day and im sure your desperate to get back into bed. just like most teenagers would be. *laughs as does Elliot*

Elliot: you're right! if only i was Jazzy's age then id get away with having a nap during the day *laughs*

Santana: you can have a wee nap if you really want to sweetie! ill just come and wake you once food is ready. and if you still need some more time then im sure we can just keep your food to the side for when you want it. *smiles at Elliot*

Elliot: really? are you sure? *feels bad for not being able to stay and spend time with santana on a special day like today*

Santana: of course! *smiles as Elliot smiles back*

Elliot: ok! *wheels closer to the couch so he can reach over and give his Grandma a hug* bye guys! *dissapears into the hall and gets in his little lift that will take him up the stairs, just like the one he had at his mum and dad's place*

Grace: *comes into the living room and sits down by Anna, giving her a quick peck on the lips just like they always do when they come back into the same room after not seeing each other for a few minutes* so... how you doing San? *smiles weakly because she was also thinking about how today marks something special in Santana's life but understands that it will be very difficult for Santana to not be upset since she lost britt*

Santana: *laughs nervously because she thinks back to earlier in the day when anna asked that exact same question in that tone of voice. so san is now realising what they are worried about* you know, your wife asked me that exact same question and for some reason i couldnt think why id be feeling off but now i get it. *takes a moment to breath so she stops herself from getting into her head and being upset about brittany* its been almost 15 years and the pain is still very much visible when its her birthday or the anniversary of her death *plays with the rings on her fingers as she talks because that just a habit of hers whenever she is uncomfortable in any way* ...but im ok! im pushing through and just visiting her grave as much as i can to have a little chat with her and update her on all the stuff that happened in that week *smiles*

Anna: *smiles sympathetically as she reaches out to take Santana's hand in hers* we are so sorry that its been so hard on you. but just know that if there is anything you need or even want to do for her today, then we are here for you. just say the word and we will make it happen! *smiles as Santana smiles weakly at her*

Santana: thank you! that means a lot that you guys care so much *looks at Anna and Grace as they smile at her*

Grace: would you like to do anything for her today? we could take a cake and go visit her stone to sing happy birthday to her... or we could all go to the beach and release unicorn balloons... its up to you! *smiles*

Santana: are you alright if we go to her stone! i kinda want to say a few things *smiles*

Anna: sure! we can get some lunch then stop at the shop on the way for some flowers so you can give them to her. *smiles*

Santana: she'll love that! *smiles as she thinks about brittany smiling down from heaven as they do all this stuff for her on her birthday*

*just then the beeper goes off for the steak pie that Grace put in the oven, along with some curly fries*

Grace: ill get the table all set! *smiles then looks at jasmine as she sat next to san just playing with her phone that she managed to sneak out her grandma's jacket without her knowing* hey jazzy, would you like to come and help me? *smiles as jasmine nods her head then takes grace by the hand and disappears into the kitchen*

Santana: and ill go get the kids to wash their hands and come down *smiles then goes up the stairs then Anna joins Grace in the kitchen to help her get everything set that need to be*

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