comfort and confessions

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*skip a few hours! The boys were watching tv and jasmine was in and out of sleep. it was now 10pm which means that its about time that the boys get into bed so they can be fully energised for school tomorrow*

Santana: *was helping grace do the dishes as anne went to assist the boys with getting ready for bed* so, ive been thinking...

Grace: uh oh... *laughs as she jokes with san to wind her up*

Santana: *laughs and playfully slaps grace on the arm* as i was saying ive been thinking... would you and anna would like me to take Jasmine for a sleep over at my place for the next few days? just because im keeping her off nursery for the next wee while so she can properly heal from what happend to her. i just dont wanna push her with it because she might end up with proper anxiety and panic attacks. we just need to slowly let her back out into the real world in her own time. so, what do you think? *looks up at Grace as she passes san another plate to dry*

Grace: yeah, i totally agree! and your her favourite person in the whole world so i cant imagine a better place to keep her safe than at your place. *smiles as san smiles back* i imagine that her bedtime routine will be a little all over the place for the first few weeks of recovery but if she ever gets to much for you then me and anna will be here to help think of a solution and we can just take it from there. *smiles at san*

Santana: thats would be great! thanks! *smiles at Grace*

Anna: *comes down the stairs and back to the kitchen to see the girls having a water fight like little children* wow! whats going on? i only left you 2 for 5 minutes. *laughs as the girls stand there trying to dry themselves off*

Grace: *looks at anna* she started it babe! *points at san defencively*

Santana: snich! *rolls her eyes then looks back at Anna* it was an accident! your girl just took it to the next level. *puts her hands up in defence*

Anna: ok! lets just forgive and forget! we are all too old for this shit... *playfully shakes her head and laughs about how much she sounded like she was their mother just now*

Grace: *hangs the tea towel up in its place then goes over and wraps anna up in a hug* sorry honey! please forgive me! *gives her puppy dog eyes with a cheeky smile like she knows anna can never stay mad at her*

Anna: *looks at Grace and cant help but smile* you are so lucky you're cute! *kisses Grace then they give each other an eskimo kiss and get lost in each others eyes*

Santana: *smiles at how cute the young couple are together. reminding her how brittany and her used to be just like them when it came to the small stuff like getting lost in their own little bubble, or complimenting each other and just confessing how much they love each other* EHEM... *was starting to get uncomfortable as the third wheel*

Grace: *snaps out of her dazed trance* yes san, can we help you? *acts annoyed that she was interrupted from her little bubble of love*

Santana: nothing! just stopping you before you start to undress each other with your eyes. *laughs with grace as Anna blushes and tries to hide her face in Grace's side*

Grace: just wait... one of these days you'll find yourself a Blondie and will be doing the exact same thing. and ill be there to wind you up as payback for all the times you've teased us. *points between herself and anna*

Santana: yeah, we'll see about that! *laughs a little then gets in her head again because she still isnt 100% sure about moving on from brittany*

Grace: *can see san start to overthink* dont worry san! you'll figure something out. just dont push yourself too hard *smiles as santana smiles back*

Santana: thanks G! it means alot that you girls have been so nice to me and helped me out when ive needed it most. *smiles as the girls smile back. then san studdenly starts to think back to when she lost brittany and how Elliot now knows about santana self harming, when she hadnt even said anything to anna or grace*

Anna: *saw san deep in thought about something so she walks up to her and gently places her hand on santana's shoulder* are you ok? you look like quite pale.

Santana: *thought about lying so she can drop the converstation but the other part of her wants to just come out with it and be able to move on from it* actually... i kinda have something ive been meaning to tell you girls, i know its not the best time concidering whats going on with jazzy. but ive just started to feel really guilty about not saying anything sooner. *smiles weakly as anna does too then grace comes back in the room after getting her phone from the table*

Grace: *looks up at san and sees the sick and worried look on her face* what was that, san? *didnt hear exactly what santana was talking about because she got quieter all of a sudden*

Santana: just a little confession i should of spoken about with you girls a long time ago! its only now started to eat away at me and make me feel guilty because Elliot actually found out about it unintentinally when we were away at disneyland in the summer *smiles weakly as anna and grace smiles weakly too*

Grace: alright! well, lets go get a seat and ill get you a glass of water so you dont barf all over our expensive couch *laughs as she jokes like san would in a situation like this*

Santana: thanks G! *smiles at grace then she goes into the living room with anna while Grace goes to the kitchen then joins the girls*

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