duties of a big brother

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*5 years later! Jessica and Tommy have a 10 year old boy and a 1 month old baby girl. there house is always chaotic but lucky for them its in the best way. Elliot is doing better in the sense that he no longer has seisures and he is trying to be more independant around the house when it comes to doing things for himself like getting a snack from the cupboard or playing with his school friends when they all go out to the local park together. Elliot's best friend carlos helps him in and out of his wheel chair and help him onto each thing like the swing or roundabout. he is so accepting and helpful towards Elliot. especially when elliot is in school and jessica or tommy cant be there to help keep him out of harms way. but carlos sticks by him and doesnt let anyone ever say or do anything that would have a negative impact on Elliot.*

*it was now 3;15pm! Tommy was tidying up his office desk so that he could go out to pick Elliot up from school and get him back home for dinner and just to relax after his busy day at school*

Tommy: *pulls up in the disabled parking right outside Elliot's school* hey bud! how was school *walks up to where elliot and Carlos were standing*

Elliot: it was good! i was chasing carlos round the playground and he decided to be clever by doing a quick spinderman climb up the wall so i couldnt get to him. *laughs as he playfully rolls his eyes at Carlos for always being so quick to think of way to trick Elliot*

Tommy: sounds like fun! *smiles at the boys*

Carlos: *looks past Tommy and sees his dad pull up a few feet away* theres my dad... ill see you tomorrow Elliot *smiles at Elliot as they wave bye to each other* bye Mr. stuart! *smiles as Tommy smiles back*

Tommy: later kido! say hi to your dad for me.

Carlos: *turns back to Tommy for a second* will do! *runs over and jumps in the passenger seat of his dads car*

Tommy: *looks down at Elliot* you ready to go?

Elliot: Yep! *smiles up at his dad* is jasmine awake? *is quick to talk about his little sister because he missed her while he was away at school and he wasnt able to give her hugs or talk to her even though she just bables since she is still to young to say actual words*

Tommy: *helps Elliot get into the passenger seat of the range rover that they recently bought because their family has expanded* im not sure! if she is then you wont need to wait to long to see her because she hates to sleep and give your mum and i a rest. *laughs because he isnt actually mad at his month old daughter for not knowing how hard it is to take care of a child*

Elliot: yeah! she and i are twins because im like that all the time. *laughs because he loves how his parents joke around and dramitically tell him that he is the human version of an owl*

Tommy: *laughs* defienitely! *smiles at Elliot as he smiles back then they both just relax in the silence while they listen to the world around them and the radio down low playing songs that Elliot doesnt really know the words of because he isnt that big on the music that plays these days. hes an old soul like that*

Elliot: *gets placed back in his wheelchair then wheels through the front door of the house* HEY MUM, IM HOME! *shouts through the house because he doesnt know where jessica is*

Jessica: *shouts from the living room* IN HERE BABY! *was sat on the couch holding jasmine to feed her*

Elliot: hey! *wheels into the living room and just stays next to the couch Jessica is sat on so they can talk and catch up* can i cuddle with Jasmine once you finish feeding her?

Jessica: *looks up at Elliot and smiles at how attached he is to his sister already* of course you can! *looks back down at JAsmine and sees that she is finished. so jessica just covers herself back up then holds Jasmine up to her chest and has the dish cloth covering her shoulder incase Jasmine spits up a little*

Elliot: *turns to his dad* could you help me sit on the couch next to mum please *smiles*

Tommy: sure i can! *gets off the couch and goes over to lift Elliot out his chair and places him next to Jessica. Tommy places some pillows at either side of Elliot just for when he is holding his baby sister*

Jessica: *finished burping the baby so she turns to Elliot and places Jasmine in his arms and makes sure the 2 of them are comfortable enough* there we go! *smiles as Elliot smiles back* you ok like that?

Elliot: yep! thanks mum! *smiles at his mum as she goes to sit next to tommy on the couch opposite their kids*

Elliot: *smiles down at Jasmine and she grabs onto as many of his fingers as her little hands can hold, which is only 2 or 3* hey Jazzy-bear! i missed you today! *talks in a baby voice just like his parents do to her* me and my best friend carlos cant wait for you to get older and come out to play at the park with us *smiles as Jasmine starts to make noises as if she is trying to tell him that she cant wait for that to happen as well* exactly! *laughs at himself for acting like he understands her babbling.*

Jessica: *is cuddled up to tommy while they smile like idiots because they love the way Elliot interacts with his sister so well and tries his best to make sure she feels included and hears all about what fun adventures elliot gets up to when he isnt with her at home* how did we get so lucky *she whispers as she looks up at Tommy and smiles*

Tommy: i was just thinking the same thing honey! *smiles at Jessica then they turn their attention back to the kids because they hear Jasmine making noises again*

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