the new girl

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*while jasmine ran around in the garden playing with a few of her toys that santana kept back for her when she comes to visit*

Jasmine: *was trying to do the hula-hoop* look at me grandma! im doing it! *smiles as santana smiles back at her and cheers her on*

Santana: *decided to get a video of jasmine playing so she can send it to anna and Grace along with an update of how jasmine is finally coming out of her shell and leaving the house as long as santana is holding her hand or has her in the trolley seat like what happend earlier on* do that again sweetie! lets show your mama's how its done! *laughs as jasmine happily picks her hoop up and starts to do it again*

Jasmine: *puts the hoop on the grass then runs over to santana* let me see! *stands next to santana's sun-lounger and looks down at her phone as santana plays the video*

Santana: your getting so good! *pulled jasmine into a quick side hug before she runs off to play with her toys again.*

*graces phone! message from "sassy snixx"

Sassy Snixx: our little adventurer is back and shes here to stay *smiley face*

*santana's phone! message from "Grace"

Grace: she looks so much happier and brighter already *heart eyes emoji*

*less than a minute later another text came through*

Grace: did you drug my baby? *shocked face and monkey covering its eyes*

*santana and grace both laugh at that second message because they know better but because of santana's highschool reputation, grace cant help but joke and make light of the situation just like san does*

*Grace's phone! message from "sassy snixx"

Sassy snixx: dont worry, i didnt drug her! its just coz im her favourite and she's so bored of you lot! *angel face emoji and laughing face emoji*

*santana's phone! message from "Grace"

Grace: lol! in your dreams oldie! *laughing face*

*Grace's phone! message from "sassy snixx"

Sassy snixx: i may be old but at least i can still sweep girls off their feet *shades*

*was referring to what happened in the shop where she bumped into madilyn and organised a coffee date with her this friday*

*santana"s phone! message from "Grace"

Grace: are you serious? *shocked face and super smiley face*

*graces phone! message from "Sassy Snixx"

Sassy snixx: yep! *blushing face*

*a few seconds after santana sent that text she saw an incomming call from grace so she answered it and didnt even have time to say hi before she heard an excited squeal on the other end*

*on the phone*


Santana: *laughed and playfully shook her head because she didnt realise that grace would be this excited about santana finding someone* im dead serious G!

Grace: oh my goodness i cannot believe this! im so happy for you!

Santana: thank you! although lets not get ahead of ourself because i still havent went out with her yet. we are just gonna get to know each other first then ill see where it goes from there.

Grace: yeah! anyway, whats her name? what does she look like? ...gimme some details hun! *was way to excited about the whole situation she didnt care that anna was giving her weird looks and trying to ask her whats going on*

Santana: *could hear anna in the background trying to talk to grace. san just laughs at the whole situation* well shes so cute that i forgot how to speak english for a good 5 minutes *laughs at herself as she thinks back to getting lost in madilyn's eyes*

Grace: wow! she must be good to make THE santana lopeirce speachless! *laughs a little because they both know its hard for someone to flatter santana and make her stutter*

Santana: yeah... *smiles as she thinks about the interaction between her and madilyn*

Grace: so when you 2 meeting up again?

Santana: friday! im taking her out for tea at a little cafe that im sure she'll love.

Grace: thats exciting! im so happy for you San!

Santana: thanks!

Jasmine: *was playing close by when she heard grace on the phone. so she ran over and climbed into Santana's lap and looked down at her phone to see if it was a facetime call or just a regular one* hi Gracie!

Grace: *heard Jasmines voice speak with such excitment and grace couldnt help but smile at hearing the little girl in better spirits than when they last saw each other* hey munchkin! i miss you! are you having fun at Grandma's house?

Jasmine: yeah! me and grandma went to the shop and she let me buy a sweet! it was so yummy! *was a little hyper from the sugary sweet, but thats why san brought her out to play in the garden. its all for santana being able to put her to bed without a fuss later.*

Grace: did she now? *sounds unimpressed but was just joking around because jasmine deserves a treat like that after everything that's happened*

Jasmine: yeah! and grandma accidently bumped into someone that looked so much like grandma britty! *thinks back to her grandma talking to a lady at the shop*

Grace: wow! you really know how to pick them out dont ya San. and you litterally swept her off her feet by the sounds of it *laughs*

Santana: oh shut it you! it was an accident because she was crouched down and i didnt see her till it was too late. *playfully rolls her eyes at grace being a wind up*

Grace: ok ill stop! i really am happy for you and i will want an update on how the date goes on friday! *she just had to enphasise the word "date" to wind san up a little more. just cause*

Santana: *laughs at grace still winding her up* well im sure if it all goes well then you and anna wont ever hear the end of it! *laughs a little but is dead serious*

Grace: yeah i know! *laughs a little because she expected nothing less from santana, expecially since this new woman is gonna look so much like brittany. Santana is most likely gonna go back to being a lovesick schoolgirl and will be flirty and clingy as hell just like she was with brittany*

Santana: anyway ill see you when i drop this monkey of on friday morning!

Grace: alright! see you then! bye Jazzy-bear! behave yourself and look after your grandma so she doesnt do anything crazy. *laughs as jasmine giggles and san just playfully rolls her eyes*

Jasmine: bye Gracie! see you soon! *runs back onto the grass to play*

Santana: *watches as jasmine goes back to picking dasies* AND shes off... *laughs as she puts her attention back to her phone call*

Grace: what's she doing now?

Santana: shes just sat on the grace picking dasies and trying to make a chain with them. *feels bad because she can see that jasmine is getting frustrated that its so hard to put the flowers together and have then not fall off again*

Grace: cute! ask her to make me one!

Santana: will do! bye for now!

Grace: bye!

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