sleepover at Grandma's

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*2:30pm! Santana just pulled up outside Grace and anna's place and waved at jasmine as she was up at the living room window, waving back at san with a big smile on her face*

Santana: *goes into the house and gets attacked by jasmine* hello little monkey! you ready to have a sleepover *smiles down at jasmine and as she jumps on the spot because of how excited she is*

Elliot: *hears all the commotion in the hallway so he wheels himself out the livingroom to go and greet his grandmother* hey Gran! *smiles as Santana bend down to give him a hug*

Santana: hey trouble! how you doing? *stands up straight as she talks with Elliot and sees max stood just behind his wheelchair*

Elliot: im alright! just been hanging out with these 2 all morning! *laughs as jasmine was stuck at santana's side already*

Santana: *looks down at the 3 year old* are youhyper? *playful puts her hand on her hips*

Jasmine: no! *laughs as does the boys*

Santana: alright then! are you guys ready to go? *looks at the kids as they nod their head* say bye to Anna and Grace then we will get going! *nudges for Jasmine to let go of her to give anna and grace a hug then get their bags*

Grace: bye kids! be good and we will see you tomorrow. *stands at the front door with anna and waves the kids off as they get in the car*

Santana: see you girls back here at the same time tomorrow? *looks up at Anna and Grace from her drivers seat*

Anna: yeah! thats perfect, thank you Tana *smiles and waves as santana does the same then drives off*

Grace: so, what would you like to do next? *looks at anna after she closes the front door*

Anna: watch movies? *smiles up at Grace*

Grace: *follows anna up to their room* i would really like to take you out for a nice meal later, if you're up for it? *gets into bed and cuddles up to Anna*

Anna: id love that! *smiles at Grace*

grace: perfect! i'll get our reservations sorted after our movie then. *smiles as Anna smiles back*

*an hour an a half later! its now 4pm and Grace left the room to go make a phone call to Anna's favourite restaraunt*

anna: *had started another movie while harper was on the phone* are you really gonna be all secretive about where you are taking me? *smiles up at Grace as she comes back into the room and cuddles up to anna like she was for their first movie*

Grace: *laughs at Anna acting annoyed* all im gonna tell you is that we have reservations for 7pm. so we can just get ready once this movie is over. *smiles down at Anna*

Anna: *looks up at Grace* alright! and im guessing that i get to dress up and make myself look all pretty. *laughs*

Grace: baby... you could literally show up at the restaraunt tonight wearing a bin bag and you'd still be the prettiest woman there. *smiles*

Anna: yeah, sure! *laughs because she is still insecure about how she looks*

Grace: you are and thats final! *talks sternly to make sure anna doesnt try to argue back*

Anna: yes ma'am! *smiles because she isnt actually intimidated at all by Grace because she knows that it was said with all the love in the world*

Grace: *kisses Anna passionatly just because she can* i love you! *smiles and looks into Anna's eyes*

Anna: i love you so much! *smiles and gets lost in Grace's eyes*

Grace: *finally started to get into the movie and so there was no more talking for the rest of the movie*

*another hour and a bit later! its now 5: 30pm and the movie credits just started rolling*

Grace: alright! im gonna go for a quick shower to freshen up! *get of the bed and goes over the their towel drawer in the cupboard*

Anna: are you just gonna choose an outfit once you are out? *looks at Grace as she is stood by the bathroom door*

Grace: yeah! ill wait till ive seen your outfit then ill just do the same colours as you *smiles as Anna smiles back*

*5 minutes later! Anna was sat at her dressing table curling her hair, when Grace came out the bathroom and had her usual, over the top reaction to Anna's outfit. once Grace found a pantsuit to match Anna's purple dress, they headed to the restaraunt that Anna still has no idea about what one Grace has chosen for tonight*

Grace: *gets out and goes round to open the door for anna and takes her by the hand as they go to a table* so, what do you think? did i do good with my pick? *smiles proudly because Anna has been smiling since they came in and took their seat at the small table near the window*

anna: of course! you always do *smiles as Grace smiles back* thank you so much for doing this... and everything else you have done today to spoil me with so much love and care. *smiles*

Grace: you are very welcome! im so glad you have had such a good day. *smiles as she reaches out to hold onto Anna's hand. just then, a waiter comes to take their orders*

Anna: *got handed her glass of wine* thankyou! *looks at Grace once she had her glass of wine too* cheers! *smiles as her and Grace clink their glasses together*

Grace: cheers! *smiles as she echos anna's words. then takes a sip of her wine and closes her eyes to fully enjoy the taste* mhmm!

Anna: *giggles as she watched Grace taking her wine drinking so serious* do really have to do that every time?

Grace: *laughs at Anna* ay! ... you got a problem with that? *speaks sarcastically because she already knows what shes doing*

Anna: *covers her face to hide her blushing* please dont do this now! we havent even had our food yet. *cant help but smile because of Grace always managing to give her butterflies so easily*

Grace: *smirks* so what your saying is... i can do whatever i want when we get home later? *smirks because she is just in that kind of mood today*

Anna: sure! why not hun! *laughs then they both get lost in each others eyes just smiling*

Waiter: *clears his throat coz he can see that the girls are in a world of their own* excuse me ladies! are you both ready to order? *looks between the girls as they look at him and tell him what they want*

*after their food arrives they get back into conversation about random stuff that comes to mind and they just try to keep things lighthearted so Anna doesnt get upset about jessica again*

*fast forward to the next day! it was early morning and santana and the kids were still sound aleep. that was untill jasmine suddently let out a scream like nothing santana has ever heard from the little girl.*

Santana: *was bolted out of her sleep and quickly puts her dressing gown and slippers on so she could do through to the spare room that JAsmine was sleeping in* shhh... you're ok sweetheart... grandma's got you *sat on the bed just as jasmine launched herself on San and hugged her tight as she continues to sob and continue asking for her mum. this of course broke santana's heart seeing her 3 year old grandchild like this. but all she could do was hold her and talk sweetly to her to try and calm her down*

Jasmine: *10 minutes later! she had finally calmed down but was still kind of whimpering and hiding her face into santana* grandma....

Santana: yeah! *brushes her fingers through JAsmines hair to keep her calm*

Jasmine: why cant mama come home? *sounds so fragile and confused as to what has happened with her family*

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