having fun with auntie 'cedes

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Jasmine: *looks at the trousers that san is holding and she tries to sus out if they will be easy to get on or not* you can do it! *looks up at san feeling disapointed that she couldnt manage it herself*

Santana: *sees that jasmine is upset that she cant be a big girl. but san doesnt draw attention to it right now because she knows that it might cause some tears* alright! *smiles at Jasmine then puts the trousers on her granddaughter* there you go! now its time to re-do this beautiful hair of yours. *smiles as jasmine smiles too* how would you like it today? *waits for jasmine to pick a style*

Jasmine: *looks up at mercedes and sees that she has her hair in 2 braides* can auntie 'cedes do it like her hair? *points to mercedes' hair then looks back at her grandma*

Santana: of course! you just need to ask her nicely because she might not want to *smiles at mercedes and jasmine*

Jasmine: *stands up on the bed and places her little hands on mercedes' shoulders and looks into her eyes with the most precious pleading face ever* can you auntie 'cedes... pleeeeeease!

Mercedes: *laughs at herself for not being able to resist jasmines cuteness* sure i can! you just have to sit really still so i can brush your beautiful curls and tame the beast on your head! *laughs as does santana*

Jasmine: what do you mean? *just looks at mercedes with confusion because jasmine doesnt remember having any monsters in her hair*

Santana: dont worry! she doesnt mean a real beast. its just that its harder to brush someone's hair when they have as much of it as you do *looks at jasmine*

Jasmine: oh, ok! *giggles then sits on santana's dressing table chair so mercedes can do her hair*

*5 minutes later the girls are ready and out the door, on their way to the river close by that santana used to go to with brittany and jessica*

Jasmine: *started to see the river, so she runs ahead and sits down at the side of the water* look grandma, auntie 'cedes... there's fishies in here! *gets all excited because she is a big animal lover, just like her mama and grandma britty were*

Santana: *walks over and sits down by jasmine as mercedes sits on the other side of the 4 year old* thats awesome! *smiles at jasmine then goes back to watching the fish with her granddaughter*

*10 minutes go by and jasmine was now in the water with mercedes. they were both trying to convince san to dip her feet in but she wasnt having any of it because she feels the cold so easily and doesnt wanna get sick*

Jasmine: *was pulling on santana's arm trying to get her to stand up* come on grandma, its not that bad. i promise! *smiles innocently*

Santana: ok, ok! i will dip my feet in a little bit but as long as neither of you splash me or pull me right in *looks at both girls infront of her with a stern and serious look to make sure they get the message*

Mercedes: *playfully rolls her eyes at san for being a tad on the dramatic side when its not that big of a deal* yeah, yeah! we get it! now get you're ass in here and try to enjoy yourself *smiles as she reaches out to give santana a hand up onto her feet*

Santana: *playfully shakes her head and laughs at how much her friend talks back to her without fear of triggering snixx* ok, im in! are you's happy now? *looks at mercedes and jasmine and sees them smile at her and nod their heads*

*less than 5 minutes after standing in the water and looking at the fish together, santana falls on her ass and makes a big splash that has the other 2 just as soaked as her*

Mercedes: *being the the bestest friend she is, she is pissing herself laughing as santana looks at her with evil eyes* quick jazzy, lets run! *has a mischievous look in her eyes as she takes jasmines hand and they both get out the river and make a run for it, leaving a very angry santana*

Santana: *gets herself out the water and starts to walk after the girls, speaking to the clouds (aka Brittany in heaven)*  you're lucky i love you so much britt, otherwise id be kicking some ass right about now. *laughs at herself for not being violent with anyone just because brittany was totally against it*

Jasmine: *had finally stopped running and looks back at her grandma, feeling bad for laughing at her then running away without helping her. so without another word, she lets go of mercedes' hand and runs back to santana, giving her a hug! *because of her height, she was only able to hugs santana's legs. but santana is quick to pick her up and give her a proper hug, with the biggest smile on her face* im sorry Grandma! i didnt mean to make you sad! *frowns and has sad eyes and she hugs san*

Santana: it's ok! you didnt do anything wrong! i was just being old and clumsy! *laughs as jasmine giggles a little. then santana continues to carry jasmine as she catches up with mercedes and makes their way back to the house to get all dried and into some cozy pj's for their movie night*

*back at the house*

Santana: alright sweetheart , would you like to have a soak in the bath to warm up and have a play for a bit? *looks at jasmine as they are walking up the stairs*

Jasmine: bath please! *smiles up at san* can you and auntie 'cedes play with me while im in the bath? *looks up at san as jasmine is placed on the lid of the toilet*

Santana: sure we can! lets start your bath then we can go and ask her! *smiles as jasmine smiles back then santana goes over to the bath and puts the plug in and puts both taps on so it can be the right temprature* ...alright! lets go find auntie 'cedes! *takes jasmine bye the hand and goes through to santana's room, knocking on the door just incase mercedes was getting out of her wet clothes and into her pj's*

Mercedes: *shouts from the other side of the door* just a sec! *finshes what shes doing them opens the door a few seconds later*

Jasmine: *looks up at mercedes* auntie 'cedes, can you come and play with me and Grandma while im in the bath?

Mercedes: *smiles down and the 4 year old* of course i can! *smiles then walks out the room, following jasmine to the bathroom* what we gonna play with this time? *sees jasmine already looking through her basket of bath toys*

Jasmine: *fills her arms with many, many toys, she can barely see over the top of the pile* all of these! *drops them in the bath water and the 2 women giggle at jasmine for not being able to pick a small amount of toys so that she still has room to sit in the bath*

Santana: alright you crazy monkey, lets get you undressed and test the water to make sure its ok *crouches down to jasmines height and helps her undress*

Mrcedes: *goes over to the bath and tests the temprature* thats the bath ready munchkin! you ready to go for a swim? *looks down at jasmine as she gets out her last item of clothing then goes over to the bath to check it herself*

Jasmine: im ready! *smiles up at mercedes then gets lifted into the bath*

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