Grandma to the rescue

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*just then, the bell for first class rings and that snaps them out their little bubble*

Elliot: come on and ill wheel you to class! *smiles as he takes Melissa's books out of her lap and places them on his and makes his way in the direction of melissa's class as she wheels by him*

Melissa: thanks! *smiles then they continue toward the lift so they can get to the second floor*

Elliot: *stops outside her classroom* here we are! *smiles as melissa smiles back*

Melissa: unfortunately! *laughs as does Elliot*

Elliot: ill see you at first break! *smiles then wheels close enough so he can kiss her on the cheek* heres your stuff! *passes her books over*

Melissa: see ya later! *smiles at Elliot then wheels into her classroom*

Elliot: *wheels a few doors in the opposit direction to get to his class* sorry im late, the lifts were crowded again! *smiles as he gets away with his little white lie because he knows that they wont care for anything silly like taking his girl to her class first. the teachers would only care if someone was injured or something more serious*

*after their first 2 classes done, Elliot headed
over to Melissa's classroom just as she was wheeling towards him*

Elliot: hey cutie! *smiles as soon as he is with melissa because she just seems to have that affect on him no matter how stressful his school work is*

Melissa: hey! *smiles as Elliot takes her books on his lap again then leads her towards the elevator*

Elliot: *just got to the ground floor and wheeled out the elevator* i need to go and see if my nurse has shown up yet but ill be back in a few minutes then you and i can go and sit in the quiet room or something. *looks at melissa*

Melissa: *knew about Elliot seeing a nurse every morning break but she never really thought twice about what it would be for. shes just being patient with Elliot telling her about it when he is ready* ok! ill just go get us a drink then ill meet you back here! *smiles at Elliot*

Elliot: sounds good! *smiles at melissa then they both wheel off in different directions*

*once Elliot reaches the front entrance he couldnt see his nurse anywhere! he went and asked at reception but they said that they hadnt seen her arrive. so he starts to panic because its not something that he can just put to the side and forget about. once he snaps out of his thoughts he quickly looks for his Grandma's contact because she is always on standby for when Elliot is having an issue at school*

*on the phone with santana*

Santana: hey sweetie! are you ok? arent you supposed to be in class right now? *rushed her words because she always gets on edge when she gets a call from elliot when he isnt with her or the girls*

Elliot: hey Grandma! we just got out for first break and i was going to look for my nurse so she could help me with the bathroom but when i asked at reception, they said that they havent seen her. *was getting agitatted because his stomach was starting to hurt more and more*

Santana: *doesnt wanna show her frustration because she knows that Elliot will think that hes to blame* oh ok! ill come in now! just go find carlos and ask if he can let your teacher know that you will be a little late getting back to class. ill be there as quick as i can, ok! *was already up geting her shoes back on and getting her carkeys to head out*

Elliot: ok! thanks grandma! im sorry you have to come in on such short notice. *always hates that he needs so much help with things he wants to be independant with. but because of his condition, he just doesnt have a choice*

Santana: you have nothing to apologise for buddy! your health is my biggest priority so i will do whatever it takes to keep you as healthy as we possibly can.

Elliot: yeah! *smiles as san smiles back*

Santana: alright! go talk to carlos then ill meet you at the reception in a few minutes!

Elliot: k!

Santana: love you, bye!

Elliot: love you too! bye! *hangs up then wheels into the cafeteria to see if he can spot carlos. after a minute of searching, he spots him sitting at a small table with melissa, at the corner of the room*

Melissa: *smiles as soon as she sees Elliot* hey babe! that was quick!

Elliot: i havent actually done anything yet because my nurse hasnt shown up. so now my grandma needs to come in and help me out *smiles at the 2 sat infront of him*

Melissa: oh ok! well say hey to san for me *smiles as Elliot*

Elliot: will do! *smiles at melissa then turns to his best friend* hey man, are you ok to let out teacher know that ill be a a little late for class because my nurse was a no show and didnt even say anything to my Grandma about why. *looks at Carlos*

Carlos: of course! no problem mate! *looks at Elliot*

Elliot: thank you! i really apreciate it! *smiles at carlos*

Carlos: dont mention it! *smiles at Elliot*

Elliot: i better go! see you's later! *smiles as melissa and carlos say their goodbye's as Elliot wheels away*

Santana: *parked by the door and speed walked her way into the school to see that Elliot was already waiting by the reception* hey sweetie! how you doing? *had a feeling that he would be getting uncomfortable since he is a little off schedual with his toilet breaks he always has throughout the day to save him from major infectons and stuff*

Elliot: my stomach hates me! *laughs a little bit to hide how much he hates how quickly he gets stomach pains if he doesnt go to the toilet at certain times*

Santana: come on then! lets get you sorted so you can get back to class! *follows Elliot to the disabled toilet and helps him when he needs it most*

*a couple of minutes later*

Elliot: *exits the bathroom with santana following* thanks again grandma! i dont know what i would have done without you! *smiles at his Grandma*

Santana: no problem at all! *Smiles back at Elliot* now get your ass to class before we both get in trouble by your grumpy old teacher! *laughs as does Elliot*

Elliot: see you after school! * smiles then starts to wheel to his next class. luckily the next one was on ground floor, so he didnt have to go to far*

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