possible living arrangements

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*earlier in the week, annie and harper had come to visit elliot and jasmine in the hospital and they told Santana that she was more than welcome to bring the kids back to their place once they came out the hospital. so that they could all have a chat and talk about everything they need to for the sake of the kids and their lifes from this moment onward*

Santana: *its the next day after Elliot woke up. santana was taking the kids down to her car so they could go home* alright sweetie, do you think you can be a big girl and go without a carseat until we get home? *looks at Jasmine who was in San's arms as they stood in the carpark of the hospital*

Jasmine: ok... i be big girl G'andma! *smiles at San*

Santana: excellent! *smiles then opens the back door of the car and sets Jasmine behind the passenger seat, strapping her in* there you go! *kisses Jasmine on the head then closes the door so she can help elliot into the passenger seat* you ready sweetie? *looks down at Elliot*

Elliot: *sighs* ready as ill ever be! *smiles weakly at Santana*

Santana: alright! ...you got the breaks on? *looks down at his wheelchair then back at him to see him nod his head* great! *leans down and wraps her arms round the back of elliot as he puts his arm round her shoulders and pushes himself onto his feet* gently does it... *walks him a few feet to the car and help him turn round towards her so he can sit down on the seat and turn himself round and into the seat properly* all set? *looks at Elliot as he puts his seatbelt on then look up and smile at her* ...alright sweetie, you're gonna have to remind me how to fold this thing up. its been a while *laughs*

Elliot: *giggles at San for looking so confused* you just need to take my cushion off then pull the fabric up towards you and it should start to fold in on itself. *watches as Santana manages to fold his chair up with ease*

Santana: NAILED IT! *speaks with such excitment* kids, your Grandmother's a freaking genious! *smiles as she sees the kids smiling back at her*

*it was about 40 minute drive from the hospital to Annie and Harpers house. in that time, both the kids had fallen asleep. so santana was just driving along the road, in a world of her own as she listens the the cars around her*

Santana: *parks the car and gets out to go round and wake elliot up* Elliot... sweetie... we're here! *speaks softly as elliot starts ot wake up*

Elliot: *was rubbing the sleep out his eyes as he adjusts his eyes to the brightness of the day* where are we Grandma? *look at san*

Santana: we have come to visit your nana annie and harper *smiles at Elliot* just give me a second and ill get your chair set up for you.

Elliot: ok *sees Santana walk round to the boot of the car to get his wheelchair out. once she put the cushin in place, San helped Elliot get out the car and into his chair* thanks!

Santana: *smiles at Elliot* you're welcome sweetie! ill just get your sister and we can go round the back so you can go up the ramp at their back door. *smiles then she get Jasmine out and carries her into the house. placing her on the couch because she is still fast asleep*

Elliot: *was in the kitchen with both his nana's* hey nana annie... hey nana harper *smiles up at them as they take turns giving him a big hug*

annie: hey kiddo! would you like anything to eat or drink?

elliot: yes please! do you have any orange juice? *smiles*

Annie: of course! *goes and makes Elliot a glass of orange juice*

*for the next couple of hours, elliot and his grandmothers all sat at the dinning table and had a chat. trying to stay away from the topic of the incident for now. but of course some things would slip out that would remind them all about what they are currently dealing with because they were needing to talk and organise where the kids would be living*

Santana: *hears whimpers coming from the living room so she got up and went through to get jasmine. bringing her through to see her nana's in hopes that it will cheer her up a little*

Jasmine: *gets carries through to the kitchen and sees her nana's sat at the table* NANA"S I MISSES YOU! *reaches out to Annie*

Annie: *reaches out and takes Jasmine onto her lap* hey darling! we missed you too *kisses Jasmine on the cheek then hugged her*

harper: excuse me... where's my hugs, misses? *looks at Jasmine*

Jasmine: dont be sad nana! im right here! *reaches out and lets harper pick her up* see... you get huggies too! *smiles as she hold harper in a tight embrase*

Harper: thank you daring, i feel so much better now! *smiles as Jasmine smiles back* ...would you like a drink of orange juice like your brother *points to elliots half drunken glass*

Jasmine: yes please! *smiles then gets carried round the kitchen as Harper makes her a drink*

Elliot: so... who are me and jasmine going to be living with now? *looks up at his Grandmothers as they all look at each other*

Santana: well... you know how your mama's best friend is your god mother? *elliot nods his head* me and your nana's were thinking that you kids would be best to live with Anna, Grace and Max! *smiles at Elliot and jasmine, hoping they will agree to the arrangement*

Elliot: yeah! i guess thats alright! *smiles weakly because he really just wishes that his parents were still around so they could continue being one big happy family*

Jasmine: G'andma... are we gonna be living with Mama's best friend now? *looks up at Santana with sad eyes*

Santana: yes sweetie! me and your nana's will come and visit you kids as much as we can *smiles at Jasmine*

Jasmine: ok! *smiles*

Santana: alright! well ill go and give grace a call and see if shes ok for us to go over right now! *smiles at Elliot and Jasmine as they smile back*

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