taking care of jasmine

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Police no.4: *was driving Santana and Jasmine back to the house* excuse me ma'am! *saw santana look up from jasmine and look at him through the rearview mirror* does little jasmine like disney songs? *kept a cd aside for situations such as this, where there is a child under the age of 10 in the mix*

Santana: yes sir! thats her favourite! *smiles at the policeman then looks back down at jasmine as she continues to whimper and shake. a few seconds later she hears disney music start to play on the radio so she looks up at the rearview mirrior and smiles as she mouths a thank you to the policeman in the front. he smiles back at her then continues to drive*

*sadly no amount of disney songs could help make jasmine feel better after everything she has been through in such a short period of time this afternoon*

Santana: *saw the policeman get out and open the back door for her to get out* thank you so much for everything! i cannot thank you enough for being so patient with me and getting my granddaughter back to safety. *smiles as she hold jasmines close to her chest*

Police no.4: your welcome Ma'am! we are very relieved that you ladies are both safe now. that dave guy will not be bothering you ever again, i can assure you! *smiles at san*

Santana: thank you! im just glad he is finally getting the punishment he deserves for the pain he has caused my family. *thinks back to when dave would torment her when she was at school*

Police no.4: im very sorry you've had to wait so long to get the right help but you have nothing to worry about now. you and your family can get on with your lives and help jasmine recover from all this madness. *smiles sympathetically*

Santana: *sighs and feels that guilt again as she looks down at jasmine and sees her trying to fight sleep, crying about the pain* we can do that! she's a very storng little girl and she is gonna go so far in life! *looks up as the second policeman finally arrives with her car and parks it up then gives her the keys* thanks again for everything! *smiles as they 2 policemen smile back*

Police no.3: your welcome ma'am!

Santana: jazzy you gonna wave goodbye to the lovely policemen? *doesnt expect her to but just thought she'd give it a try* 

Jasmine: *hesitantly lifts her head up and turns to look at the 2 policemen* g-goodbye! *rests her head on santana's chest, hiding herself again*

Police no.4: good bye darling! *looks up at san* bye ma'am! *walks over to the drivers side of his car as the other policeman goes to the passenger seat*

Santana: *waves at the policemen one last time then looked back at jasmine* come on sweetheart! lets go have cuddle time on the couch and wait for the boys and girls to come home. *didnt get a verbal response from jasmine so she just continues to walk up the front steps and into the living room to sit on the couch holding jasmine*

Elliot: *heard about what happened on the way home from school so by the time he was placed in his wheelchair after getting out the car, he was quick to speed up the ramp and into the house* Grandma... *waits to hear if she is back yet*

Santana: in here buddy! *speaks loud enough for Elliot to hear but not too loud incase it scares jasmine from her fragile state*

Elliot: *slowly wheels himself into the living room and sees a very exhausted looking santana with jasmine curled up on her lap gripping onto her hoodie and shaking still* is she ok? *has sad eyes as he looks at san*

Santana: *doesnt wanna lie to Elliot but also doesnt wanna make him angry from detail. so she just keeps it short and sweet* she'll get there! she just needs lots of cuddle time from us. *smiles up at elliot*

Elliot: ok! i can do that! *smiles at san then wheels next to her and lifts himself out his chair so he can sit on the couch with Santana and jasmine*

Santana: hey jazzy! look who's here for cuddles! *tries to sound as enthusiastic as possible so she can help jasmine come out of her shell again. she didnt get a response from jasmine so she tried again* come on sweetheart! i cant be the only one that gets your cuddles! *brushes her fingers through jasmines hair*

Jasmine: *hesitantly lifts her head up to look at Santana then to elliot* hi El! *smiles weakly as Elliot smiles back*

Elliot: hey jazzy-bear... can i get a hug too? *waits patiently for jasmine to make a decision. Jasmine looks at santana then back at Elliot with such uncertainty on what to do*

Santana: go on sweetheart! your ok! *has an idea as to why she is being weird around Elliot. but san tries to stay positive and hopes that there wont be any problems for the siblings because of what happend today. santana takes jasmine and hands her to elliot carefully. as soon as jasmine sat in Elliots lap she realised that Elliot had that same thing as what dave had in which he used to hurt her so memories of the incident flashed across her mind and she started to sob again, shouting about how much pain shes in,while desperately reaching out for her grandma. Santana was quick to pick jasmine up again and rock her back and forth gently as she whispers into her ear and tries to calm her down*

Elliot: *was so worried about his little sister because he has never seen her in so much pain and distress* is she ok? what did i do wrong? *cant help but feel bad that he cant cuddle jasmine anymore because it just upsets her too much*

Santana: *continued to rock jasmine as she turns to Elliot* dont worry buddy! shes just going through alot and is just so overwhelmed with everthing. dont beat yourself up about this, ok? *takes Elliots hand and rubs lightly over the back of it*

Elliot: ok! we can just try cuddle time another day! *smiles weakly at san*

Santana: of course we can! *smiles at Elliot, feeling grateful that he always manages to see the brighter side of things*

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