making her proud i'm sure

6 0 0

Valerie: *sits down and hugs Santana* hello mija! its so good to see you! how have you been? *smiles*

Santana: hey mami! there is something i need to tell you guys... *looks between Meredith and Valerie* and its the hardest thing ive ever had to say so please be patient with me as much as you can, ok? *smiles weakly as she sees Meredith and Valerie nodding their heads but already wanting to ask her questions* ...well jessica and Tommy were able to get a year off from work and decided to go travelling around the world. and because it was a big dream of mine and Brittany's, they invited us to go with them. so we did and our first stop was paris, france.

Meredith: thats great San, im sure Brittany was nipping your ear off to get as many pictures taken as possible. *laughs because she knows that Brittany loves to take pictures of important moments so they can look back on them*

Santana: she sure did! *laughs because she rememebers how Brittany was like an excited little kid when they went to the water fountain and santana agreed to take their pick together by it*

Meredith: speaking of which, were is my crazy daughter? *smiles as San tries her best to smile because she knows whats coming next*

Santana: *takes her hand away from her mum and turns her body to have all her attention on Meredith* Meredith... Brittany... *takes a deep breath* sh-shes gone! *cries as Meredith just sits there absolutely stuned and isnt quite sure what to say because she doent want to believe what santana has just told her*

Meredith: but how?... when did this happen?... why did it happen?... where were you *could no longer keep the tears in and just broke down as Santana help her hands and Valerie cuddles into santana and rested her head on San's back*

Santana: *didnt have the strength to explain everything so she looked up at Harper and had her explain what happened and how the funeral guys came and brought her body back to hawaii so Santana and Meredith could talk about where the best place would be for Brittany to be burried*

*30 minutes go by and eveyone is just in a big group hug on the couch while Tommy, harper and Annie sat on the empty couch to give the girls some room to be close to Valerie and Meredith. they were all greiving just as much but somehow the girls all managed to find the strength to be their for each other*

Meredith: *had managed to calm her breathing down a little bit from all the crying she had done in the last half hour* now what? *looks at Valerie then Santana*

Santana: *takes a deep breath after crying for the millionth time since everything happened* i really dont know! *looks down and fidgits with her hands because she doenst wanna make eye contact with anyone incase she breaks again*

Valerie: dont worry mija! you dont need to figure everything out all at once. you and jessica just need to focus on greiving properly then im sure that Annie and harper will be more than happy to help you when you are ready to sort the house and put brittany's things into storage or wherever you would likethem to be kept, ok? *has a hold of santana's had as she looks up at her and tries to get her to look up*

Santana: ok! i can do that! *looks at her mum and give her a weak smile*

jessica: Granny V! (the name she calls Valerie) would you and Meredith like to stay for dinner tonight then we can call and have the care home guys come and pick you up later on? *smiles at her gran as Valerie smiles back*

Valerie: that would be lovely Darling! *smiles as Jessica smiles back* how does that sound Meredith? *looks at Meredith*

Meredith: id really like that! *smiles at Jessica and Valerie then the 3 of them look at Santana*

Santana: no objections here! *laughs with everyone because even though santana is really hurting from the lost of her wife, she has still managed to keep up her same humourus attitude that shes always had* what about you guys? *looks up at Tommy annie and Harper*

annie: are you sure? we dont wanna over crowd you guys if you wanna just focus of having some family time for now *looks at San*

Santana: dont be ridiculous! you guys became part of this family years ago! it wouldnt be a proper family dinner without you 3 *smiles as Tommy and his mums smile back at her*

annie: thank you San! thats so sweet of you. we would love to join! *smiles as he sees Tommy and harper smiling and nodding in agreement*

Jessica: awesome! *smiles as she looks around the room and her family that she is so grateful each and every day to have had when she needed it most*

Tommy: *sees Jessica cuddled up with her mum and grandparents and feels aweful that he cant do much to make them feel better because he knowd how Brittany was literally the glue of their family so he feels kind or resposible to be the one to step up and become that person for them. even though he can never replace Brittany, he could do her proud by being there for them the way she was* would anyone like a drink of anything? *looks over at the girls as they look up at him*

Valerie: ill have a glass of iced water please! *smiles at Tommy*

Meredith: ill have the same as well please! *smiles at Tommy*

Tommy: ok! what about you san? *looks at Santana as she cuddles jessica and mindlessly brushes her fingers through her hair*

Santana: im fine thank you! *smiles at Tommy then goes back to staring off in the distance*

Tommy: ok! *looks down at Jessica as she plays with her mum's wedding ring*

Jessica: could i have a hot chocolate please? *looks up at tommy with sad eyes because she unintentionally asked for the one drink that she would always have when she was having a girls/movie night with her mums and would always help Brittany make them*

Tommy: of course! ill go get that for you now! *knows about the hot chocolate thnig in relation to Brittany so he tried not to draw to much attention to Jessica asking for it for the first time in months*

Harper: *sees Tommy turn to walk through to the kitchen and decided to joke with his because she knows it will make everyone laugh* excuse me Mister... are you not gonna ask your mama's what we would like you to make for us? *Laughs as everyone else smiles at looks up at tommy, waiting to see what he says to that*

Tommy: *sees all eyes on him and realises what his mum is doing. so he jokes back with just as much sass to make everyone laugh* let me think!... *does his best thinking face* um no thank you ma'am! *laughs and runs into the kitchen as if his mum was about to get up and chase him. everyone in the living room was left laughing and playfully shaking their heads because of how crazy tommy is*

meredith: *was reminded of Brittany because of what Tommy just did so that brought a smile to her face that he was gonna be here for the girls the way she would have wanted to be* that crazy boy fits right in with us nutters *laughs as Santana looks at her and smiles as if they knew they were both reminded of Brittany in that moment*

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