Not old enough yet

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*once they get back home they all sit out on the decking and enjoy the sunset as they snuggle up to their other halves. Santana found herself looking around at everyone being so calm and content, just enjoying being with one another and somehow that made her tear up a little. because she feels so blessed to have these guys in her life and has no idea what she would have done if they weren't by her side when she lost Quinn when she got into an accident with Rachel about 5 years ago now. Everyone came to visit Santana on a weakly basis and even when they couldn't go and see her in person they would send her flowers and a card or a little gift to show that they were thinking of her and they are around if she ever needed someone to talk to*

Brittany: *saw san out the corner of her eye, wiping her eyes. so of course that concerned Brittany and made her turn her attention away from everything that wasn't san* baby, what's wrong? *looks at san sadly*

Santana: just thinking! *smiles at Britt to reassure her that it's nothing to worry about*

Brittany: what about? *looks at san curiosity*

Santana: life! How blessed I have been to have you and these guys in my life when I needed you most. *smiles as Brittany smiles back*

Brittany: you're so cute! ...such a softie. *laughs because Santana still doesn't want to admit to that because she wants to keep the badass reputation that she had back in high school*

Santana: *playfully slaps Britt and gives her the evils* take that back! *Britt smiles and shakes her head* take it back! *points her finger and speaks more sternly to try and scare Britt to make her surrender and say she didn't mean what she said*

Brittany: *isn't scared because she knows Santana too well. So she just chooses to joke and winde san up more* or what? *gets so close to Santana's face that she won't be able to say anything because She will be too distracted getting lost in Brittany's ocean eyes*

Santana: *lets out a deep breath she didn't realise she was holding in* you and your ocean eyes are going to be the death of me, I swear! *laughs as does Brittany*

Brittany: sorry not sorry! *has a dopey smile on her face*

Santana: *laughs* I love you so much *smiles as she looks into Britt's eyes*

Brittany: right back at ya, sweet cheeks! *smiles and gets lost in Santana's eyes, totally forgetting about the world around them*

Jessica: *yawns and starts to get cold so she turns to look up at to,my and talk quietly to his so she doesn't disturb their parents* I think I'm gonna go to bed now! You wanna come with or are you gonna stay out here a little bit longer?

Tommy: I'll come join you because I don't really feel like being a third wheel... of 5th wheel to be exact! * looks at his parents and Santana and Brittany as they are all cuddled up with their partners.*

Jessica: *laughs as she turns to see Santana and Brittany being hands with each other as always and Harper and Annie are just cuddles up, resting their heads on each other* yeah! I didn't think you would. Lets go! *gets up and reaches out to hold onto Tommy's hand*

Tommy: * looks at his parents and Jessica's as they look at the young couple* me and Jessica are gonna head in for the night, we will see you all for breakfast in the morning... well, almost all of you! * looks at Brittany and Santana as everyone else looks at them with the same look*

Brittany: *laughs as she has all eyes on her* yeah, yeah, we get it! I am well aware that I'm just as obsessed with san as I was back in high school when we first started dating *smiles proudly*

Santana: yeah! You lot can stop judging us now because me and Britt know that you guys are exactly the same with your lovers so give it a rest with the jokes. * stares them all down to try and scare them off*

Tommy: yes ma'am! By Satan! *became part of the family a long time ago so he is now brave enough to joke around the way Brittany and all the girls high school friends still do now that they are all grown up*

Santana: *doesn't say anything and just takes the cushion from behind her and launches it towards tommy. Everyone laughs as Tommy catches the pillow and gets dragged away by Jessica so they can take cover*

Brittany: never thought that kid would ever grow a pair and be able to come out of his shell like that *laughs as does his mum's*

Annie: yeah! I still can't get used to it even though it's been years since we say the shy boy he once was before he met Jessica *smiles at Harper then over at the girls*

Santana: where has the time gone! I remember when Jessica wasn't even half my size. Now she is a head taller than me... and that's without heels on. *shakes her head in disbelief*

Harper: only a matter of time before we all have grandkids to welcome into the family *smiles because she is really looking forward to having grandchildren*

Brittany: yeah! Lets not get ahead of ourselves there! Jessica is still my little baby and I don't think I'm ready for her to grow up that much yet.

Santana: I know this is weird coming from me because I used to struggle with any kind of children. but Jessica is a big girl now and I'm sure that her and Tommy are already preparing for that part of their lives as we speak *laughs a little even though she also still sees Jessica as the kid that she once was when they all lived under the same roof*

Harper: and on that note! ...I think it's time that we all get to bed too! *laughs as she stands up and takes Annie by the hand and they walk into the cottage after saying goodnight to the girls*

Brittany: I can't believe you said that! *laughs and playfully shakes her head*

Santana: you love me for my crazy, twisted humour! *smiles and looks at Brittany*

Brittany: no comment! *holds in a laugh as she sees Santana react exactly like Britt expected her too* I'm kidding... I love you so much it hurts! *smiles and looks into Santana's eyes and san does the same with Brittany*

Santana: *yawns and laughs are herself for ruining a nice moment* I think we should go to bed before we fall asleep out here.

Brittany: yeah! Lets go *Stands up and puts her hand out to help Santana onto her feet* come on! *Santana doesn't say anything and just lifts both her hands up as an indication that she wants Britt to carry her* no... we are not doing this... you are too old to be carried like that anymore *laughs as Santana still acting like her old self*

Santana: *dramatically gasps* EXCUSE ME! IM NOT OLD! *knows that Brittany was just meaning that they are older than they were when she used to carry san with ease. now their bones are getting weaker with age and san just doesn't want to except it*

Brittany: right... so those grey hairs on your head are just wisdom highlights and aren't there for any other reason?! *laughs as does san*

Santana: exactly! You aren't the only genius in this relationship hun! *smiles as does Brittany*

Brittany: whatever! *playfully roles her eyes* come on you! *goes and picks san up bridal style and carefully carries her up to their bedroom*

Santana: I knew i was too irresistible for you. *smiles cheekily as Brittany gets changed into her pj's then Brittany throw san some pj's in her face without another word other than them laughing for still acting like school girls*

*as they get into bed and cuddle one another they are still smiling like idiots*

Brittany: I love you!

Santana: I love you more! *closes her eyes with a smile on her face*

Brittany: *smiles as she falls more and more I love with her girl* I love you most! *closes her eyes and falls asleep with a smile on her face also*

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