my one and only blondie

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Santana: our absolute favourite thing to deal with... my emotions and stubbornness! *laughs and playfully rolls her eyes as Britt giggles at santana's sarcasm*

Brittany: still my little sarky bitch, i see! *laughs as santana acts offeded at Brittany calling her a bitch*

Santana: hold up! did my britt-britt just call me a bitch? *puts her hand on her heart and scrunches up her face in offence*

Brittany: maybe! *giggles*

Santana: *laughs at brittany not backing down or showing fear for offending san* if you werent an angel id totally kick your ass for that one! *playfully shakes her head*

Brittany: *smiles because she knows all too well that santana would never dare to hurt Britt* sure you would!

Santana: ok, thats a lie! you could kick me and id still shower you with so many hugs and kisses, like you are the best thing thats ever happend in my life *smiles*

Brittany: yeah! theres the san i know and love! *smiles as san smiles back*, what emotion do you need me to help you with? *gets back to the point of why she came down to see san*

Santana: *totally forgot that she had to talk to brittany about her most recent hurdle in life that just popped up* well... anna has been saying that i need to find myself someone that can be there for me physically. but i just cant imagine myself moving on from you and let someone else know me and love me like you do! *frowns as she tries to picture a life with someone else in brittany's place*

Brittany: oh wow! thats not what i was expecting! *obviously she wants san to be happy and live the fairytale ending she deserves. but part of her also feels weird to imagine san with someone else*

Santana: *sees the sadness in britt's eyes* yeah! growing old with someone other than you is the last thing i ever imagined myself doing. i love you so much and i dont want you feeling like im gonna forget about you. its literally impossible for me to do that because you will always have my heart. no matter how many blue eye'd blondies come into my life and try to win me over. i just can do it! *has the same sad look in her eyes as Britt*

Brittany: sorry not sorry blond bitches of the world! *she says to no one in particular*

Santana: *laughs at brittany really loving that she doesnt have to fight anyone to get to san* i love you so much! *smiles at Britt*

Brittany: i love you more! *smiles at San*

Santana: *sighs because she still isnt any further forward with having a solution for hr dating life* so, what now? *looks at Britt*

Brittany: *knows that its time to put her feelings aside and show san that brittany loves her enough to let her move on and do whatever she needs to do to find happiness again* i think that when you are ready, you are gonna come across someone really special that will want to treat you like the queen that you are. they will love you for all that you are and if they know whats good for them, they will be there for you even when it involves you talking about me and the bond we had. im sure she will be mature and smart enough to listen and be there for you the way you need her to be. and if you take ages to grow trust towards her like you had with me, im sure she will go easy on you and wont force you to do anything you arent comfortable with. *smiles as santana tears up at Brittanys words, feeling very overwhelmed with everything*

Santana: but what about you? you are my love and my soulmate! i dont ever wanna loose you. *gets upset because she keeps thinking that she is gonna loose brittany the minute she starts talking to another woman that is trying to get with san*

Brittany: *holds santana's chin so she can look into Brittany's eyes* listen... you are never, ever going to loose me. no matter how hard you try to kick my ass into another dimension *laughs as santana giggles a little* i will be looking down on you and making sure you are ok. thats not gonna change just because you meet someone in the physical world, ok? *looks into santana's eyes and sees her hesitation and anxieties bubbling up to the surface all at once* i love you till infinity Santana Sexy Lopez! *smirks as santana tries to hide her smile*

Santana: i love you so much Britt! i promise i will try to give someone a chance to treat me like you did. and if they dont then ill be running straight back into you're arms. *smiles as brittany smiles back*

Brittany: id like that very much! *leans in to give santana a kiss in the forehead*

santana: *cuddles into Brittanys chest and they just hold each other in silence for a moment*

*and there goes the alarm, waking san up from her nap*

Santana: *looked down to see that she still had Brittany's unicorn teddy in her arms. it makes her smile but also shed a tear because the dream felt so real and she just really missed getting to be wrapped in brittany's warm embrass like she used to* damn... why do dreams have to feel so real?! *speaks to herself in a quiet voice*

*once she thinks a bit more about what brittany told her in her dream, san gets up and checks her phone to see that its 1pm already! so she goes down to make herself something for lunch then she text's Anna to see if she heard anything from jasmine's teacher*

*santana's phone! message from "anna"

anna: i was actually just about to phone in and check up on her! ill let you know what she says *smiley face*

*while she waits for anna to call her, san just eats her lunch and enjoys the quietness of her house! feeling grateful that she isnt being a negative nancy about having nothing put picture frames with her and brittany in them and that being the most she can have of britt now. as well as having Brittany showing up in her dreams every now and again when santana needs her loving touch and words of encouragement most*

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