first night in florida

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*the following summer was when san had booked to go away to disneyland and stay in a hotel in florida for a week with the kids. she was currently at her place packing her suitcase to go away. then she put her stuff in the car and went to anna and grace''s place to pick them and the kids up*

Jasmine: *was all packed up and ready to go when she saw her grandma pull up outside* GRANDMA"S HERE! *she runs to the front door and runs out to see san*

Santana: *didnt have much time to get out the car before she was attacked by jasmine* hey you! how's my little monkey doing? *smiles at jasmine*

Jasmine: *was sat on santana's hip, looking at her with a big smile* im so excited! WE ARE GONNA GET TO MEET TIANA! *raises her voice and does a happy dance because of how excited she is*

Santana: yeah! we are gonna have so much fun. *smiles at jasmine then puts her back down and grabs hold of her hand instead* lets go get the others! *walks into the house with jasmine by her side, shouting for everyone to hurry up. that made santana laugh because she sees so much of herself and jessica in her granddaughter*

Anna: alright jazzy! we hear you! *laughs as she carries her suitcase and bag down the stairs while grace makes sure elliot gets down safely*

Santana: hey bud! how you doing? *smiles as she messes elliots hair up a little*

Elliot: *has become alot more overprotective of how his looks because he is trying to get his crushes attention. so he doesnt wanna look like he's from the streets* wow! watch the hair Grandma! *tries to brush his fingers through his hair to fix it*

Santana: *laughs a little* sorry, i just couldnt help but mess with you a little. you know what im like *laughs as does everyone*

Elliot: yeah, i know! you are forgiven *smiles up at san*

Santana: awesome! *smiles down at Elliot*

Grace: alright! lets get going so we dont miss our flight! *has jasmine in her arms as she takes a few bags and puts them in santana's car then makes sure jasmine is belted into her booster seat. while anna and santana take the last few cases and bags and puts them in the boot too. san helps elliot in his seat and folds up his wheelchair and packs it in the boot before getting in the drivers seat and driving to the airport. like most car journey's, the music was playing and everyone was singing along to all the words*

Jasmine: *got bored of the radio music* grandma... *sees san turn the music down enough to hear her* can we listen to the disney CD please? *looks at san through the rearview mirror*

Santana: i dont see why not! are y'all ok with that? *looks at everyone and sees them nod their heads and give the ok to play disney stuff* alright, here we go! *puts the CD in and sees jasmine's big smile as soon as the first song starts to play*

*after 9 hours of being in the sky, everyone was shattered. but it wasnt a problem because the time difference was perfect timing, making it 8pm by the time they all got into their hotel room*

Grace: *sees that santana just put jasmine into bed because she was already fast asleep* are you guys just wanting to have some room service tonight then when everyone is more awake and organised we can go out for food? *looks at san and anna to see what they think of the idea*

Anna: yeah! im totally done with walking around now! *sits on the couch and puts her feet up*

Santana: same! i need to save my energy for taking jasmine round to meet all the disney charachters. *goes and sits on the other side of the couch that isnt covered by anna's legs*

Grace: alright, cool! *smile at everyone as they lay on the couch like they have ran a marathon*

Elliot: i guess there is something positive about not having the ability to walk *he speaks with such energy because he isnt tired at all*

Santana: whatever! *laughs and playfully sticks her tounge out, making elliot and the girls laugh*

Elliot: dont be sad grandma, you arent far off from getting one of your own *laughs*

Santana: *dramatically gasps at her grandson just throwing shade at her and calling her old* if your grandma britt was here, she would kick your ass right now for saying that sort of thing to me. *playfully rolls her eyes*

Elliot: correction... she hates violence! so im still in the safezone. *laughs and smiles dopely for using santana's words against her*

Santana: alright smartarse! dont go getting all cocky just because you are grown and are close to getting the girl of your dreams. *laughs because shes actually really happy that elliot is getting himself out there and finding someone to make him happy*

Elliot: sorry not sorry! *blushes at the thought of the girl that he has had a crush on since he started highschool*

anna: *heard san and elliot winding each other up* alright children, lets keep our claws to ourselves please! *laughs as grace sits down and cuddles up with her*

Grace: yeah! what she said. *smiles as she kisses anna then holds her, playing with the ring on her finger*

Santana: so... what would you lot like to do now? *looks at the 4 that are sat by her*

Elliot: i think we should play a game! maybe do one of mine and jazzy's jigsaw puzzles. *looks at all the adults*

Grace: thats a nice calm game! lets do it! *smiles at elliot and the girls as they nod their heads and smile back*

*that night they all did a few jigsaw's, ordered room service and watched a movie all together before falling asleep in the king sized bed in their room*

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