shes the one

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*at the cafe*

*Santana goes in and gets seated at a 2 person table by the window*

waiter: *goes up to san* excuse me ma'am, would you like me to take your order now? *smiles politely*

Santana: *glances out the window and still doesnt see madilyn yet so she turns back to the waiter* no thank you, im actually still waiting on someone to join me. *smiles politely as the waiter walks away and tends to the other guests right now*

*less than 5 minutes later! madilyn shows up wearing a dark blue vest top and some black jeans. which doesnt help santana's enotions because it just remindes her even more about how blue was totally brittany's colour*

Madilyn: *walks over to san smiling* hey! sorry im late! *they greet each other with a hug then sit opposit each other*

Santana: no worries! i havent been here long! *smiles then the 2 woman get into conversation and talk and laugh like they have known each other for years*

Waiter: *sees that santana is no longer alone. so he goes back to their table* good evening ladies! what could i get you? *smiles politely*

Madilyn: *sees santana looking at her like she is letting her order first* could i please have a coffee with 3 sugars and a splash of milk please! *smiles politely to the guy as he writes down her order then looks at san*

Santana: could i please have that as well please! *smiles politely as the guy writes down her order. then she looks at madilyn for a second* would you like a little cake of some kind?

Madilyn: sure! pick *smiles as San smiles back*

Santana: *looks at the menu then back up to the waiter* could we have 2 slices of caramel shortbread please! *smiles politely as the guys writes in his book*

Waiter: ill bring those out to you in 5! *smiles then takes the menu's from the girls before walking away and leaving them to chat some more*

*with a bit more talking and laughing, the woman were getting less nervous but there was just something in san that made her feel like she shouldnt be here and shouldnt be talking to someone, giving them the impression that they will be more than friends one day.*

Madilyn: *obviously notices santana's hesitance and that she was trying to stay guarded. madilyn was obviously gonna be patient with her and find out why she was the way she is about having that kind of relationship with someone* san, is everything ok? *reaches out and tries to hold santana's hand to comfort her*

Santana: *swallows the lump in her thoat before she tries to talk about brittany* sorry its just that im not used to being in this kind of situation where i speak to pretty woman like you, who are being way beyond nice to me *laughs nervously*

Madilyn: well im flattered that you think im pretty! *smiles and blushes a little* you dont have to tell me if you dont want to, but... what happened? i see you have a ring on your wedding finger so i was just curious, thats all! *smiles sympathetically as she continues to rub lightly over santana's knuckles on her left hand as both woman look down at the ring on santana's finger*

Santana: *tries to fight back the tears as she keeps her gase anywhere but at madilyn* umm, i was married! and she was my first...everything! *smiles slightly* we had known each other since primary school and we were the bestest friends way before either of us had the courage to ask each other out. as you can imagine with someone as close as what i was to her, we had our whole lives planned out and not a day went by when we werent in each others sight and mind when it came to making big decisions in life. *takes a deep breath*

Madilyn: *was also tearing us because she could just feel how strong the bond was that santana shared with brittany* im so sorry to hear that! she sounds like an absolute sweetheart! *smiles sweetly at san*

Santana: *smiles back* she really was! ...she was the one person that understood me like no other and she would drop everything if it meant doing what was best for me. even if she was just to sit and hold me in the dead silence. she was there and now im trying to move on and find that conection with someone. but i cant find it in me to move on from her because it will be like im forgetting all about her... i dont want to do that!*goes back to looking down at her lap and playing with the sleeve of her blouse*

madilyn: i know its hard to move on from something like that but im sure brittany will be happy that you are happy. even if it means spending time with someone else and having a relationship with another woman. *smiles hoping that she is getting through too san*

Santana: yeah! thats exactly how she would justify it all to me *laughs at how much this woman is reminding san of brittany* but she also knows that my stubborn ass will take forever to except when i find someone that can physically be there for me the way brittany would have wanted to be. *smiles weakly at madilyn*

Madilyn: well, you dont have to make a decision straight away and get deep into the world of dating. but i just want to let you know that ill be here for you . whatever you need! even if you are up at stupid o'clock in the morning overthinking whatever. ill be there! just call or send me a text and we can chat and have a laugh about whatever comes to mind first. *smiles as santana looks into her eyes as if she is trying to figure out if what madilyn said was 100% genuine*

Santana: you really mean that? *tears up a little because she was just so overwheled by the whole situation*

madilyn: i promise! *puts her pinky up to have santana join her pinky*

Santana: thank you so much! you have no idea how much it means to me to hear you say that and do the whole cliche pinky promise thing *laughs at herself for still feeling more secure by doing a pinky promise like she did as a kid*

Madilyn: no problem at all! *smiles as san smiles back and they get lost in each othes eyes for a bit*

Waiter: *saw the 2 woman lost in a daze so he gently clears his throat to get their attention* is that all for you ladies this evening? *smiles politedly*

Madilyn: it is, thank you! could we have the bill please? *smiles up at the guy as she continues to hold onto santana's hand just because she doesnt feel like letting go just yet*

Santana: sorry for getting all emotional on you and ruining out little meet up! i promise ill have myself pulled together next time *laughs at herself for crying in a public place*

Madilyn: dont be silly! im glad you were able to talk to me about all that stuff. now i will be able to help you alot better when you need it *smiles* ...also thank you so much for paying for this today. ill definitely pay you back on our next one. *smiles*

Santana: my pleasure! *smiles*

*santana gives the waiter the money then she goes round to madilyn's side of the table and offers her a hand up. as soon as they are out the cafe they say there goodbyes then head there seperate ways till next time*

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