a very merry christmas

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*the next day! The time was 7am and Santana was up getting ready to go over to Grace and Anna's place so she can see the kids open all their gifts from santa*

Grace: *was up doing her hair and teeth as well as anna, when she received a text from Santana saying that she was gonna be with them in about 10-15 minutes* San is on her way here so we can just wake the kids up when she arrives. *looks to her left at Anna*

Anna: alright! can we just cuddle in bed a little longer then? *looks at Grace*

Grace: of course we can! *smiles as she wraps her arms round Anna's lower back and lifts her up to carry her back to their bed*

Anna: *giggled as Grace lovered her onto the bed and hovered over the top of her. both of the woman were easily getting lost in each others eyes, smiling like idiots* i love you so much! *tucks a piece of hair behind Grace's ear then cupped the side of her face*

Grace: i love you too! *kisses Anna then gets pulled in, deepening the kiss to a more passionate one*

Anna: *was so lost in their makeout session that they didnt realise that 15 minutes had gone by and they hear Santana letting herself in through the front door, obviously not ringing the doorbell otherwise it would have woken the children*

Santana: *walks up the stairs just as Grace and Anna were walking out their room to greet her* wow! someone's been busy this morning! *laughs as she sees the hickey's on Anna's neck*

anna: *felt shy under Santana's gaze so she just puts her dressing gown hood up and crosses her arms over her chest, trying to hide behind Grace as the 2 other woman laugh at anna being so awkward even after knowing santana for years*

Grace: *finishes laughing and puts her arm round Anna's lower back and kisses her on the cheek* come on! lets go get the kids up.

Santana: ill get jasmine! *walks over to jasmines room as they see the other 2 woman walk into max and elliots room. santana opens Jasmines door and sees the little girl sleeping peacefully with her teddy tucked up under her arm* ... Jazzy... come jazzy bear... its time to wake up and open all your presents from Santa Claus... *was sat on the edge of Jasmine's bed, rubbing the girls back to try and wake her up*

Jasmine: *was waking up but still had her eyes closed as she goans a little and stretches her body. once Jasmine opened her eyes and saw who was in her room, an instant smile appreared on her face as she throws herself into Santana's arms* Grandma, you're here! ...i missed you so much! *cuddles in and rest her head in the crook of Santana's neck*

Santana: good morning my little monkey! did you sleep well? *holds jasmine and smiles because of how happy jasmine was to see her*

Jasmine: *lifts her head off Santana's shoulder to look at her Grandma* i had the best dream ever! *gets excited as she tells her Grandma all about her dream where she had a pet unicorn that talks, poops out sweeties and has the ability to fly Jasmine wherever she wanted to go*

Santana: that sounds amazing! i wanna go there... *smiles as Jasmine giggles*

Jasmine: dont be silly Grandma, you cant get into my brain! *santana laughs as does Jasmine*

Santana: aww... i was so excited to see your pet unicorn. *smiles as she jokes around and goes along with jasmines make believe side to keep her happy, just like san did for Brittany all those years ago*

Jasmine: *smiles up at santana then an idea comes to her mind* grandma?... *looks up at San*

Santana: mhmm...*looks down at Jasmine*

Jasmine: can we actually get a pet unicorn one day?... *looks up at San with hopefully eyes*

Santana: *didnt wanna burst the 4 year olds bubble, so she quickly came up with a solution to make Jasmine's dream come true* ill see what i can do *smiles as Jasmine smiles from ear to ear and throws herself back into Santana's arms*

Jasmine: THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! *starts to kiss Santana's face and makes her laugh*

Grace: *got Max up and came into Jasmine's room, smiling as she hears all the laughter* whats going on in here! *max walks over to Jasmines bed and sits down on the end of it*

max: *crawls up to sit next to Jasmine* merry Christmas Jazzy! *smiles*

Jasmine: merry christmas max! *smiles*

Max: come on! lets go see what Santa got us. *gets off the bed and runs out the room with Jasmine following close behind giggling*

Santana: *looks at Grace* is anna getting elliot sorted?

Grace: yeah! lets go wait for them downstairs and make sure those monkeys havent opened anything yet *laughs a little because she can hear Jasmine getting all excited about the amount of presents covering the living room*

Santana: yeah! i dont think she has the ability to restain herself from ripping all the wrapping paper off the gifts *laughs as she follows Grace down the stairs. she walks into the livingroom to see Jasmine standing infront of the pile of gifts that are wrapped in pink unicorn paper* EHEM! *dramatically clears her throat to make sure it gets Jasmine's attention. it did because Jasmine whips her head round to see santana standing behind her*

Jasmine: can we open our presents now Grandma? *give santana puppy dog eyes and a pout*

Santana: just a minute... we need to wait for your brother to get down here*

Elliot: *just then, Elliot wheels himself out his chair lift and goes straight into the living room* im here! *smiles at San and Jasmine*

Santana: *turns round and goes over to give elliot a hug* merry christmas buddy! *smiles*

Elliot: merry christmas Grandma! *Smiles*

Anna: *walks into the living room and goes to sit next to grace on one of he couches* as Santana sits on the other one, right next to Jasmine's presents so she can help her if she needs it* WHO'S READY FOR PRESENTS? *speaks with such enthusiasm as she looks at the kids smiling back at her and nodding their heads excessively* alright! on you go...*sits back and cuddles into grace as they watch the kids open their gifts and have the biggest smiles on their faces*

*about 20 -30 minutes later! the three kids had opened all their gifts and were now sat next to their piles just playing around with what the got*

Santana: *smiles at Anna and Grace as they look at santana and give her a look that tells her they are thinking of the same thing. that thing being that it was now time for the 3 adults to give the kids their joint present* alright Kiddo's... we have one last surprise for you all so come on over and Elliot can help you figure out what it says in this envelope. *hands elliot the envalope as max and Jasmine stand on either side of the wheelchair just watching as elliot opens it up revealing whatever is on the folded up piece of paper*

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