bossing it at life

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*1 hour later! santana got out her bath and put some fresh pj's on before making her way back down the stairs to get her phone. once she picked it up she saw that she had a bunch of missed calls from mercedes, anna and Elliot. as soon she saw Elliots name her heart sunk. she knows that he would have seen her facebook post and would be panicking about how santana feels about all the drama that has happend with the hacker. So she doesnt even hesitate to call Elliot back and make sure he isnt worrying himself sick with it all*

*on the phone*

Elliot: Grandma... whats going on? *sounded so scared and confused*

Santana: *sighs because she hates hearing her loved ones get upset* dont worry Sweetie, im gonna figure it all out and make sure this idiot doesn't get away with messing with people like this.

Elliot: ok! *there was a moment of silence as the 2 of them were just lost in thought* ...why would someone do something like this? today is already hard enough for you.

Santana: *smiles weakly because she cant believe how caring her grandkids are when it comes to other peoples feeling* i know... thats just what some people are like in this world... they dont care about anyone but themselves. i dont know why they do it but we just need to focus on the people we care about and do whatever we can to stop them from feeling sad or dealing with people like this who try to mess with us when we are at our most vulnrable moments.

Elliot: yeah! your right!

Santana: *speaks under her breath but loud enough for Elliot to still hear her* as always! *laughs as does Elliot*

Elliot: *decided to lighten the mood by using santana's kind of humour* wait... i thought Grandma Britty was the Genius in the relationship? *laughs as he hears santana gasp dramatically*

Santana: how rude! *elliot laughs again at santana's poor acting skills*

Elliot: dont be sad Grandma... you know that you will always be the first person i come to when i need help with my homework. *tries to make san feel better so she isnt actually offended in any way*

Santana: thanks buddy! im sure Jasmine will need you as her homework buddy when she starts school. so you'll eventually have to replace your old grandma here.

Elliot: yeah! ill be sure to pass on your wisdom when i have my own kids one day too!

Santana: thats sweet! im sure you are gonna be a great father one day.

Elliot: thanks!

Santana: just try not to teach them too much sarcasm otherwise ill be getting my ass kicked by your Grandma and mum as soon as i meet them in the clouds. *laughs*

Elliot: no promises! *laughs*

Santana: ...thats my boy! *laughs*

Elliot: anyway... i better go because Jazzy wants me to cuddle her to sleep again.

Santana: alright! tell her im sending her a million air kisses good night.

Elliot: will do! night Grandma!

Santana: good night sweetie! *hangs up*

*santana then spent the next 2 hours talking to mercedes and Anna, just making sure they dont freak out about the whole facebook situation. she was telling them that she would figure it all out and make sure it didnt happen again*

*the next morning santana woke up and the first words that came out her mouth were "what the actual F*ck!" she was thinking about if the whole hacking thing was just a dream or did that actually happen to her. she took a few minutes to go through the emotions of yesterday then she brushed her self off and got on with her day, trying to forget about it*

*10:30am! she was just finishing eating her breakfast when she got a text message from Mercedes*

*santana's phone! message from "Diva M"

Diva M: hey girl! just wanted to check up on you and see how you were doing! i know how tough yesterday must have been for you... even before the whole hacker came and tried to mess with you. wish i could have been there for you in person. *sad face*

*mercedes phone! message from "Snixx"

Snixx: hey M! dont worry about it! whoever it was clearly doesnt know that they are messing with snixx here. it wont be long before they run for the hills! *laughing face*

*santana's phone! message from "Diva M"

Diva M: of course... how could i forget about the famous snixx that almost broke rachels head off a couple hundrend times during high school *laughing face and skull face*

*mercedes phone! message from "Snixx"

Santana: exactly! *laughing face* ...who knew that id ever miss that bitch...ever in my entire life *angel face and sad face*

*santana's phone! message from "Diva M"

Diva M: lol! shes gonna be watching from in the clouds, smiling like an idiot now *smiley face*

*mercedes phone! message from "Snixx"

Snixx: im sure she is! and Quinn will have a smug grin on her face. she used to beg me to be nice to rachel and not call her names like i did for most of highschool *laughing face and shades*

*santana's phone! message from "Diva M"

Diva M: that was pretty funny to be fair!*laughing face* ...i miss those weirdo's so goddamn much! why did they have to go and get in that car so late at night *eyeroll and sobbing face*

*mercedes phone! message from "Snixx"

Snixx: ive been asking myself that same question everyday since they did it! *sad face* ...feels like it was only yesterday that Quinn phoned me and was all excited about how their son told her and rachel that they were gonna be grandparents *smiley face*

*santana's phone! message from "Diva M"

Diva M: life really knows how to catch people offguard and mess everything up! ... but im sure the little one will grow up and hear so many good stories about their grandparents. so let's just focus on that positive, right?

*mercedes phone! message from "Snixx"

Snixx: it really does! *thinks about how brittany died from heart failure even though she was the healthiest person Santana knew* and you're right! we will just have to be on our best behavior and show Quinn and Rachel that we can be good rolemodels *winky face*

*santana's phone! message from "Diva M"

Diva M: exactly! we are gonna boss it at being unbiological Grandparents *shades*

*mercedes phone! message from "Snixx"

Snixx: *sent a gif of a girl wearing a fluffy scarf and had a glass of wine in one hand as she puts shades on with her other*

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