what a day its been

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Jasmine: Grandma my tummy hurts! *was desperate to finish her food because santana said that she would have to wait till everyone finishes eating before she can pull the crackers. but she didnt realise that she was gonna get such a sore stomach by trying to eat her food so fast*

Santana: no wonder jazzy-bear, you were eating as if you were the flash! *laughs a little because she cant believe how much the 4 year old has eaten already*

Jasmine: i couldnt help it! i was so excited to pull the crackers *frowns because she thinks she wont be able to pull them since she still has food on her plate*

Santana: its ok sweetie! you can have a little break to pull a few crackers. *jasmine starts to get excited and do a little happy dance, earning a bunch of smiling faces from the people that heard the conversation between the 2*

Jasmine: REALLY? ...YOU MEAN IT? *smiles up at her grandma*

Santana: sure! just be careful of all the food and drink on the table. *smiles down at Jasmine*

Ashley: *was sat right infront of jasmine so she thought about being the one who cracks the first one with the 4 year old* here Jazzy, lets try it! *smiles as she holds out her cracker for Jasmine to hold onto from the opposit side of the table* 3... 2... 1... *pulls the cracker and looses to Jasmine*

Jasmine: yay! i did it! ...did you see that Grandma? *looks up at san with so much happiness*

Santana: well done sweetheart! what did you get? *smiles down at jasmine as she pulls out a paper crown and a joke*

Jasmine: what does it say? *hands santana the little piece of paper that had the joke written on it*

Santana: *takes the paper from jasmine* it says.... knock knock... *looks at jasmine, waiting for her to say the next part*

Jasmine:who's there... *knows how these kind of jokes work so she was quick to answer with lots of enthusiasm*

Santana: *smiles then looks back at the paper* ...lettuce!

Jasmine: *has no idea where this is going so she gives a look of confusion* lettuce, who?

Santana: *giggles at jasmine's facial expression* lettuce in, its cold out here! *smiles as jasmine takes a few seconds to understand the joke*

Ashley: *sees that jasmine still isnt laughing* do you not get it munchkin?

Jasmine: not really! *looks up at Ashley*

Ashley: *looks at san and they both smile at each other before she turns back to jasmine* well, the word lettuce is supposed to sound like "let us" ...so the joke is trying to be clever and confuse us but its really just saying "let us in, its cold outside". because in december it always gets really cold and snowy. *looks at jasmine listening to her so intently like she was putting the pieces together now*

Jasmine: oh yeah! *laughs a little which makes santana and Ashley laugh even though they are kinda over the joke after having to explain it in proper detail*

Santana: alright jazzy- bear, do you think you would be able to eat a bit more food for me now? *looks at Jasmine*

Jasmine: ok! *picks up her fork and eats whats left on her plate as the 2 woman eat their food as well and gets lost in conversation with the others at the table*

Anna: *just finished her food like most of the people at the table so she slouches back in her seat and hold her stomach* that was fantastic! ...look babe, its just like when i was prego with max *looks up at Grace and sees her laughing and playfully shaking her head because she knows that her wife is purposely sticking her stomach out*

Grace: *places her hands ontop of Anna's as they rest on her stomach still* sexy as ever my queen! *looks lovingly into anna's eyes as anna looks at grace the same way, getting lost in a world of their own. Of course everyone else looks at them in adoration for their love for each other*

Santana: *being the way she is, she cant help but be her old self and disrupt the moment between the happy couple* barf! *is obviously not disgusted in any way and everyone knows that so they all just look at san and laugh*

Grace: so, who's ready for some pudding? *looks round the table and sees the kids get excited and a few of the adults were nodding their heads too*

*after pudding and a few more hours of just chilling and talking, people started to get tired and were calling it a night so santana and mercedes could get ready for bed*

Jasmine: *was getting cranky because it was way past her bedtime* but, i dont wanna go... *cries as she tries to fight anna as she is putting Jasmine in her booster seat*

Anna: calm down sweetie! you can come back and see Grandma and auntie 'cedes another day! *tries to reason with the girl so she can get home and get her to bed*

Jasmine: NOOOO! *continues to kick her feet and fling her arms round as she tries to push anna away and stop her from doing the seatbelt*

Santana: *was stood by the car waiting to give Jasmine a hug goodbye, not realising that she would put up such a fight to leave* shhh... come on sweetheart! don't do that or you will hurt anna. *tries to get hold of Jasmine's hands so she stops trying to hit anna out of anger because she isnt getting her way*

Jasmine: *got herself into quite a state at this point so she was hyperventalating as she reaches out for santana* i wanna stay with you Grandma! please let me stay! *gives santana very sad eyes and a pout*

Santana: i promise you and Elliot will get to have another sleep over really soon. you just need to be a good girl and go with anna and grace just now so i can get everything sorted for you coming back again, ok? *smiles weakly as Jasmine continues to cling onto Santana's sleeves* ... can me and auntie 'cedes get some goodbye hugs and kisses? *looks at Jasmine as she tries to calm her breathing*

Jasmine: ok! *sounds so sad that Santana cant help but feel bad that she couldnt have the kids over for the night*

Satana: *hugs jasmine* i love you so much! *kisses Jasmine on the cheek as she pulls away from the hug and lets mercedes step closer to give hugs as well*

Mercedes: hey little one! *smiles weakly as Jasmine looks up at her like they will never see each other again* can i get a hug too?

Jasmine: *reaches out and is quick to cling onto Mercedes and let a few more tears fall because she feels like she didnt get much time to spend with Mercedes* will you still be here when we come back?

Mecedes: *kisses Jasmine on the forehead then looks at her* im not sure hun! *smiles weakly* if i dont see you when you get back then i promise to come and visit again soon and we can all have a slumber party with you and your brother. how does that sound? *smiles*

Jasmine: id like that! *smiles*

Mercedes: alright! ...be good for the girls and ill bring my bag of goodies when i see you, yeah? ...do you think youll be able to do as your told and not fight when they tell you to do something? *looks down at Jasmine*

Jasmine: i will! i promise! *smiles as she puts her pinky up in the air*

Mercedes: *giggles at how cute jasmine is. she wraps her pinky round the 4 years olds finger as they both smile at each other and everyone else watches with the same big smiles* alright... good night everyone! i love you all! *stands back next to santana as they blow kisses to the children and watch grace drive away as the kids wave out the window till they are out of sight*

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