family day out

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*15 minutes later!*

jessica: *was all dressed up in her favourite summer dress and was now sat at her full length mirror doing her make up, when she saw Tommy and jasmine walk into the room.* aww... look at you! *turns round to look at Jasmine's outfit* you are the prettiest little girl ever! *smiles as Jasmine smiles back*

jasmine: thank you mama! and you get to be twins today. *looks down and sees that jessica is also wearing a dress*

jessica: we sure are! *smiles as she kisses jasmine on the nose then turns back round to finish doing her make up*

Tommy: *bends down to be at Jasmines level* how about we do your hair like mama? that way you both can be super twining. *smiles because he already knows that Jasmine wont say no to looking more like her mama*

Jasmine: yes please dada! *smiles*

Tommy: alright! ask mama what she is going to do with her hair then we will do that to yours. *stands back up as Jasmine looks at her mama through the mirror and asks about her hair*

*once the girls got their hair done, the three of them were stood and the mirror in the bathroom. Jessica was dying to get a picture for her instagram because her mini me was just too adorable not to share with their family and friends*

jessica: hey jazzy- bear... come and get a pic with mama. *smiles as Jasmine is placed on the bathroom counter space that is right next to the sink* say cheese! *stands off to the side of Jasmine and holds her close as they both smile for the camera*

Jasmine: *turns round to Jessica* can i see it mama?

Jessica: of course you can! *puts her phone infront of Jasmine so she could see the picture they just took* ...tots adorbs! *turns to Tommy as he just stands in the doorframe of the bathroom looking at the girls* what do you think honey? *shows tommy the picture*

Tommy: absolutely beautiful! *smiles as he walks over and picks Jasmine up then goes over to put his arm around Jessica* my pretty little princess! *kisses jasmine on the cheek, making her gigles because of his beard.* ...and my sexy Queen! *smiles at Jessica as she laughs and blushes at Tommy's compliment. the couple look into each others eyes for a moment then they lean in for a kiss.*

*less than 5 seconds later*

Jasmine: come on guys, lets go already! *pulls on Tommy's top to pull him away from kissing jessica. the couple just look at jasmine and laugh as she looks at them with an inocent smile*

*the 3 of them head out and the first thing they do is stop of at the garage to fill up the car with fuel just so Tommy wont need to think about it for the rest of the day. while Tommy went in the little shop to pay, he decided to buy some red roses for Jessica then he got a little chocolate bar for Jasmine just so she didnt feel left out*

jessica: *was handed the roses as soon as Tommy sat in his seat* thank you so much honey, they're beautiful! *smiles and leans in to peck Tommy on the cheek*

Tommy: you're welcome! *smiles then turns round to give Jasmine her chocolate bar that he just opened for her* here you go babygirl! *laughs as jasmine does a happy dance and squeals with excitment before she stuffs her face and finishes the chocolate bar in record time.*

jasmine: thank you dada! *smiles at Tommy with chocolate all over her mouth and a little bit on her fingers as well*

Tommy: uh oh... i did not think this through very well. *laughs as jessica laughs too*

jessica: you never do honey! *laughs as Tommy looks fake offended. She knows that he knows she was only messing with him and doesnt doubt his skills as a father so they just move on like nothing happened*

Tommy: jazzy- bear, i need you to keep your hands in the air till i find you some baby wipes, ok? *looks and sees Jasmine put her hands up and away from her dress. Tommy gets out and goes to get the wipes out the pocket behind his seat then he sits next to Jasmine and gets her all cleaned up* alright! you are all clean, now its time for mama to pick our first destination. *sits back in the drivers seat and looks over at Jessica as she thinks of where she wants to go*

Jessica: *smiles at tommy* i think we should go into town and buy mama some new clothes and... some other things! *smiles as she sees the smirk on Tommy's face as if he knows what she means by "other things". she turns to Jasmine* what do you thing Jazzy, shall we spend some of dada's money today? *smiles as she sees Jasmine nod her head in agreement* alright then! *turns round in her seat as tommy starts to drive off towards the shops*

Tommy: to the shops we go! *smiles at jasmine through the rearview mirror then grabs hold of Jessica's hand and smiles at her before kissing the back of her hand and just resting their joint hands on the armrest type of thing between them*

jasmine: *was watching out the window of the car as it moved along the road* look mama... there's a rainbow *smiles as she is mesmerised by all the different colours*

Jessica: thats awesome! lets get a picture, shall we? *takes her phone out her little handbag and gets a picture of the rainbow and jasmine in the reflection of the wing mirrior, looking up at the sky with a smile in her face* honey, look... *turns her phone towards tommy and he looks at it for a second before focusing back on the road*

Tommy: thats sweet! *smiles at Jessica as she smiles at him before puting her phone back in her bag*

*another 20 minutes and they arrive in town and all hold hands as they walk between each shop that jessica wants to go too*

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