excitement on christmas eve

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*the rest of the summer went by smoothly and Santana didnt get anymore grief from the misterious hacker. its now getting closer to christmmas so the weather is dropping dramatically and santana is doing the best she can at trying to avoid leaving the house. she knows that if she does them she will be at risk of breaking a hip or something serious like that. of course she is so self contious because the last thing she would want to happen is end up in hospital when it is so close to christmas.*

*Inncoming call from Anna*

Santana: hello stranger! how are you? are the monkeys behaving themselves?

Anna: hey! im doing well! and the kids are being absolute angels as always.

Santana: thats good to hear! i bet they are loving that the snow has started to fall. that will be their reminder of whats to come.

Anna: they sure are! thats actually what i was told to talk to you about... they were wondering if you would like to come with us for a couple of hours to do some sledging somewhere?

Santana: oh... well i was thinking of staying away from that stuff so i dont end up breaking something. especially since im the host of this years christmas get together with the fam...

Jasmine: PLEASE COME WITH US GRANDMA! IT WILL BE SO FUN! *was sat right next to anna and heard the whole conversation because she was putting her ear as close to the phone as possible*

Santana: *was surprised to hear from Jasmine but also kinda expected her to be close by if she was the one to request that Santana joins in* oh hello little monkey! i didnt realise that you were evesdropping on this phone call *laughs as Jasmine smiles cheekily*

Anna: *laughs because she sees the look of mischief on the 4 year olds face* if only you could see the cheeky grin on your granddaughters face right now! *smiles as Jasmine giggles*

Santana: hmm... i guess she will just have to get a visit from the tickle moster the next time she sees me! *laughs because she knows how tickily jasmine is*

Anna: *laughs because JAsmine suddenly runs out the room shouting for elliot to come and rescue her* well done san, thats her running for the hills now *laughs as does santana*

Santana: works everytime! *smiles proudly like its the biggest acheivement to be scaring kids. of course thats just the younger santana in her that approves of that type of thing*

Anna: be careful... your inner tween is showing *laughs*

Santana: sorry not sorry! *smirks*

Anna: *laughs and playfully shakes her head* well, i better get going to check that Jasmine isnt hiding somewhere *laughs a little*

Santana: alright! let me know if she ever forgives me. *laughs a little because she knows that the 4 year old never holds a grudge*

Anna: will do! *laughs because she was just going along with the joke as well because they know thats the way their family does things*

Santana: see you soon!

Anna: take care!

Santana: you too! bye!

Anna: bye!

*for the next couple of weeks Santana kept on getting phone calls from the girls because jasmine kept on trying to beg santana to go out in the snow with her and Elliot. Jasmine didnt quite understand why Santana was so anxious about going in the snow because Jasmine always finds it so fun. but grace and annie managed to help santana out by disracting jasmine, coming up with compromises for her to do something with them and the boys since they were already under the same roof*

*time skip*

*a very long wait it has been for little Jasmine but she is so happy because its now the night before christmas day and she is on facetime with Santana so she can sing the little girl to sleep*

*on the facetime call*

Santana: *saw that Jasmine was all tucked into bed with her teddy trapped in a big hug* alright sweetheart ... time to close your eyes so you can be well rested for opening all your gifts from santa tomorrow *smiles as Jasmine smiles back then starts to suck her thumb and fight to keep her eyes open any longer*

Jasmine: ok Grandma... can you sing to me please?

Santana: of course i can! *smiles as she sees Jasmine start to close her eyes. thats when Santana sings "silent night" because she was totally in the spirit for christmas now and she knows that Jasmine will be happy about the song choice too because its always been a favourite of hers*

*after Santana finished the song she heard little snores coming from Jasmine. so that made her smile because Jasmine just looked so peaceful and from anyone on the outside looking in, you'd never know that the 4 year old has been through so much with loosing both her parents at the same time in the most horrible way. santana was so overwhelmed with her train of thought that she couldn't help but let a few tears fall*

Santana: *sees Grace come into the room and get the phone from the stand it was on so Jasmine didnt need to hold it* hey... *wipes the tears from her eyes in hopes that Grace wont ask questions*

Grace: hey! looks like the little monkey was so excited about tomorrow that she didnt put up a fight this time *smiles as san smiles back*

Santana: yeah! she was telling me that ill be getting attacked by her hugs when you guys come over for the celebractions with the family tomorrow *laughs a little because she expected nothing less after all of Jasmines begging she has done the past month, about spending time with her Grandma*

Grace: well i better let you get some rest and prepare yourself for the monkey that will be stuck to you like glue. *laughs a little*

Santana: yeah... ill see you all bright and early for opening the kids first lot of presents before everyone else shows up to spoil them *smiles*

Grace: *smiles* see you then!

Santana: bye! *hangs up then puts her phone onto charge before she turns round and falls asleep as soon as her head hits the pillow*

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