the perfect pair

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*they just arrived home and Elliot wasnt really in the mood to watch a movie so he was hoping that melissa wouldnt mind hanging out in his room so he can finally tell her his big piece of news that hes been meaning to tell her since she got here*

Elliot: *wheeled into the living room and saw that grace and anna were already getting the couches set up for their movie with the kids* hey guys! is it alright if me and Melissa miss out on the movie today, because i kinda just wanna have some quiet time to talk with her about stuff. *smiles at anna and Grace, hoping they wont have any objections to his request*

Anna: of course you can! we will come up and check on you and bring you snacks in a little bit! *smiles at elliot and melissa as they smile back*

Elliot: sounds good! thanks guys! *smiles then turns to melissa* ....ladies first! *puts his hand out gesturing to his stair lift that is in view as soon as they leave the living room*

Melissa: *wheels over to the lift* this is fancy! *admires how cool it is that Elliot has his very own lift in his home*

Elliot: yeah, i guess! *he lives with it 24/7 so he has kind of gotten over the cool factor of it*

Melissa: if i didnt already live in a ground floor flat, then id totally ask my mum for one of these! *smiles at Elliot*

Elliot: im sure you can just have it if you ever end up with a proper house one day. you wont need to worry about the stairs because you'll know to ask for this bad boy. *nods his head over to his lift as he and melissa smile at each other*

Melissa: true! *smiles at Elliot then Looks back to the buttons on the lift* do you work this thing anyway?

Elliot: *looks at the buttons and points them out to melissa as he tells her about what each one does* got it? *looks at melissa*

Melissa: *was a little worries that she was gonna press the wrong buttom by accident* i think so! *smiles nervously at Elliot*

Elliot: dont worry! you'll be fine! *smiles at Melissa to reassure her* roll on in and ill press the first few buttons to get you started. then all you got to do is press this one when you get to the top so the bars open up again. then ill be up soon after *looks at melissa and watches as she rolls into the lift. he presses the button to close the gates and the other button to make it go up*

Melissa: *quite possibly the longest 30 seconds of her life* its the green one to open it, right?

Ellliot: *looks up and sees the back of melissa's head* yeah, thats the one! *watches as she wheels out the lift and turns round so she can looks over the banister at Elliot* now can you press the down arrow for me, please? *smiles as melissa nods her head and goes to press the button so the lift can go back down for elliot to get up* thank you! *smiles as Melissa smiles back! then he wheels into the lift and meets her at the top of the stairs, showing her to his room.*

Melissa: *watches as Elliot pulled himself out his chair and used all the arm strength he had, to get himself sat in the edge of the bed. then he reaches out and takes melissa by the hand so she can get onto the bed too. melissa has a little bit of strength in her legs, it just isnt enough for her to walk distance without falling over. the 2 teens were now sat comfortably on Elliots bed with their backs against the wall and their legs stretched out infront of them* thanks babe! *smiles at elliot them they sit in silence for a minute as melissa sees Elliot thinking about something* you know we dont have to talk about your situation if you arent ready for it. *reassures Elliot that he can have more time to think things through before he shares it with her*

Elliot: thank you babe! but i really do wanna tell you whats going on because i feel like im hiding so much of myself away from you. and you really dont deserve that. *smiles*

Melissa: ok! just take your time and i'll listen. *smiles*

Elliot: *takes a deep breath* ...well, you know how i have spinda bifida and hydrocephalus! *melissa nods her head* which means that when i was a baby i had to get surgery to remove the lump on my back and that ended up damaging my nerves. Well i lost the use of my bowel and bladder! as you can see i also never got to learn how to walk like most people do because my legs were just too weak from all the damage. *melissa didnt interupt him at all and just sat their nodding her head to let Elliot know that she was listening to what he said* .... which means... *he takes another deep breath because this is the hard part he has been dreading most. lucky for him, melissa saw the hesitation so she reaches over and took his hand in hers and started rubbing her thumb across it to hopefully make him less tense* i still have to wear pull-ups because i cant tell when i need to go to the bathroom till my stomach starts cramping up. So i still have accidents sometimes when i dont get to the toilet on time. *melissa goes back to nodding her head and taking it all in* i just wanted you to know my situation a little more in detail because i was worried that if you were to use the upstairs bathroom then you would have seen my toiletries and been weirded out. *looks down at his lap at their joint hands*

Melissa: babe?... *Elliot looks up at her* thank you for telling me all this! im so proud of you for having the strength to share something like that with me *smiles as Elliot smiles back weakly* i just wanna let you know that it doesnt change how i feel about you and i wont up and run if things ever get too hard for you. for whatever reason, ill be there for you when you need someone to talk to or someone to cheer you up. i promise! *smiles and stares lovingly into Elliots eyes*

elliot: *starts to tear up from how overwhelming the situation has been. when he was scared to loose melissa over his situation and now after hearing her be so loving and understanding of everything he goes through* you have no idea how glad i am to hear you say that! *smiles as he wipes his tear away and looks at melissa*

Melissa: of course! i know people will find it crazy that we are dating at this age but i dont care because i like you and you like me. so thats all that matters! we will get through whatever hurdles come our way and we will prove everyone wrong, with what they have said about us. *smiles as Elliot smiles back* we got this! *cups elliots cheek and leans in to kiss him

Elliot: you are amazing! you know that?! * looks into Melissa's eyes*

Melissa: im alright, i guess! *giggles at herself*

Elliot: *giggles at melissa not managing to accept a complement*, what do you wanna do now? we are stranded on this bed now anyway! *they both laugh at Elliot for being able to joke about certain things with his condition*

Melissa: true! *smiles as she thinks of what they could do* how about we take some selfies for our socials? then we can just watch youtube or something. *looks at Elliot*

Elliot: yeah, sure! *smiles as melissa smiles back. then she takes her phone out her pocket and starts to take pctures with Elliot*

Melissa: *took a bunch of different pics of the 2 of them making different facial expressions then some normal smiley face ones and ones where Elliot is kissing melissa on the cheek, vise versa* not to toot our own horn but we are kinda cute! *smiles as Elliot smiles back*

Elliot: i agree! no wonder carlos is so jealous of me! *laughs because he knows that carlos just makes jokes like that for a laugh but in reality he is actually really happy for Elliot to have found Melissa*

Melissa: totally! *laughs as she remembers Carlos' comments towards the young couple, at school the past week*

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