the introduction

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*after school! Elliot spoke with grace and Anna and asked if Melissa could come over and finally meet everyone properly of course they had no objections*

*its now 5:30pm and Elliot saw Melissa and her mum pull up outside the house*

Elliot: SHE"S HERE! *shouts through the house on his way to open the door for melissa*

Melissa: *gets help into her wheelchair then looks up and smiles as soon as she sees Elliot* hey babe! *wheels over to Elliot as her mum closes the car door then follows her*

elliot: *smiles just as much as melissa* hey!

heather (melissa's mum): *smiles down at the 2 teenagers as they get lost in a world of their own* you must be the famous Elliot ive been hearing so much about. *smiles as she puts her hand out* im heather!

Elliot: hi! its nice to meet you! *smiles politely but was internally freaking out about saying something stupid*

Heather: you too! *smiles down at Elliot them to melissa* kids have fun and ill be back to pick you up in a couple of hours, ok! *leans over and kisses melissa on the head*

Melissa: *was embarassed that her mum did that infront of her boyfriend so of course she groans and wipes her face* bye mum! *rolls here eyes which makes her mum and Elliot laugh because of how dramamtic she was being*

Heather: *ignored her daughters attitude towards her because she knows that she'll get over it soon enough and heather will continue to show her all the motherly love she always has done, ever since Melissa was a baby* bye kids! *gets in the car and waves at the 2 teens one last time before driving off*

Melissa: *totally didnt want her mum to baby her infront of elliot but then again she knows that its just what mothers do when their baby growns up and reaches another big milestone in their lives* well that wasnt embarassing at all! *laughs and playfully shakes her head*

Elliot: know what you mean! *laughs as he thinks about how san does the exact same thing to him and Jasmine* thats why im glad my grandma isnt here right now because she does the same thing to me and my little sis. *just on que, jasmine comes running out to Elliot and Melissa* speaking of the little monkey *smiles at Melissa then down at jasmine as she climb up onto his lap*

Jasmine: *smiles at Elliot and Melissa* hey guys!

Elliot: hey jazzy! where is anna and Grace? *looks down at Jasmine*

Jasmine: they are in the kitchen! *looks up at Elliot*

Elliot: alright! lets go see them! *smiles at jasmine just before she runs off into the house. leaving the young couple alone again* shall we... *smiles at melissa and gestures for her to go up the ramp first*

Melissa: thank you kind sir! *smiles at Elliot being chivalrous then wheels herself up the ramp and into the house. since this is her first time in the house, she stops in her tracks since she isnt sure where she is going*

Elliot: *sees the hesitation so he goes infront of her and leads the way* right this way! *smiles at melissa then they wheel through the kitchen and into the dinning room to see the girls all sat at the table talking with each other*

Grace: *sees Elliot and melissa come in* hey you 2! *smiles as she gets up and goes to introduce herself to Melissa* hi, im Grace! *shakes melissa's hand then puts her arm around anna's waist once she appears next to her* and this is my wife anna! *smiles and gestures to anna as she shakes melissa's hand aswell*

melissa: nice you meet you both! thank you for having me in your lovely home! *smiles at the couple*

Grace: the pleasure is ours! *smiles politely* its so nice to finally meet the girl that Elliots has been getting wound up about from his grandma, since summer began. *everyone laughs at that because Elliot already warned Melissa about how crazy his grandma is*

Anna: so... me and grace have been talking and we think that it would be nice to go out for a picnic and play in the sun for a bit. how does that sound? *looks at the teens*

Melissa: id love too! *smiles at the girls*

Elliot: yeah! that sounds good! *smiles at the girls*

Anna: awesome! *turns round and looks at jasmine* hey jazzy, wanna help me make some food for our picnic? *smiles as jasmine gets excited and nods her head* come on then! lets go get our hands washed! *takes jasmine by the hand then they disappear into the hall*

Elliot: *looks up at Grace* me and Melissa will just go and chill in the living room while they get the picnic stuff sorted.

Grace: alright! would either of you like help getting onto the couch, or are you's just gonna stay in your chairs? *looks at the teens*

Elliot: um, would you be able to help us onto the couch please? *looks at Grace*

Grace: of course i can! *smiles at Elliot* what about you sweetie? *looks at Melissa*

Melissa: if its not to much trouble! *is worried that she is asking for too much from them, since they arent actually her paid babysitter or anything*

Grace: dont be silly! we want you to feel as comfortable as you can whenever you come to visit. *smiles as melissa smiles back*

Melissa: thank you! *follows Elliot into the livingroom with Grace following close behind*

Grace: *had places each teen at opposite sides of the couch then pushes their wheelchairs to either end of the couch, closest to them* no funny business! *playfully points her finger between the two and tries to act stern. but they all end up laughing in the end because the 2 teens werent even close to that part of their relationship yet.*

*once the 2 teens were settled on the couch watching some tv, Grace went back through to help with the picnic and give the young couple some quiet time. for the first few minutes of the program, neither of them said a word. but then melissa caught Elliot staring at her so she couldnt help but smile and blush like crazy*

Melissa: what? *giggles* is there something one my face? *suddenly worries that their was toothpaste at the corner of her mouth since she done her teeth right before she left her house*

Elliot: no no! its not that! *smiles and continues to admire Melissa in her sunflower dress and her matching love heart necklace and bracelet*

Melissa: what is it then? *gets all shy because she has never had a boy look at her and treat her as good as Elliot does*

Elliot: you just look really cute today! *has a dopey grin on his face as he continues to look at melissa like she is the most amazing thing on earth*

Melissa: thanks babe! *cant stop smiling and feeling butterfies in her stomach* you're not too bad yourself! *looks at elliots outfit which was a simple orange t-shirt and black jeans with one of his many chain necklaces and his black watch that he wears all the time*

Elliot: *plafully places his hand on his heart and gasps dramatically* ill have you know that it took me 20 minutes to get my hair looking this good for you! *was obviously lying because everyone knows that he never has to do anything with his hair coz it just falls into place naturally*

Melissa: *nods her head pretending she believes his lies* right! because when you wake up in the morning your hair is always spinked up like a rockstar. *laughs as does Elliot.*

Jasmine: *runs into the living room like a little jumping bean* hey come on guys, its time for the picnic! *was jumping so much that she bumped into melissa, making her wince in pain because of her sore joints* im sorry! i didnt mean to hurt you! *frowns and looks at melissa with such guilt*

Melissa: its ok! i know it was just an accident. *cant get mad at the little girl for not knowing how sensative melissa's condition has made her. so she just smiles in hopes that jasmine wont be sad anymore*

Jasmine: *looks up at melissa* are we friends again?

Melissa: of course we are! *smiles at jasmine as she smiles back. then Melissa looks up at elliot and sees the worry in his eyes, knowing he will be dying to check if she really was ok or not. melissa just smiles at him to reassure him that everything is ok* hey jazzy... *sees the girl look up at her* can you go and ask if Grace can help me and Elliot get back into our chairs please *smiles*

Jasmine: ok! *smiles then runs off to get grace*

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