at the airport

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*after dinner they decides to play one last game then get settled into bed to watch a movie so the little one can get some sleep for the rest of the adventures they were going on while they were in Florida.*

*its now the day were they were going back home! the 6 of them had just been through the airport security and were now sat at their gate*

*Santana was stressed out because elliot's rib pain hasnt been getting any better so santana was feeling bad that she didnt know what was going on with him or how to help make him feel better and less snappy with everyone. oh yeah, he and jessica are no longer on speaking terms now because she says that he scares her. but because she is so little she doesnt realise that its nothing personal to her so san, Anna and grace have been trying everything they possibly can to get jasmine to forgive Elliot and not ignore him. they know he is already beating himself up enough about it. ontop of everything else hes dealing with so its not good for any of them*

Anna: *was sat on the floor by the window where jasmine was trying to hide away from everyone* come on sweetie! why dont you wanna talk to Elliot? *looks down at jasmine as she contines to look out the window and keep her back towards everyone* ...uh oh, is Mr tickle arms gonna have to come and visit to make sure you start talking?! *smiles because she sees jasmine move away from her a little but she still doesnt look away from the window because she is to stubborn to give in that easily* ... ok then, i guess ill go find him! *aka santana, because she is geat at getting jasmine to talk to her about how shes feeling*

Santana: *was told that she was needed so she went straight over to sit next to jasmine* you better be helping me get back up from this floor after this sweetheart because your grandma's bones are getting to crippled to be doing stuff like this. *laughs at herself because she would always tell everyone that when she gets old, she would still be as fit and healthy as the teenage her. jasmine giggles a little at her grandma but still doesnt show her any attention and just continues to look out at the planes taking off* ....come on sweetheart! i dont like this silent treatment you are giving everyone! where's out bright and jumpy little girl that we have always known?! *frowns as she sees jasmine looking so out of it*

Jasmine: *rememebers that her bright and jumpy spirit is what got her in trouble with elliot in the first place so she gets upset at that* nobody likes her anymore!

Santana: *her heart breaks at her granddaughters words because she can see that jasmine is just too young to understand whats really going on so she missunderstood what was said about her hyer and loud side* no no no, thats not true at all! *was about to continue but was cut of and taken back by jasmines outburst*

Jasmine: *stands up and faces santana with the angriest look anyone has ever seen on jasmine* IT IS TRUE! EL HATES ME BECAUSE I WAS SO EXITED ABOUT ALL THE FUN STUFF WE DID THIS WEEK! HE HATES ME SO NOW IM NOT SPEAKING TO HIM! *sits back down and hugs her knees as she bursts into tears and hides her face in her lap*

Santana: *was so in shock at jasmine's outburst that she just sits there with her jaw dropped. it took her a minute but as soon as she snapped out of it, she looked round at the chairs close by and saw everyone looking down at her with such judgment for how jasmine just acted in public* mind your own damn business. otherwise snixx will come over and kick you where the sun dont shine! *looks at them with her best snixx facial expression then she looks at anna and grace with such sad eyes because they were obviously just as shocked at jasmines outburst*

Elliot: *was already feeling bad enough about letting his own issues get in the way of the relationship with his little sister. so without a second thought he wheels himself over to san* dont worry Grandma, ive got this! *smiles at san*

Santana: *looks up at Elliot* you sure?

Elliot: im sure! *smiles as san smiles back*

Santana: ok! ... girls, i need a little help here! *looks up at grace and anna as they all laugh at santana for putting herself in a situation that she knew her crippled body wouldnt cope with. once they lifted her back to her feet, all 3 woman took a seat and got lost in conversation*

Elliot: *looks down and sees jasmine still curled up in a little ball* jazzy... *waited for jasmine to look at him but he got nothing but silence* come on jazzy-bear, i dont like you not talking to me.

Jasmine: *takes her head out her lap but still doesnt look at elliot* i thought you didnt like me though! *speaks with such bitternesss that totally isnt her at all so elliot is really mad at himself for making her be this way when he knew she was too young to know about why he had a outburst*

Elliot: i could never hate you jazzy! i was just frustrated at other stuff and i didnt think before i lost it and just made everyone nearby suffer the consiquences. im so sorry for making you sad! i never meant to do that... you got to believe me! *frowns as he looks down at jasmine*

Jasmine: *hesitantly looks at elliot and still has sad eyes because she hates feeling sad like this. but she also doesnt know what to do with herself because she had to go and shout at everyone and make them sad as well so of course she feels bad about that and is worried that they are now gonna give her the silent treatment as punishment* im sorry too! i didnt mean to shout at everyone! *looks over at santana as she continues to talk with grace and anna*

Elliot: come on, lets go give grandma a hug and tell her you're ok! *puts his hands out so jasmine can have a ride on his wheelchair since that always cheers her up*

Santana: *heard jasmine giggling so she looks over to see jasmine holding on tight so she doesnt fall off of Elliots lap as they make there way over to everyone* hey sweetheart! are you feeling better now? *smiles at jasmine as she smiles back and nods her head*

Elliot: *looks at santana* jazzy has something she would like to say to you grandma! *smiles as santana smiles back*

Santana: *looks down at jasmine* ok! *smiles at jasmine as she plays with the ends of her dress instead of looking up at santana*

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