excitement overload

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jessica: *looks at Annie and Harper and watched as the anticipation builds and they are getting a little impatient* im pregnant! *smiles as Annie and Harper sit their with their jaws on the floor, not knowing what to say*

Harper: are you serious? *she she whisper shouts with excitement but also kind of isnt believeing it*

Tommy: yep! you ladies are gonna be grandparents to a little baby boy *smiles as his mums tear up a little and smile from ear to ear*

Annie: *gets up and goes over to Jessica* get your asses up and give me a hug right now! *puts her arms out and wraps them around jessica then drags tommy into a group hug as Harper gets up and joins in*

Santana: alright! thats enough of that! i dont want people staring us up and down. *laughs but is dead serious. they all knew it by the look on santana's face so they quickly sat down and giggle from acting like they were getting told off like little school girls*

*the rest of the dinner was spent, laughing and celebrating the soon arrival to their family*

Santana: *gets given their check and opens it up to see the waiter had put his phone number on it with a winky face* you have got to be kiding me! i loose my wife and not only that but i clearly dont give of the vibes of a lesbian anymore. *rolls her eyes as everyone laughs* its not funny! *gives everyone the evils to try and scare them* i dont wanna make a scene but he needs to get the message. someone help me *she begs like a little kid*

Harper: dont worry about that! ive got an idea *smirks*

Santana: that smirk tells me that this is gonna be good! *smiles at Harper then hands her the check so Harper can write something on it*

Harper: *quickly places the piece of paper back at the edge of the table and puts the money on top so the writing is covered* come on! lets get out of here!

*everyone gets up and leaves the restaraunt without question and are laughing like crazy even though they have no idea what Harper wrote*

*they are alll back at Santana's place by 9pm and they are just crashed on the couch trying to fight sleep*

Jessica: you know your old when you have to try and fight sleep by 9pm *laughs as she cuddles up to tommy*

Santana: you know you guys are more than welcome to crash here tonight! im not gonna chase you to get out my sight *laughs*

Jessica: thanks mum but i dont really wanna be waking you up and ridiculous hours with my moring sickness*

Santana: dont be silly! id feel better for you to be here when you arent feeling well... yes i know you are a fully grown adult but im still gonna be your protective mother till you are old and grey *smiles as Jessica smiles back*

jessica: ok! *smiles at San then looks up at Tommy* you ok with that honey?

Tommy: yeah! no problem! *smiles at Jessica*

Santana: awesome! *of course she is more than happy to be having some company for the first time since she lost brittany* you guys can just stay in jessica's old room, if thats alright? *looks at Tommy and jessica*

tommy: sure thing! *smiles at San then looks at jessica to see her nodding her head in agreement*

Santana: that's that settles then! *looks at Harper and Annie* sorry ladies but you will have to find your own way home tonight because i aint rich and only have a small space to offer

Annie: no problen at all! *laughs* me and harper have stuff we need to do tomorrow anyway so we will be up and about in the early hours of the day. *harper dramatically drops her head on annies shoulders and fake snores which makes everyone laugh*

Santana: im guessing you didnt get told about this happening? *looks at Harper*

harper: i did but me being me, i totally forgot about it *laughs at herself*

Santana: something else to enjoy while being old and grey like us *laughs*

Harper: yep! so fun! *rolls her eyes as she speaks with such sarcasm*

Annie: if it makes you feel better, ill treat you to lunch and a manicure after we are done with our important adult stuff. *smiles at Harper as she sees her eyes light up at the compromise of getting out of bed early*

Harper: are you messing with me? *smiles, suddenly really excited about an early start*

Annie: of course not! and ill even pay for everything *smiles as Harper smiles back then attacks her with a big bear hug and many kisses all over her face*

Tommy: alright! thats enought mum's! *puts his hand up to shield his eyes from seeing his mums all over each other*

Jessica: calm down honey! i think its cute. *looks at Tommy and smiles sweetly as if she didnt used to react the way he did with his mums, the way jessica would with Santana and Brittany when they would be all over each other*

Tommy: you're one to talk *raises his eyebrow at Jessica as their mums just laugh at them because they know Tommy is right but of course non of them will talk about it too much since Jessica is probably feeling very guilty about it now that Brittany is gone and she would do anything to get her back and being all over santana to make her smile the way she used to*

Jessica: whatever! i think its time we get to bed because this mama is absolutely shattered *points to herself*

tommy: alright! lets go! *gets off the couch then reach out to help jessica get off the couch* good night ladies! *smiles at his mums and santana*

Jessica: night mum! *smiles at her mum as santana blows her a kiss* night you 2! *smiles at annie and Harper*

Annie: good night kids! *smiles*

Harper: sweet dreams! *smiles*

*Tommy follows jessica out the room and hold onto her waist as he helps her get up the stairs without falling asleep since the excitement from their day is finally catching up to her and all the pregnancy hormones just make each emotion so much stronger*

*santana, harper and annie stay sat in the living room chatting and laughing with each other for another hour. then once santana locks up she goes up to her room and gets ready for bed. she wasnt tired so she just decided to do a bit of reading to calm her mind down for the night*

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