No shame in love

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Santana: so, who's up for taking a trip to the Eiffel Tower, later on tonight? *smiles as she looks round at everyone*

Jessica: me! *smiles*

Tommy: sure! *smiles*

Annie: I'm up for it! *smiles*

Harper: sounds like a great start to our trip! *smiles*

Brittany: yeah! I've waited long enough to come here so I'm not gonna say no to that! *Smiles*

Santana: awesome! We can just go for sunset so we can get some nice pics together *smiles as everyone nods and agrees to Santana's idea*

*skip a couple of hours! Everyone decided that they would like to go out for some food. So they all got dressed up and headed into the little town close by*

Brittany: *looks around amazed at how nice all the little cafe's look, like they were from a fairytale or something. Not to mention the big water fountain in the centre of everything. it was definitely the main attraction for all the touristy couples they saw sitting round the edge of it taking pictures with their other halves*

Santana: *saw Brittany's eyes light up at the water fountain like she was desperate to be one of the cheesy tv couple who can't leave this place without getting their picture taken in front of the pouring Water. But because they were "mature" adults now, san knows that Britt feels a little weird about still getting excited about the little things, like she did back in the day* wanna go over there babe? *smiles as Brittany snaps out of her thoughts and smiles at Santana like a little kid getting told they are getting to buy their favourite toy ever*

Brittany: can we? *tries not to pay attention to the people passing and looking at her weird because she is getting excited like a little kid*

Santana: of course! Let's go! *takes Britt's hand and walks over to the fountain to sit on the edge of it and snuggle into Brittany as Jessica takes their picture for them*

Jessica: say cheese! *holds up her Polaroid camera and snaps a picture of her mums being all smiley and cuddly with one another*

Santana: *gets up then gives Brittany a hand up so they can go over to Jessica* lets see it! *smiles as Jessica removes the picture from her Polaroid camera then hands it to san*

Brittany: * looks over Santana's shoulder and sees the picture* yay! We get to score that off our travel bucket list now *smiles as san looks up at her and smiles too*

Jessica: *smiles at her mum's interacting* you look great as always mum and mama! *smiles as her mums smile back* ... but can we go get some food now because I'm super hungry? *laughs because she is such a food person and always has been so no one is surprised that she was so quick to change the subject*

Santana: alright munchkin! We can go... but you're paying *laughs because she loves to joke around and show Jessica what it will be like to have kids one day*

Jessica: finally...wait, what? *looks at san and hopes that she is just joking*

Santana: you heard me! *smiles mischievously as Jessica groans and walks off in a huff but calms down once Tommy takes her by the hand and walks ahead with her to pick the restaurant they want to go to*

Brittany: *takes Santana by the hand and follows the younger couple, with Harper and Annie close behind* you're so evil... I love it! *smiles as san goes on her tiptoes to kiss Britt's cheek*

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