im well taken care of

2 0 0

*the car ride home was very quiet because all the kids had fallen asleep and santana wasnt far behind them on that one because today was just very emotionally exhausting for her like it always is on this day each year. Anna and Grace were just sat in the front having small talk and being as Quiet as they can so that everyone can rest for a little while*

*back home! Anna and grace woke everyone up and gets settled back into the house. the kids were upstairs playing in max's room! Elliot was up in his room texting with Carlos! and the adults were down stairs in the living room just having a laugh together*  

Grace: would either of you ladies like a hot drink? *looks at Anna and San*

Santana: *could i have a tea with 2 sugars please! *grace nods her head then looks at anna*

Anna: ill have a black coffee please.

Grace: alright! *smiles at the girls then gives anna a quick peck on the lips before dissapearing into the kitchen*

Anna: *turns round to talk to Santana* so, what have you got planned for the rest of your weekend? *smiles*

*Santana was about to answer Anna's question but her phone started ringing and she looked down to see that Toby was calling* sorry its toby, ill just be a second! *gets up and presses answer just as she was walking into the hall and out the front door so she could get a little privacy*

*on the phone!*

Santana: well hello stranger... *laughs as she answers his calls the same way she has been doing for years*

Toby: hello to you too, satan! *laughs because he knows that Santana will be rolling her eyes at that old nickname she used to hear from all her friends*

Santana: how are you? hows retirement treating you? *toby is a little over 10 years younger than san so he hasnt been retired nearly as long as she has*

Toby: i never thought id say this but i actually miss working and being surrounded by 15 - 20 other dirty workers! *laughs as does San*

Santana: yeah! i was like that for the first 2 or 3 years that i started retirement with Britt, but then we realised that it was a big blessing because we got to spend more time with jessica and Tommy and his mum's. so we did all sorts of day trips *smiles as a few memeories come to mind of when her family were all togetherer and so happy*

Toby: yeah! it is nice getting to take ashley out on dates and just getting to spend way more time at home with her. *smiles then realises how insensitive that would sound because he knows that san no longer has brittany by her side and the reason he was phoning today was because he remembered that its her birthday so he was wanting to check up on San* sorry! that was a bit nsensative of me. i really didnt mean to make these circumstances harder for you. *feels so bad and hopes San can forgive him soon so he doesnt beat himself up about it*

Santana: dont worry Toby! its so more than ok for you to talk about you and your mrs. yeah it sucks that brittany isnt around to enjoy retirement with me and all the free time we would have had togehter. but im finally excepting that she is gone. and im coping ok because i have 2 beautiful grandchildren that are so caring and do whatever they can to show that they care. just this morning Jasmine had drawn me a stick figure with a pet rainbow unicorn. and then they came with me to go and visit her grave just there and we sat down, had a chat and sang happy birthday to her. *smiles at the memory of Jasmine giving Brittanys stone a bunch of air kisses*

Toby: thats so sweet! me and ashley did get a card for her but we just havent had the chance to come round and visit yet.

Santana: aw thank you! also you guys are more than welcome to come and visit whenever. the door is always open to you 2! im sure the kids are desperate to see you because they were so upset that they couldnt come with me the last time you and i saw each other in person *Laughs a little then smiles weakly because she rememebers the last time her and toby were together in person was at Quinn and Rachels funeral last year*

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