team up to win

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Jessica: *walked out Elliots room with a basket of his dirty laundry, when she saw Elliot and Jasmine were back inside* hey kids! what you guys up to now? *smiles at them both*

Jasmine: *smiles up at her mum* me and El are gonna play dress up and have a tea party with all my teddies *talks with such excitement that Jessica and Elliot cant help but smile also*

jessica: thats exciting! have fun and ill be down stairs if you need me *smiles at the kids one last time then carries on with housework as Elliot wheels into Jasmine's room helping her get everything set up then puts her princess dress on her as well as the sparkily tiara that goes with it*

Jasmine: *her little table is set and she is now back in her dress up box to get one last thing* here you go! *hands Elliot his prince crown, which he happily puts on before they get their tea party started*

*a few hours later! Elliot and Jasmine have been playing together in her room all evening and are still dressed as a prince and princess when Carlos arrives at 6:15pm*

Carlos: *was greeted at the door by tommy* hey Mr S! *smiles*

Tommy: hey kido! Elliot is up the stairs playing with his sister so you can just go on up and see him. we will be leaving about 6:30pm for bowling so ill give you all a shout then. *smiles at Carlos as he steps in the house to take his shoes off*

Carlos: alright! thanks Mr S! see you in a bit *smiles then disappears up the stairs and just follows the voice of his best friends to figure out which room hes in* whats up your royal highness! *playfully bows like he is greeting a royal person*

Elliot: hey! whats up my dude? *smiles as him and carlos greet each other with their usual handshake*

Carlos: happy birthday bro! how does it feel to be an old man now? *laughs because the 2 of them always joke with each other like that*

Elliot: *playfully punshes Carlos in the arm and makes him laugh* says the guy that is a few months older than me! *laughs*

Carlos: *playfully rolls his eyes* whatever!

Elliot: *turns back to Jasmine who was just sat next to him watching the boys talk with each other* hey Jazzy- bear, do you have anymore cups for Carlos to join us? *smiles because she knows how much jasmine would love to have more guests to her tea party*

Jasmine: yeah! *smiles at elliot then goes to the corner of her room to get a plastic mug from her toy kitchen* here you go carlos! *hands him the mug and holds it out for her to pour some pretend tea in it*

Carlos: thank you very much princess! *happily plays along with the tea party because he knows how much it means to Elliot for carlos not to offend Jasmine by telling her he is to grown up for stuff like this*

*20 minutes later!*

Tommy: *was stood at the bottom of the stairs* KIDS... TIME TO GO! *sees Carlos holding Jasmine's hand as they make there way down the stairs while Elliot gets in his lift*

Jasmine: hey dada! *reaches out to Tommy*

Tommy: *takes Jasmine from Carlos* hi babygirl! did you have fun with your brother and carlos? *smiles down at Jasmine as she nods her head then rests her head on his shoulder* looks like someone is getting tired! did you forget to have your nap this afternoon? *looks at Jasmine*

Jasmine: i did dada! *yawns* me and elliot were playing so i forgot.

Tommy: thats ok! you can have a little nap in the car on the way to the bowling place, how does that sound? *rubs Jasmine's back in a comforting way*

jasmine: yeah!... i need my blanky and teddy! *looks at Tommy with worries eyes like they would leave before getting her stuff*

Tommy: dont worry! im sure if we ask mama really nicely then maybe she will go up and get it for you *smiles as Jasmine smiles back*

Jessica: *walked into the hall just as Tommy said her name* what am i getting from upstairs? *looks at Tommy then to Jasmine*

Jasmine: i forgot to nap so i need my blankie and teddy for in the car mama *looks at Jessica*

Jessica: ok! ill go get that then we can head out! *smiles at Jasmine then to Tommy and the boys who all smile back and get their jacket's and shoes on*

*once everyone is in the car and buckled up, Jasmine had a nap and the boys just had a laugh with each other. then the couple in the front stayed quiet, sharing glances every so often with one another like they always do*

Tommy: *parks the car infront of the bowling place then turns round to see 2 excited teenage boys who were already bolting out the car and over to the entrance before anything was said* alrighty then! *laughs as does Jessica*

Jessica: ill get Jazzy and you and the boys can go in and start getting set up with shoes and stuff. *smiles then pecks tommy before they both get out the car and do what they need to do*

Jasmine: *starts to wake up and stretches* hi mama! *is always so smiley whenever she wakes up so Jessica cant help but smile back at her*

jessica: hey babygirl! you ready to play bowling? *unbuckled Jasmine from her carseat*

Jasmine: im so excited *smiles up at her mum as she reaches out to wrap her little body round her mums torso and shoulders*

jessica: *locks the car up then walks into the entrance* i think... that you and i should team up and try to beat the boys, what do you think? *has a mischeivous look that makes Jasmine giggle*

jasmine: yeah! *smiles back at Jessica*

Jessica: *sees that the boys are already at a lane and are waiting for her and jasmine* we have to keep this a seceret otherwise the boys will be able to cheat and win. *puts her pointer finger up to her mouth as she smiles at Jasmine and sees her nod her head and copy her by placing her pointer finger up to her mouth just as they reach the boys*

Tommy: *saw the girls being all secretive* what are you girls up to? *smiles as Jasmine giggles and smiles at her mum*

Jessica: *acts like nothing is happening* nothing! what are you talking about? *gives Tommy as seirious look them turns to Jasmine and they both laugh*

Tommy: ok then! *smiles at jessica and jasmine then they all focus and start the game. they all agreed that they would all come up with silly made up names, requested by jasmine. jessica let jasmine go in her team because she wouldnt be able to actually bowl since she is to small, but jasmine wasnt bothered at all because she remembered how Jessica said they would definitely be able to beat the boys if they worked together, so jasmine was so excited for that*

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