its all fun and games

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Santana: *walks over and picks Jasmine up off the floor and holds her as they turn back around to face Elliot* alrighty... what would my little monkey's like for breakfast *smiles as she looks between her 2 grandchildren*

Jasmine: *thinks for a moment as all eyes were on her* cheerios... *smiles at Santana*

Santana: alright Sweetie, you can have some cherrios! *smiles at Jasmine as San tries not to let her inappropriate humour get the best of her and ruin Jasmines inoccence* what about you? *looks at elliot as she gets 2 bowls out the cupboard and 2 spoons out the drawer. then going over to the other side of the kitchen to get the milk from the fridge and the cheerios. all while carrying Jasmine on her hip*

elliot: ill have some cheerios as well please! *smiles as San smiles back then turns round to start preparing the kids breakfast*

Santana: *takes a bowl of cheerios and goes over to sit Jasmine down at the dinning table* there you go! be careful not to spill anything, ok! *smiles at Jasmine then goes back into the kitchen to give Elliot a hand over to his seat at the table then getting his bowl for him.* ...would either of you like a drink of anything? *stands next to Jasmine as both kids look up at Santana*

Elliot: could i have some blackcurrent please *smiles*

Santana: sure! *smiles at elliot*

Jasmine: fresh orange please! *smiles*

Santana: alright! ill be back in a minute! *smiles at the kids then goes to make them juice*

*just as Santana placed the drinks on the table and was about to go back into the kitchen to make herself something to eat, she saw Max making his way down the stairs*

Santana: hello sleepyhead! *smiles*

Max: hi Tana! *smiles*

Santana: would you like some breakfast? *looks at max as he gets to the bottom of the staircase*

Max: yes please! *yawns and rubs the sleep from his eyes*

Santana: come on then! *takes max' bowl to the table for him even though he is a grown boy and could have done it himself*

Jasmine: *hears Santana talking with max so she turns her head as soon as they walk into the dinning room* hiya max! *smiles at max*

Max: hey Jazzy! *smiles at Jasmine*

Santana: would you like a drink? *looks at Max as he sits down*

Max: *turns his head to look up at Santana* yes please!

Santana: k! Keep an eye on these monkeys for me *looks at Max*

Max: of course *smiles then turns back round to talk with Jasmine and Elliot while Santana gets him drink he asked for*

*after breakfast! the jasmine went straight into the livingroom to sit up next to Santana, who was sat on the couch reading her book while the kids had been having breakfast*

santana: are you finished eating? *looks at jasmine as she nods her head * great! so... are you kids ready to get dressed and go out for a play at the park? *smiles as she sees jasmine get excited and start to jump up and down with excitement* wow... i didnt realise that i would have a jumping beans to look after today! *laughs as jasmine kept on jumping around* come on and we will go get The boys. *stands up and takes jasmines hand in hers as she walk with her to the dinning room where Elliot was patiently waiting*

Elliot: what are we gonna do today Grandma? *smiles up at San as jasmine starts jumping around with the same amount of excitement as before* i guess you could tell me instead then! *laughs at jasmine as does Santana*

Jasmine: El... grandma said we can go to the park to play. *smiles up at Elliot*

Elliot: *smiles at his little sister* thats awesome!

Santana: *looks at max* are you alright to help Elliot up to your room while I get this little jumping bean ready *tickles jasmines stomach which makes her giggle*

Max: yeah! Of course! *helps Elliot get up onto his feet then max wraps his arm round Elliot's torso and helps him walk over to the chair lift while Santana carries jasmines and follows the kids up the stairs*

*at the park! Santana had helped unbuckle jasmine then went round to the passenger seat of the car to help elliot into his wheelchair*

Santana: slow down kids! i dont want you hurting yourselves. *shouts over to Jasmine and Max as they run up the path to get to the park. As much as she was worried about jasmine falling, she was just happy too hear here laughing and getting on so well with max like he is her big brother*

Elliot: yeah... i dont think they heard you! *laughs as he looks over to see that max and Jasmine didnt stop running till they reached the gate and max was winding Jasmine up by standing in the entry way of the park so that jasmine couldn't get through. That of course lead to jasmine dramatically stomping her feet while max just laughs at her because she is so small and cute*

Santana: *stands up after getting elliot situated in his chair* damn pesky kids! *tries to come across as the old, kid hating santana she once was. but elliot knows better so he just laughs with her. as they finish laughing, Santana feels her phone vibrating in her pocket so she takes it out and sees that its anna calling* you go on ahead and keep an eye on your little sister and ill be there in a minute. *looks at Elliot and sees him nod his head before wheeling himself along the path*

*on the phone with anna*

Santana: *answers the call before it runs out* hey! hows it going?

Anna: hi! i was just wanting to call and check up on Max to make sure he isnt causing any trouble *laughs*

Santana: dont worry! He is taking good care of jasmine and is only winding her up a little bit *laughs as she looks over and sees Jasmine and Max now taking turns on the slide and getting along like nothing happened*

Anna: of course he is! ...damn pesky kids! *laughs a little

Santana: that's what I said! *laughs*

Anna: *pauses for a moment* ...are you sure your ok, though? *her tone suddenly got very serious so that worries and confused San*

Santana: of course! why wouldnt i be?

Anna: nevermind! ...sorry, forget i said anything. *doesnt wanna Bring Santana down if she wasnt already thinking about how it is Brittany's birthday today*

Santana: *decided to just let it go for now* ok! well i better go and keep and eye on the kids then ill be by to drop them off in an hour, if thats alright with you ladies.

anna: yeah, sure! me and Grace will just be in the house so you are more than welcome to stay for lunch if you'd like.

Santana: that would be really nice, thank you!

Anna: alright! see you later

Santana: see ya!

*santana hangs up then walks through the gate of the park and goes over to the bench closest to where the kids are playing*

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